[MOD-2366] Android: appcelerator.encrypteddatabase module fails with SDK 6.2.0+
GitHub Issue | n/a |
Type | Bug |
Priority | High |
Status | Resolved |
Resolution | Fixed |
Resolution Date | 2017-10-06T21:23:11.000+0000 |
Affected Version/s | appcelerator.encrypteddatabase 2.0.2 |
Fix Version/s | n/a |
Components | Encrypted SQLite DB |
Labels | n/a |
Reporter | Victor Vazquez Montero |
Assignee | Gary Mathews |
Created | 2017-10-04T21:29:05.000+0000 |
Updated | 2018-04-24T16:54:46.000+0000 |
When running Encrypted database module with sdk 6.2.x the module errors out with the following error:
[ERROR] : TiExceptionHandler: (main) [0,291] - Message: Uncaught dlopen failed: library "libutils.so" not found
full log attached below.
steps to reproduce
Create a new project using Encrypted Database Module 2.0.2
Build with SDK 6.2.+
Additional information
Works fine with anything before SDK 6.2.0
[~amukherjee]I was able to reproduce the issue using the example app like you. I went ahead and added environment details to the ticket
Here is a link to the sample app I used https://axwaysoftware-my.sharepoint.com/personal/vvazquezmontero_axway_com/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=icc5kQKMZuXVhv4zBNuNTV%2fcoNKXu%2fcC4FRdGLtZEmQ%3d&docid=2_1861d9138acec4092b86904d848027efa&rev=1
[~amukherjee], [~vvazquezmontero], I was able to reproduce the issue. Its seen only on Android 7.0 & above device. 6.0.1 & below is fine.
Studio Ver: SDK Ver: 6.2.2.GA OS Ver: 10.12.3 Xcode Ver: Xcode 8.3.3 Appc NPM: 4.2.9 Appc CLI: 6.3.0-master.6 Ti CLI Ver: 5.0.14 Alloy Ver: 1.10.5 Node Ver: 7.10.1 Java Ver: 1.8.0_101 Devices: ⇨ google Nexus 5 --- Android 6.0.1 ⇨ google Pixel --- Android 7.1.1 Emulator: Android 8.0, Android 5.1.1
2.0.3: https://github.com/appcelerator-modules/appcelerator.encrypteddatabase/pull/22 [Release 2.0.3](https://github.com/appcelerator-modules/appcelerator.encrypteddatabase/releases/tag/2.0.3) cc [~amukherjee] [~lchoudhary]
FR Passed. PR Merged.