Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-13969] Code Processor: reintroduce the bin script

GitHub Issuen/a
Resolution Date2013-05-29T23:01:10.000+0000
Affected Version/sn/a
Fix Version/s2013 Sprint 11 JS, 2013 Sprint 11, Release 3.1.1, Release 3.2.0
ComponentsCode Processor
Labelscode-analyzer, qe-closed-3.1.1, qe-testadded
ReporterBryan Hughes
AssigneeBryan Hughes


The bin script is no longer being used to run the code processor, so it was removed. It does still serve a purpose though: other systems (a.k.a. Studio) can use the existence of the bin script to figure out where code processor is installed. The new bin script should print out the code processor version


  1. Bryan Hughes 2013-05-23

    PR: https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium-code-processor/pull/198 1_0_X PR: https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium-code-processor/pull/199
  2. Bryan Hughes 2013-05-24

    To test:

    Remove the existing code processor install

    "sudo npm rm -g titanium-code-processor"

    It's important that the symlink in /usr/local/bin is removed, so doing the "npm rm" command instead of just deleting the directory is necessary

    Verify that the binary is no longer accessible by running "titanium-code-processor" from a terminal

    Install the master version of the code processor

    In Appcelerator Studio, right click on a project and select Code Analysis->[Platform]

    It can be any project, even a blank project

    The platform doesn't matter

    Studio should display an error saying the code processor is not installed

    Note: this step is only valid until the code is merged)

    Install the latest code processor

    Analyze the project in Appcelerator Studio again

    This time there should be no error and everything should work correctly

  3. Tony Lukasavage 2013-05-24

    I followed the steps above and got no such error from studio at the end. I did the following:

    sudo npm rm -g titanium-code-processor

    ll /usr/local/bin | grep processor resulted in no entries

    cd /path/to/titanium-code-processor

    sudo npm install -g .

    Created new, traditional titanium project in Appcelerator Studio

    Right click the project and analyze for iphone

    code processor runs and returns a report. I encountered no error.

  4. Bryan Hughes 2013-05-24

    Testing instructions were incomplete (sorry, my bad). They have been updated.
  5. Tony Lukasavage 2013-05-24

    Small miscommunication on the initial testing instructions. It turns out the tests _were_ going as expected on my end. Code and functional review pass for both branches. Merged.
  6. Federico Casali 2013-05-29

    Verified as working as expected. Appcelerator Studio Titanium SDK 3.1.1.v20130524180421 Alloy 1.1.3-alpha Titanium-Code-Processor 1.1.3-alpha3 Closing.
  7. Federico Casali 2013-05-29

    Reopening to apply label

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