Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-19239] Same markup is rendered in different ways on iOs and Android

GitHub Issuen/a
Affected Version/sRelease 4.1.1
Fix Version/sn/a
ComponentsAndroid, iOS
LabelsTCSupportTriage, engTriage
ReporterFix Please


The markup below is translated to different results on iOs and Android. See the picture attached.
	<Window class="container" layout="vertical">
		<View height="100" width="100" borderRadius="25" backgroundColor="green"></View>
		<View height="100" width="100" borderRadius="50" backgroundColor="green"></View>
		<View height="100" width="100" borderRadius="75" backgroundColor="green"></View>
		<View height="100" width="100" borderRadius="100" backgroundColor="green"></View>
		<View height="100" width="100" borderRadius="125" backgroundColor="green"></View>




  1. Malcolm Hollingsworth 2014-11-13

    So what? Each OS handles the exception natively when the value provided to borderRadius exceeds that of a circle. This is very normal and to be expected. Titanium is a tool designed to create cross-platform apps; this means you can create more than one app from the same source code and where needed or chosen you may tweak the code for each platform. It does not dumb down the code to the point that only those things available exactly equal will be allowed and nothing else. If the OS says it responds a particular way - then it responds a particular way that honours that platform. Should we bin; NavigationWindow, ActionBars, PopOvers, ButtonBars and more because they only work on one OS or do your clients/users deserve to be treated as each platform was designed to be viewed and used?
  2. Malcolm Hollingsworth 2014-11-13

    I might create JIRA ticket to suggest blocking all accounts with anonymous account names. No idea why you hide behind an account name that is clearly not a name and instead chooses to be seen as annoying. It is clearly not meant to be a polite gesture given the irreverent jiras posted.
  3. Fix Please 2014-11-13

    Malcolm, is it you again? Take it easy, dude,
  4. Malcolm Hollingsworth 2014-11-13

    Of course it is me - I never hide my name.

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