Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-15653] MobileWeb: Mozilla forces pre-flight of request with OPTIONS method, causing failure of XMLHttpRequest

GitHub Issuen/a
ResolutionWon't Fix
Resolution Date2017-06-26T18:43:46.000+0000
Affected Version/sRelease 3.1.3
Fix Version/sn/a
ReporterJulian Fraser
AssigneeChris Barber


Mozilla browsers (Firefox and Firefox OS) are handling XMLHttpRequests differently from other browsers tested as working (Safari, Chrome). XMLHttpRequests processed via Firefox are sent as a preflighted request with a method of OPTIONS. This causes a failed response from the server in use for the particular project I am working on. CORS has been setup on the server providing the data feed. I have been able to get a valid response by commenting out lines 12-23 of SDK/mobileweb/titanium/Ti/Network/HTTPClient.js (this._handles = [...]), forcing a plain/text Content-Type, and removing all custom headers from the request. However this results in no onLoad and therefore can only be observed via a web debugging proxy. I have discovered this while developing an app for the new Firefox OS, so a fix for this would be pertinent in making Titanium a viable choice for developers looking to build apps for Firefox OS.


  1. Lee Morris 2017-06-26

    Marking ticket as "Won't Fix" as MobileWeb has been deprecated.
  2. Eric Merriman 2018-04-04

    Closing as will not fix.

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