Problem description
Importing a file as link does not work when building the application. The files are not copied in the build.
Steps to reproduce
1) Create a folder outside the project directory, with a file named 'main.js' that has the following content:
export.testfunction = function() {
2) Create a new application with this code:
var main = require('shared/main');
3) Create a directory in Resources, e.g. 'shared'
4) Right click on the folder, and choose 'Import...'
5) Choose General/Filesystem and select the folder created in #1
6) Select the file, and choose the options 'Create links in workspace', 'Create virtual folders' and 'Create link locations relative to PROJECT_LOC'
7) Build the app - the module won't be found
there isn't yet a way to share simple modules between projects... update the building script for reading linkedResources tag from eclipse's .project and copy them in the project folder is the simplest way IMHO