I got a small scrollview in portrait inside a scollerview, which
works okay (stops accepting vertial scroll if only one image is
there). Then when u turn the phone sideways, a second window opens
with a landscape imageview, this worked in 1.3 but now it goes
crazy monkey and every thing is jumbled up
{ //Titanium.UI.orientation = e.orientation;
if(e.orientation == Titanium.UI.LANDSCAPE_LEFT || e.orientation == Titanium.UI.LANDSCAPE_RIGHT)
{ var gallery_win = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
fullscreen: true,
orientationModes: [Titanium.UI.LANDSCAPE_LEFT, Titanium.UI.LANDSCAPE_RIGHT]
gallery_win.photo_array = photo_array;
var win = Titanium.UI.currentWindow;
var image_scrollView = Titanium.UI.createScrollableView({views:win.photo_array, maxZoomScale:2.0, fullscreen:true, height: 'auto', width: 'auto' });
if(e.orientation == Titanium.UI.PORTRAIT)
{ win.close();
Happens in iphone, using 1.3.2, 1.3.2 and latest git
Well, this sort of fixed it, but still the touch event is a bit messed up, have to touch in the middle to scroll.
Probably invalid, but the ticket is vague enough to be both plausible and require some R&D.
Closing due to time passed and lack of progress since the ticket was opened in April 2011.