Problem description
Trying to include the Facebook module inside a CommonJS module fails.
Code to reproduce
var fb = require('ui/facebook');;
ui/facebook.js = function() {
var fb = require('facebook');
fb.appid = Ti.App.Properties.getString('ti.facebook.appid');
fb.permissions = ['publish_stream'];
fb.forceDialogAuth = true;
Moving the content of the function from ui/facebook.js to app.js solves the problem. The module is registered in tiapp.xml, as well as the property ti.facebook.appid.
The module is not defined; this means, the
method is invalid in the sample above.
[~dcassenti] How does it fail?
[~ingo] I found out the reason why this is happening. Since the file where the facebook module is required is called
, the file which is actually loaded is theui/facebook.js
itself. Renaming it to something different solves the problem. However, in iOS it seems like the Facebook module has priority over the file in the same directory, so the code works fine.