Hello there,
While doing development I have found some bugs related to Android 4.3 and earlier Support. Please see the screencast to get more details:
There are three devices used when producing the screencast (from left to right):
1. Android 4.4.2 and TiSDK 3.2.1.
2. Android 4.1.1 and TiSDK 3.2.1
3. Android 4.3 and TiSDK 3.1.3
The screen resolution of all enumerated devices is 1280x800 160dpi.
As it was mentioned above, the screencast shows the problems connected to Android 4.3 and earlier versions support. In the video you will see the so called “wheel” component. This component gets frozen after some time of being used on Android 4.1.1 and TiSDK 3.2.1.
Also, the video demonstrates the general problem for Android 4.4.2 and Android 4.1.1, such as non-working rotate method of 2DMatrix class in the "touchmove" event (you will see switching done between the images for TiSDK3.2.1 without animation, while moving finger (mouse-pointer) on screen) and wheel rotating to a random angle, after that the lost focus of the window with wheel is shown). Actually, TiSDK 3.1.3 is free from these bugs.
Moreover, please note that Android 4.4.2 and TiSDK 3.2.1 are working slower than Android 4.1.1 and TiSDK 3.2.1. This bug is more evident for TiSDK 3.1.3 and earlier.
Please see the demo app as an attachment. Feel free to ask additional questions.
Best regards,
Andrey Ovcharenko
Moving this ticket to engineering as I can reproduce the behavior (slow animation that becomes unresponsive later) with the provided sample and 3.2.1 release. I noticed following information in the log that indicates that the application may be doing too much work on the main thread but not sure what can this test do in this case to avoid this issue. [INFO]: Choreographer: Skipped 30 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
Having this same problem as well; any sort of transform in the animation seems to just get lost.