When launching a "appcelerator services enabled" project in the simulator, the launch will fail with a black screen on device and a error in the console:
-- Start simulator log -------------------------------------------------------
[DEBUG] : Reading stylesheet from: /Users/emerriman/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1/Applications/C5D9EA98-F3A4-489C-AA3A-05DE351CA0EA/
[DEBUG] : Analytics is enabled = YES
[DEBUG] : Loading: /Users/emerriman/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1/Applications/C5D9EA98-F3A4-489C-AA3A-05DE351CA0EA/, Resource: app_js
[INFO] : Application started
[INFO] : basicWithCritter/1.0 (3.1.1.v20130430164508.1ea1219)
[32m [INFO][39m client connected
[DEBUG] : Assigning Exception Handling Delegate...
[DEBUG] : Done
[INFO] : [object ComCrittercismTiModule] loaded
[DEBUG] : Loading: /Users/emerriman/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1/Applications/C5D9EA98-F3A4-489C-AA3A-05DE351CA0EA/, Resource: com_crittercism_ti_js
[ERROR] : [LiveView] {
[ERROR] : error = {
[ERROR] : backtrace = "#0 () at file://localhost/Users/emerriman/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/6.1/Applications/C5D9EA98-F3A4-489C-AA3A-05DE351CA0EA/\n#1 () at :1\n#2 () at file://localhost/Users/emerriman/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/6.1/Applications/C5D9EA98-F3A4-489C-AA3A-05DE351CA0EA/\n#3 () at file://localhost/Users/emerriman/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/6.1/Applications/C5D9EA98-F3A4-489C-AA3A-05DE351CA0EA/\n#4 () at file://localhost/Users/emerriman/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/6.1/Applications/C5D9EA98-F3A4-489C-AA3A-05DE351CA0EA/";
[ERROR] : line = 1;
[ERROR] : message = "Parse error";
[ERROR] : name = SyntaxError;
[ERROR] : sourceId = 312912576;
[ERROR] : };
[ERROR] : module = "app.js";
[ERROR] : }
[DEBUG] : Application booted in 595.690966 ms
[INFO] : [LiveView] Client connected
I was told this was caused by the crittercism injected code.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Create a new project in Appcelerator studio with services enabled
2) Attempt to launch a liveview simulator session
Failure with errors in the console and black screen on device
Expected Result:
Successful launch
FIXED in LiveView v0.1.11
Verified fixed on Appcelerator Studio, build:, OSX 10.8.3. Running an app with all services enabled with LiveView produced no error.