Problem Description
When using the titleImage on Windows, the image is wrongly rendered when going back to previous window in the navigationWindow stack.
Its placed in the upper left corder until the navigationWindow has completed the animation, then its repositionen to the center of the navigationBar.
Test case
var win2 = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
backgroundColor: 'red',
barImage: "/images/logo.png",
title: 'Red Window'
var navWin = Titanium.UI.iOS.createNavigationWindow({
window: win2
var win3 = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
backgroundColor: 'blue',
barImage: "/images/logo.png",
title: 'Blue Window'
var button = Titanium.UI.createButton({
title: 'Open Window'
button.addEventListener('click', function(){
win1.openWindow(win3, {animated:true});
H4. Extra information
Please look at this video: (attached)
Can you please upload the two images associated with the sample code?
Probably fixed by TIMOB-11876. Need to verify
Ingo, its only one image. The navigationBar is just a solid barcolor.
Please fix. It still reproduces in 3.2.0.GA. Related ticket: TIMOB-15599.
Tentatively scheduling for 3.3.0.
Barimage property has changed since 3.2.0 . Check documentation for more details.!/api/Titanium.UI.Window-property-barImage Do not think this issue is valid anymore. Marking ticket as Cannot Reproduce.
Verified the fix with: OSX: 10.9.2 Xcode: 5.1.1 Studio - SDK - 3.3.0.v20140424130915 acs-1.0.14 alloy-1.4.0-dev npm-1.3.2 titanium-3.3.0-dev titanium-code-processor-1.1.1-beta1 Device: iPhone 5c (7.1)