It appears that when the module is included in an android build we unintentionally are including the google ad mob framework.
Steps to reproduce
To reproduce please follow the steps below:
Unzip the zip
cd into com.test
Build the project using the cmd "titanium build -F --platform android"
Find the location of the unsigned apk for ex " Writing unsigned apk: /Users/travis.crist/Desktop/com.test/build/android/bin/app-unsigned.apk"
open up the folder app-unsigned.apk
Search for 'admob'
Notice that its found in a bunch of places, we don't wat the admob framework.
open up tiapp.xml and remove the module
Build the project using the cmd "titanium build -F --platform android"
Find the location of the unsigned apk for ex " Writing unsigned apk: /Users/travis.crist/Desktop/com.test/build/android/bin/app-unsigned.apk"
open up the folder app-unsigned.apk
Search for 'admob'
Notice there are no matches, this is what we expect.
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