Returning from landscape, scroll view inside scroller view loses
its current images (goes blank)
Have to scroll to reset it back.
var scrollView = Titanium.UI.createScrollView({backgroundColor:'#ffffff', contentHeight:'auto', layout:'vertical', contentWidth:320, top:0, showVerticalScrollIndicator:true, showHorizontalScrollIndicator:false});
var image_scrollView = Titanium.UI.createScrollableView({top:20,left:10,width:300,height:190,views:photo_array,showPagingControl:true,pagingControlColor:'#999',pagingControlHeight:5,maxZoomScale:2.0 });
Happens in iphone, using 1.3.2, 1.3.2 and latest git
this work around has stopped working in 1.5
finally, just figured it out. This happens when you use the same image objects for the second scrollview.
Since the array contains image objects, array.slice() isnt enough to clone the array. it needs to recreate every image object inside the using the orginal file paths. Sooo guess this is a very minor bug with a relativly easy work around.
Companion to #1369.
Closing ticket due to time passed and lack of progress.