{ "id": "150184", "key": "AC-288", "fields": { "issuetype": { "id": "1", "description": "A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.", "name": "Bug", "subtask": false }, "project": { "id": "12217", "key": "AC", "name": "Appcelerator - INBOX", "projectCategory": { "id": "10000", "description": "", "name": "Customer Service" } }, "resolution": { "id": "1", "description": "A fix for this issue is checked into the tree and tested.", "name": "Fixed" }, "resolutiondate": "2015-08-20T17:48:44.000+0000", "created": "2015-08-05T18:05:20.000+0000", "labels": [ "Windows" ], "versions": [], "issuelinks": [ { "id": "48616", "type": { "id": "10003", "name": "Relates", "inward": "relates to", "outward": "relates to" }, "inwardIssue": { "id": "149184", "key": "TIMOB-19084", "fields": { "summary": "Windows: _ undefined in Alloy apps", "status": { "description": "The issue is considered finished, the resolution is correct. Issues which are closed can be reopened.", "name": "Closed", "id": "6", "statusCategory": { "id": 3, "key": "done", "colorName": "green", "name": "Done" } }, "priority": { "name": "High", "id": "2" }, "issuetype": { "id": "1", "description": "A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.", "name": "Bug", "subtask": false } } } }, { "id": "48615", "type": { "id": "10003", "name": "Relates", "inward": "relates to", "outward": "relates to" }, "inwardIssue": { "id": "150073", "key": "TIMOB-19305", "fields": { "summary": "Alloy.Globals not accessible from a commonjs module", "status": { "description": "The issue is considered finished, the resolution is correct. Issues which are closed can be reopened.", "name": "Closed", "id": "6", "statusCategory": { "id": 3, "key": "done", "colorName": "green", "name": "Done" } }, "priority": { "name": "High", "id": "2" }, "issuetype": { "id": "1", "description": "A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.", "name": "Bug", "subtask": false } } } } ], "assignee": { "name": "cwilliams", "key": "cwilliams", "displayName": "Christopher Williams", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/New_York" }, "updated": "2015-08-28T13:51:12.000+0000", "status": { "description": "A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed.", "name": "Resolved", "id": "5", "statusCategory": { "id": 3, "key": "done", "colorName": "green", "name": "Done" } }, "components": [ { "id": "14544", "name": "Alloy", "description": "Please enter tickets related to the Alloy here." } ], "description": "At run time, I get this error message:\r\n\r\nApplication Error\r\nError while require(./app) Variable not found: _\r\n\r\n", "attachment": [ { "id": "56382", "filename": "AC-288-console.rtf", "author": { "name": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "key": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "displayName": "Mitch Starnes", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Chicago" }, "created": "2015-08-08T18:19:45.000+0000", "size": 304853, "mimeType": "application/msword" } ], "flagged": false, "summary": "Employee Directory sample app will not run in Windows", "creator": { "name": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "key": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "displayName": "Mitch Starnes", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Chicago" }, "subtasks": [], "reporter": { "name": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "key": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "displayName": "Mitch Starnes", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Chicago" }, "environment": "4.1.0.GA SDK / Employee Directory sample app (com.appcelerator.directory) / Windows Phone Emulator", "comment": { "comments": [ { "id": "359215", "author": { "name": "rtlechuga", "key": "rtlechuga", "displayName": "Radamantis Torres-Lechuga", "active": false, "timeZone": "Asia/Dubai" }, "body": "[~mitch.starnes@bnsf.com] can you please attach a test case and steps to reproduce the issue?\r\n\r\nThanks", "updateAuthor": { "name": "rtlechuga", "key": "rtlechuga", "displayName": "Radamantis Torres-Lechuga", "active": false, "timeZone": "Asia/Dubai" }, "created": "2015-08-06T20:56:09.000+0000", "updated": "2015-08-06T20:56:09.000+0000" }, { "id": "359220", "author": { "name": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "key": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "displayName": "Mitch Starnes", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Chicago" }, "body": "Start Appcelerator Studio on Windows. Wait for the Dashboard to load. Download the Employee Directory sample project and build it. Then try to run it in any of the Visual Studio 2013 Win Phone 8.1 Emulators. \r\n\r\nYou should get a big red Application Error window that reads:\r\n\r\nApplication Error\r\nError while require(./app) Variable not found: _\r\n\r\n\r\n", "updateAuthor": { "name": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "key": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "displayName": "Mitch Starnes", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Chicago" }, "created": "2015-08-06T21:07:33.000+0000", "updated": "2015-08-06T21:07:33.000+0000" }, { "id": "359384", "author": { "name": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "key": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "displayName": "Mitch Starnes", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Chicago" }, "body": "I cloned this then built and ran it in a Windows Phone emulator to produce the error: https://github.com/appcelerator-se/corporate-directory.\r\n\r\nError while require(./app) Variable not found: _", "updateAuthor": { "name": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "key": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "displayName": "Mitch Starnes", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Chicago" }, "created": "2015-08-08T03:47:35.000+0000", "updated": "2015-08-08T03:47:35.000+0000" }, { "id": "359397", "author": { "name": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "key": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "displayName": "Mitch Starnes", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Chicago" }, "body": "Console output is attached.", "updateAuthor": { "name": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "key": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "displayName": "Mitch Starnes", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Chicago" }, "created": "2015-08-08T18:20:58.000+0000", "updated": "2015-08-08T18:20:58.000+0000" }, { "id": "359398", "author": { "name": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "key": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "displayName": "Mitch Starnes", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Chicago" }, "body": "Resources/windows/app.js contains the following:\r\n\r\n1: var Alloy = require(\"alloy\"), _ = Alloy._, Backbone = Alloy.Backbone;\r\n2: \r\n3: Alloy.createController(\"index\");", "updateAuthor": { "name": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "key": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "displayName": "Mitch Starnes", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Chicago" }, "created": "2015-08-08T18:37:47.000+0000", "updated": "2015-08-08T18:37:47.000+0000" }, { "id": "359470", "author": { "name": "rtlechuga", "key": "rtlechuga", "displayName": "Radamantis Torres-Lechuga", "active": false, "timeZone": "Asia/Dubai" }, "body": "[~mitch.starnes@bnsf.com] as today, the Employee Directory sample app has not been ported to run on Windows phones", "updateAuthor": { "name": "rtlechuga", "key": "rtlechuga", "displayName": "Radamantis Torres-Lechuga", "active": false, "timeZone": "Asia/Dubai" }, "created": "2015-08-10T18:49:33.000+0000", "updated": "2015-08-10T18:49:33.000+0000" }, { "id": "359473", "author": { "name": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "key": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "displayName": "Mitch Starnes", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Chicago" }, "body": "In the github, the project tiapp.xml has the Windows platform box checked and I see platform=windows in some of the tss files. Some of the comments in GitHub say adding support for Windows. Are you sure it's not supposed to be supported?", "updateAuthor": { "name": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "key": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "displayName": "Mitch Starnes", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Chicago" }, "created": "2015-08-10T18:56:35.000+0000", "updated": "2015-08-10T19:07:56.000+0000" }, { "id": "359485", "author": { "name": "bgrantges@appcelerator.com", "key": "bgrantges", "displayName": "Bert Grantges", "active": false, "timeZone": "America/Chicago" }, "body": "Hey [~mstarnes] - We're going to look into this. We definitely made some updates so it should be working with Windows. We'll see if something changed internally that would break it.\r\n\r\nThanks!", "updateAuthor": { "name": "bgrantges@appcelerator.com", "key": "bgrantges", "displayName": "Bert Grantges", "active": false, "timeZone": "America/Chicago" }, "created": "2015-08-10T20:04:59.000+0000", "updated": "2015-08-10T20:04:59.000+0000" }, { "id": "359487", "author": { "name": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "key": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "displayName": "Mitch Starnes", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Chicago" }, "body": "Awesome, Bert! Can't wait to see this app rock Windows!\r\n\r\nHow far out is UWP (Windows 10)? :)\r\n\r\n", "updateAuthor": { "name": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "key": "mitch.starnes@bnsf.com", "displayName": "Mitch Starnes", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Chicago" }, "created": "2015-08-10T20:11:05.000+0000", "updated": "2015-08-10T20:11:05.000+0000" }, { "id": "360521", "author": { "name": "cwilliams", "key": "cwilliams", "displayName": "Christopher Williams", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/New_York" }, "body": "There were bugs in Windows SDK with how it handled app.js versus other platforms. Ultimately it meant that Alloy.Globals and things like _ weren't available in other JS file in the project unless you explicitly require()'d them.\r\n\r\nA fix has been pushed to master branch of Windows SDK and is slated for the 5.0.0 GA release. If you'd like to test the fix, you can try an SDK build off master:\r\n{code}\r\nti sdk install -b master -d\r\n{code}\r\n\r\nThen you'll need to update the app's tiapp.xml to set the SDK version to the newly installed 5.0.0.x build.", "updateAuthor": { "name": "cwilliams", "key": "cwilliams", "displayName": "Christopher Williams", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/New_York" }, "created": "2015-08-20T17:48:44.000+0000", "updated": "2015-08-20T17:48:44.000+0000" } ], "maxResults": 10, "total": 10, "startAt": 0 } } }