Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-10255] Blackberry: Titanium.App.Properties - Cannot convert types.

GitHub Issuen/a
Resolution Date2013-02-10T07:17:25.000+0000
Affected Version/sn/a
Fix Version/sRelease 3.1.0, 2013 Sprint 03 BB, 2013 Sprint 03
ReporterHayk Zakaryan
AssigneeJosh Roesslein


If some Int property is set like Titanium.App.Properties.setInt('Int',10) and than further trying to get it like this Titanium.App.Properties.getString('Int') (with getString()) It crashes - code which is below is not working. When trying to get as Titanium.App.Properties.getInt('Int') - it is fine The same is for Titanium.App.Properties.getString('Bool') and Titanium.App.Properties.getString('Double')- if you have set 'Bool' as setBool() and 'Double' as setDouble('Double',10.6); Also for setXXX method Titanium.App.Properties.setString('String',null) is crashing In the logs found this message - 'Invalid argument: expected String' This was tested on Blackberry emulator. KitchenSink -> Platform Tab->Properties API. File - Resources\ui\common\platform\properties.js (Lines 84-86, 106)


  1. David Lifshitz 2012-08-15

    Also should fix Ti.App, etc to inherit from TiProxy instead of TiObject and uncomment the stuff in KitchenSink.
  2. Jean-Philippe Lemieux 2012-08-22

    Getters should try to convert the value if possible
  3. Jean-Philippe Lemieux 2012-08-22

    {quote} Also for setXXX method Titanium.App.Properties.setString('String',null) is crashing In the logs found this message - 'Invalid argument: expected String' {quote} This test case doesn't seem valid as null is not a String so the raised exception seems to be right.
  4. Hayk Zakaryan 2012-08-23

    Tested Titanium.App.Properties.setString('String',null) on Android and correspondingly Titanium.App.Properties.getString('String'). Both of them worked without raising exception. Getter returned null.
  5. Hayk Zakaryan 2012-08-23

    Also tested on Android: Titanium.App.Properties.setInt('int',15); and tried to get with getDouble() Titanium.App.Properties.getDouble('int'); Worked normally and returned 15.
  6. Josh Roesslein 2013-02-06

    Created pull request [#23](https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile_blackberry/pull/23) to resolve issue.
  7. Lee Morris 2017-03-08

    Closing ticket as resolved.

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