{ "id": "126224", "key": "ALOY-954", "fields": { "issuetype": { "id": "1", "description": "A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.", "name": "Bug", "subtask": false }, "project": { "id": "11113", "key": "ALOY", "name": "Alloy", "projectCategory": { "id": "10400", "description": "Tools for developing applications", "name": "Tooling" } }, "fixVersions": [ { "id": "15887", "description": "2014 Sprint 03", "name": "2014 Sprint 03", "archived": true, "released": true, "releaseDate": "2014-02-14" } ], "resolution": { "id": "5", "description": "All attempts at reproducing this issue failed, or not enough information was available to reproduce the issue. Reading the code produces no clues as to why this behavior would occur. If more information appears later, please reopen the issue.", "name": "Cannot Reproduce" }, "resolutiondate": "2014-02-11T15:43:19.000+0000", "created": "2014-02-11T01:38:06.000+0000", "priority": { "name": "High", "id": "2" }, "labels": [], "versions": [ { "id": "15759", "description": "Alloy 1.3.1", "name": "Alloy 1.3.1", "archived": false, "released": true, "releaseDate": "2014-02-10" } ], "issuelinks": [], "assignee": null, "updated": "2018-03-07T22:25:39.000+0000", "status": { "description": "A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed.", "name": "Resolved", "id": "5", "statusCategory": { "id": 3, "key": "done", "colorName": "green", "name": "Done" } }, "components": [ { "id": "13603", "name": "Styling", "description": "TSS, dynamic styling, styling API" }, { "id": "12326", "name": "XML", "description": "View XML and parsing" } ], "description": "In attached Alloy project the {{}} is applied correctly when I {{}} it into a {{ListView}}. But when the same code is \"manually\" added to the ListView it doesn't render as expected..\r\n\r\nIn attached project, when I run the following code, the row is not formatted correctly (see attached, image1.png).\r\n\r\n{code:xml} \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n{code} \r\n\r\nBut if I the from another file it works -- that is, if you uncomment the require and comment out the previous code.\r\n\r\n{code:xml} \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n{code} \r\n\r\n\r\nExpected: Runtime behavior should be identical.\r\n", "attachment": [ { "id": "45788", "filename": "listitem_template.zip", "author": { "name": "tstatler", "key": "tstatler", "displayName": "Tim Statler", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "created": "2014-02-11T01:39:26.000+0000", "size": 6081504, "mimeType": "application/zip" } ], "flagged": false, "summary": " sometimes not applied properly to ", "creator": { "name": "tstatler", "key": "tstatler", "displayName": "Tim Statler", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "subtasks": [], "reporter": { "name": "tstatler", "key": "tstatler", "displayName": "Tim Statler", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "environment": "Alloy 1.3.1\r\nTiSDK 3.2.1\r\nCLI 3.2.1", "comment": { "comments": [ { "id": "292358", "author": { "name": "tlukasavage", "key": "tlukasavage", "displayName": "Tony Lukasavage", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "body": "[~tstatler] I notice you mentioned Alloy 1.3.1 was the problem? Does this issue exist with 1.3.0? Trying to determine if this is a regression.", "updateAuthor": { "name": "tlukasavage", "key": "tlukasavage", "displayName": "Tony Lukasavage", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "created": "2014-02-11T14:44:34.000+0000", "updated": "2014-02-11T14:44:34.000+0000" }, { "id": "292361", "author": { "name": "skypanther", "key": "skypanther", "displayName": "Tim Poulsen", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/New_York" }, "body": "I can't reproduce this.\n\nSDK: 3.2.0.GA.d9182d6\nCLI: 3.2.1\nAlloy: 1.3.1\n\nI did copy the contents of itemtemplate.tss into the index.tss, otherwise the images and labels are all centered in the listitem. However, even without that, the template is being applied, and the listitem details are being properly set whether I include the template inline or via Require.", "updateAuthor": { "name": "skypanther", "key": "skypanther", "displayName": "Tim Poulsen", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/New_York" }, "created": "2014-02-11T15:07:28.000+0000", "updated": "2014-02-11T15:07:28.000+0000" }, { "id": "292366", "author": { "name": "skypanther", "key": "skypanther", "displayName": "Tim Poulsen", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/New_York" }, "body": "Sorry for the version mixup. But I still can't reproduce using 3.2.1.GA. It works fine for me, with TSS changes noted above, with the template included directly in the index.xml.", "updateAuthor": { "name": "skypanther", "key": "skypanther", "displayName": "Tim Poulsen", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/New_York" }, "created": "2014-02-11T15:32:16.000+0000", "updated": "2014-02-11T15:32:16.000+0000" } ], "maxResults": 3, "total": 3, "startAt": 0 } } }