GitHub Issue | n/a |
Type | Bug |
Priority | High |
Status | Closed |
Resolution | Fixed |
Resolution Date | 2013-01-14T14:09:49.000+0000 |
Affected Version/s | Release 2.0.2, Release 2.1.1, Release 3.0.0 |
Fix Version/s | Release 3.1.0, 2013 Sprint 01 Core, 2013 Sprint 01 |
Components | iOS |
Labels | SupportTeam, core, module_require, notable, qe-testadded |
Reporter | Eduardo Gomez |
Assignee | Max Stepanov |
Created | 2012-08-06T11:02:43.000+0000 |
Updated | 2013-07-17T06:14:55.000+0000 |
It looks like the source file doesn't show when the offending line of code is in a commonjs module. The customer needs to identify where is the offending code line in order to narrow down the issue quicker.
Tested on
iOS 5.1 Simulator
Actual output
[INFO] Launching application in Simulator
[INFO] Launched application in Simulator (23.09 seconds)
[INFO] Application started
[DEBUG] Reading stylesheet from: /Users/egomez/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications/A959F667-67EF-4247-A3DE-D0D4CB33EE06/
[INFO] Test/1.0 (2.2.0.v20120801170113.b2782e9)
[DEBUG] Analytics is enabled = YES
[DEBUG] Loading: /Users/egomez/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications/A959F667-67EF-4247-A3DE-D0D4CB33EE06/, Resource: app_js
[DEBUG] Loading: /Users/egomez/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications/A959F667-67EF-4247-A3DE-D0D4CB33EE06/, Resource: module_js
[ERROR] Invalid type passed to function. expected: NSArray or nil, was: __NSCFString in -[TiUIEmailDialogProxy open:] (TiUIEmailDialogProxy.m:64)
[ERROR] Script Error = Invalid type passed to function. expected: NSArray or nil, was: __NSCFString in -[TiUIEmailDialogProxy open:] (TiUIEmailDialogProxy.m:64) (unknown file).
[DEBUG] Application booted in 11.829019 ms
Proposed-Expected output
[INFO] {
line = 10;
message = "'Script Error = Invalid type passed to function.";
name = ScriptError;
sourceId = 270794016;
sourceURL = "file://localhost/Users/egomez/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/5.1/Applications/CCA98E58-E7A1-453D-860E-4E310AA5F374/";
Test case
- app.js
var win1 = Titanium.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor:'#fff' });
var accessor = require('module');
accessor.buildEmailView(/* to */ '', /* subject */ 'Testing', /* defaultBody */ 'DefaultBody');;
- module.js
exports.buildEmailView = function(to, subject, defaultBody) {
var emailDialog = Ti.UI.createEmailDialog();
if (e.result == emailDialog.SENT)
alert("message was sent");
alert("message was not sent. result = "+e.result);
TiStudio version
Titanium Studio, build:
(c) Copyright 2012 by Appcelerator, Inc. All rights reserved.
Build: jenkins-titanium-rcp-development-921 (origin/development)
Date: 02 August 2012, 18:39:42
Getting exception info is painful. IMHO, exception data should be standardized (file, line number, error type and message should be available on all platforms).
This ticket is partially fixed by TIMOB-10501. More exception details is to come.
CR rejected. Methods would be difficult to maintain and there are more elegant solutions.
CR and FR passed, pull merged. For some reason, it won't let me update the status. Please change to 'Review passed' or the like.
Pull merged
Updated label. Closing as fixed. Verified with: Studio: Titanium SDK: 3.1.2.v20130710144553 acs:1.0.3 alloy:1.1.3 npm:1.2.14 titanium:3.1.1 titanium-code-processor:1.0.1 OS: OSX 10.8 Device:iPhone Simulator(v6.0) iphone4(v5.1) Xcode: 4.5.1 CommonJS showing proper error which is offending line of code as per expectation.