Using backgroundLeftCaps and backgroundTopCaps on views/imageviews does not have the same effect as the button. The image in imageview/view interpolates/blends the stretched region unlike a button image.
Steps to Reproduce
1. Run the sample code here:
Copy the attached image "testimage.png" to Resources folder.
2. Notice the output in the screenshot attached.
The button version at the top is correct, it only shows the pixels we want and it does not do any interpolation. However the view and imageview with the same "caps" data, blends/interpolates the stretched region.
Expected Output
The imageview/view should look the same as a button.
Test Case
Pull pending against master
Verified fix with: Titanium Studio, build: Titanium Studio, build: 3.1.0.v20130306185542 Devices: iPad mini iOS 6.0 iPhone5 iOS 6.1.2