The separator insets for a list view, which work on iPhone, aren't working on iPads. They seem to have a minimum value for the left, and any value I set less than about 50 is ignored. Also, the insets for the empty rows after the defined rows show the opposite problem -- the inset is messed up on the right side.
See the attached screenshots.
Expected Behavior
If I set the insets to 0, they should reach from edge to edge.
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
backgroundColor: 'white'
templates: {
def: {
childTemplates: [
type: 'Ti.UI.Label',
bindId: 'info',
properties: {
left: '20dp', top: 0
defaultItemTemplate: 'def',
sections: [
headerTitle: 'Vegetables / Verduras',
items: [
{ info: { text: 'Carrot' }, es_info: { text: 'Zanahoria' }, pic: { image: 'carrot.png' } },
{ info: { text: 'Potato' }, es_info: { text: 'Patata' }, pic: { image: 'potato.png' } }
separatorInsets: { left: 0, right: 0 }
This problem/bug is also present for Ti.UI.TableView insets (on iPad only).
Hi [~dtoth], that looks very related to TIMOB-19777, can you verify that its fixed in 5.1.0.GA?
I can confirm that this is fixed in 5.1.0.GA.