A simple TableViewRow's title will not text wrap. Instead, it gets elipsized. In contrast, the same TableViewRow's title will wrap on Android, therefore, this is a parity issue.
var win1=Ti.UI.createWindow({
var MyListbox=Ti.UI.createTableView({backgroundColor:'white'});
for (var i=1; (i <= 3); i++)
MyListbox.appendRow(Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({title:'This is a TableViewRow number '+i, hasDetail:true, height:Ti.UI.SIZE}));
Tested on Android and iOS simulator, with the above code and with horizontal wrap enabled same results are shown. Tested on both 3.0.2 and 3.1.0
What does "and with horizontal wrap enabled" mean? I can send a screen shot showing the problem if need be (I don't seem to be able to attach an image to this ticket now, since there are comments on it).
I have verified the issue, horizontalWrap is a layout property, that determines whether the view has wrapping behaviour.
Just to clarify, when you said "same results are shown", you meant that you observed the results that I stated in the problem description, right? I just want to make sure you didn't the the "same results" in both Android and iPhone simulators.
Yes, I received the same results as your test.
@Shawn or @Jamie, can you post a link or attach an image (as appropriate)? If someone emails me the image, I can attach it. I think it would be helpful.
Screenshot Attached