[TIMOB-16248] KitchenSink: Sockets > Connecting socket: Should get write error on writing when socket is disconnected
GitHub Issue | n/a |
Type | Bug |
Priority | Low |
Status | Closed |
Resolution | Invalid |
Resolution Date | 2017-05-02T20:46:27.000+0000 |
Affected Version/s | Release 3.2.1 |
Fix Version/s | n/a |
Components | Android, iOS |
Labels | qe-3.2.1, qe-3.5.0 |
Reporter | Paras Mishra |
Assignee | Eric Merriman |
Created | 2014-01-20T07:35:57.000+0000 |
Updated | 2017-05-02T20:46:27.000+0000 |
Android: KitchenSink: Sockets > Connecting socket: Should get write error on writing when socket is disconnected
Steps to reproduce:
1. Run KitchenSink: Platform > Sockets > Connecting socket
2. Try writing to EchoServer if sockets connection have not been established or disconnected
Second text area should display: ERROR ():
Note: The error message may vary between platforms, it can be that the connection was refused
No error message is received.
Seeing this behavior for iOS as well. Tested on: Appcelerator Studio, build: SDK build: 3.5.0.v20141215113314 CLI: 3.4.1 Alloy: 1.5.1 Xcode: 6.2 beta Devices: iphone 6 (8.1)
Resolving ticket as Invalid as there is now a new version of Kitchen Sink available and we no longer support the version which relates to this ticket.