[TIMOB-23552] Android: Camera doesn't work: "connectLegacy: camera HAL module version 100 doesn't support connecting to legacy HAL devices!"
GitHub Issue | n/a |
Type | Bug |
Priority | Medium |
Status | Reopened |
Resolution | Unresolved |
Affected Version/s | n/a |
Fix Version/s | n/a |
Components | Android |
Labels | n/a |
Reporter | Ashraf Abu |
Assignee | Ashraf Abu |
Created | 2016-06-23T03:03:18.000+0000 |
Updated | 2016-06-27T03:02:22.000+0000 |
User dhennrich has reported that it crashes on his specific device.
Test code as follows:
allowEditing: false,
saveToPhotoGallery: true,
//we got something
success: function(event){ console.log('image: ', event.media); },
//do somehting if user cancels operation
cancel:function() {},
//error happend, create alert
error:function(error) {
Logs as follows:-
06-22 23:51:55.804 379 1028 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
06-22 23:51:55.804 379 1028 D audio_hw_fm: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Inside
06-22 23:51:55.804 379 1028 V audio_hw_fm: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: enter
06-22 23:51:55.804 379 1028 V audio_hw_fm: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: exit
06-22 23:51:55.807 1771 5119 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=test.camera/.TestcameraActivity (has extras)} from uid 10046 on display 0
06-22 23:51:55.817 379 1027 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: none)
06-22 23:51:55.817 379 1027 D msm8974_platform: platform_send_audio_calibration: sending audio calibration for snd_device(2) acdb_id(15)
06-22 23:51:55.817 379 1027 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0
06-22 23:51:55.817 379 1027 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
06-22 23:51:55.817 379 1027 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
06-22 23:51:55.817 379 1027 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
06-22 23:51:55.817 379 1027 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
06-22 23:51:55.817 379 1027 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
06-22 23:51:55.817 379 1027 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
06-22 23:51:55.817 379 1027 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
06-22 23:51:55.817 379 1027 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000000F
06-22 23:51:55.817 379 1027 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
06-22 23:51:55.817 379 1027 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
06-22 23:51:55.827 379 1027 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker
06-22 23:51:55.902 1771 1862 I ActivityManager: Start proc 7718:com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search/u0a46 for broadcast com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.search.core.icingsync.ApplicationLaunchReceiver
06-22 23:51:55.950 1771 3003 I ActivityManager: Start proc 7727:test.camera/u0a12 for activity test.camera/.TestcameraActivity
06-22 23:51:56.137 3054 3284 E Surface : getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0xb93662f0
06-22 23:51:56.195 7727 7727 I TiApplication: (main) [7,7] checkpoint, app created.
06-22 23:51:56.325 7727 7727 I TiApplication: (main) [130,137] Titanium 5.2.2 (2016/03/28 14:12 b685ddb)
06-22 23:51:56.455 7727 7727 I TiApplication: (main) [130,267] Titanium Javascript runtime: v8
06-22 23:51:56.460 7727 7756 E linker : readlink('/proc/self/fd/19') failed: Permission denied [fd=19]
06-22 23:51:56.460 7727 7756 E linker : warning: unable to get realpath for the library "/data/app/test.camera-1/lib/arm/libstlport_shared.so". Will use given name.
06-22 23:51:56.485 7727 7756 E linker : readlink('/proc/self/fd/19') failed: Permission denied [fd=19]
06-22 23:51:56.485 7727 7756 E linker : warning: unable to get realpath for the library "/data/app/test.camera-1/lib/arm/libkroll-v8.so". Will use given name.
06-22 23:51:56.497 353 353 I SFPerfTracer: triggers: (rate: 4:968) (compose: 0:1) (post: 0:3) (render: 1:67) (20:39955 frames) (21:52347)
06-22 23:51:56.497 353 353 D SFPerfTracer: layers: (5:10) (FocusedStackFrame (0xb83606e0): 1:84)* (DimLayer (0xb83cfb68): 0:14)* (DimLayer (0xb83d2050): 0:2)* (StatusBar (0xb83b9ed8): 0:6898) (com.android.phasebeam.PhaseBeamWallpaper (0xb83c4c00): 5:13705) (DimLayer (0xb83777e8): 0:10)* (NavigationBar (0xb8373f18): 0:135) (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL (0xb83e8030): 0:133) (Starting test.camera (0xb83bb890): 21:24)
06-22 23:51:56.506 7727 7727 I TiRootActivity: (main) [0,0] checkpoint, on root activity create, savedInstanceState: null
06-22 23:51:56.808 7727 7756 W V8Object: (KrollRuntimeThread) [302,302] Runtime disposed, cannot set property 'userAgent'
06-22 23:51:56.916 1771 2460 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
06-22 23:51:56.954 7718 7762 W ModelDownloadController: Cannot find any speech config location.
06-22 23:51:56.954 7718 7762 W ModelDownloadController: Cannot find any speech config location.
06-22 23:51:57.061 7727 7756 D Module : Loading module: alloy -> Resources/alloy.js
06-22 23:51:57.078 7727 7756 D Module : Loading module: alloy/underscore -> Resources/alloy/underscore.js
06-22 23:51:57.090 1771 3032 D : setDelay, handle: 1598182229 delay: 200000000
06-22 23:51:57.090 1771 3032 E : <BST> set delay: 200000000ns
06-22 23:51:57.090 1771 3032 I : <BST> set delay of <BOSCH BMC150 Acceleration Sensor> to 200ms
06-22 23:51:57.094 7727 7727 I TiRootActivity: (main) [0,0] checkpoint, on root activity resume. activity = test.camera.TestcameraActivity@f97b838
06-22 23:51:57.140 7727 7756 D Module : Loading module: alloy/backbone -> Resources/alloy/backbone.js
06-22 23:51:57.159 7727 7772 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
06-22 23:51:57.225 7727 7756 D Module : Loading module: alloy/constants -> Resources/alloy/constants.js
06-22 23:51:57.250 7727 7756 D Module : Loading module: alloy/CFG -> Resources/alloy/CFG.js
06-22 23:51:57.255 7727 7756 D Module : Loading module: alloy/controllers/index -> Resources/alloy/controllers/index.js
06-22 23:51:57.255 7727 7772 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: QUALCOMM Build: 10/09/15, 6cbbf7d, I3193f6e94a
06-22 23:51:57.256 7727 7772 E linker : readlink('/proc/self/fd/30') failed: Permission denied [fd=30]
06-22 23:51:57.256 7727 7772 E linker : warning: unable to get realpath for the library "/vendor/lib/egl/eglsubAndroid.so". Will use given name.
06-22 23:51:57.266 7727 7756 D Module : Loading module: alloy/controllers/BaseController -> Resources/alloy/controllers/BaseController.js
06-22 23:51:57.269 7727 7772 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
06-22 23:51:57.321 1771 3065 V MotorolaSettingsProvider: getSecureSetting(aov_google_now_component_name, 0)
06-22 23:51:57.322 1771 2546 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=test.camera/org.appcelerator.titanium.TiActivity (has extras)} from uid 10012 on display 0
06-22 23:51:57.365 1771 1867 I LaunchCheckinHandler: Displayed test.camera/.TestcameraActivity,cp,ca,1439
06-22 23:51:57.424 7727 7756 D Window : Checkpoint: postWindowCreated()
06-22 23:51:57.462 1771 3003 D : setDelay, handle: 1598182229 delay: 200000000
06-22 23:51:57.462 1771 3003 E : <BST> set delay: 200000000ns
06-22 23:51:57.462 1771 3003 I : <BST> set delay of <BOSCH BMC150 Acceleration Sensor> to 200ms
06-22 23:51:57.536 1771 3045 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.media.action.IMAGE_CAPTURE flg=0x3 cmp=com.motorola.camera/.Camera clip={text/uri-list U:file:///storage/emulated/0/Pictures/testCamera/tia1667296649.jpg} (has extras)} from uid 10012 on display 0
06-22 23:51:57.667 1771 5130 I ActivityManager: Start proc 7778:com.motorola.camera/u0a31 for activity com.motorola.camera/.Camera
06-22 23:51:57.725 1771 1867 I LaunchCheckinHandler: Displayed test.camera/org.appcelerator.titanium.TiActivity,wp,ca,343
06-22 23:51:57.730 1771 2461 D ConnectivityService: updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] to 56
06-22 23:51:57.730 1771 2461 D ConnectivityService: rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
06-22 23:51:57.744 7727 7772 E Surface : getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0xb9053a48
06-22 23:51:57.952 7778 7778 D MotStorage: emulated
06-22 23:51:57.952 7778 7778 D MotStorage: self
06-22 23:51:58.011 7778 7778 W CameraBgProcess: BGPROC Not Supported
06-22 23:51:58.259 7778 7778 W LayoutParamsReflection: unable to initialize class
06-22 23:51:58.267 1771 1782 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true
06-22 23:51:58.317 1771 1782 D : setDelay, handle: 1598182229 delay: 200000000
06-22 23:51:58.317 1771 1782 E : <BST> set delay: 200000000ns
06-22 23:51:58.317 1771 1782 I : <BST> set delay of <BOSCH BMC150 Acceleration Sensor> to 200ms
06-22 23:51:58.323 7778 7797 D MotStorage: emulated
06-22 23:51:58.323 7778 7797 D MotStorage: self
06-22 23:51:58.342 2901 2901 I DownloadManagerWrapper: onReceive() : Charging = true
06-22 23:51:58.346 353 1022 I SFPerfTracer: trigger: vsync rate (-65.107%) (20.936 vps) (47.764 ms)* (1661 drops) (916 vsyncs)
06-22 23:51:58.346 353 1022 I SFPerfTracer: triggers: (rate: 55:43538) (4725 sw vsyncs) (54592 skipped) (916:54034 vsyncs) (918:59289)
06-22 23:51:58.375 7778 7778 D MotStorage: emulated
06-22 23:51:58.375 7778 7778 D MotStorage: self
06-22 23:51:58.398 379 1962 E CameraService: connectLegacy: camera HAL module version 100 doesn't support connecting to legacy HAL devices!
06-22 23:51:58.399 7778 7799 W Camera : An error occurred while connecting to camera 0: -38 (Function not implemented)
06-22 23:51:58.401 379 1961 I CameraService: CameraService::connect call (PID 7778 "com.motorola.camera", camera ID 0) for HAL version default and Camera API version 1
06-22 23:51:58.401 379 1961 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=0
06-22 23:51:58.406 379 1961 W AudioFlinger: acquireAudioSessionId() unknown client 7778 for session 158
06-22 23:51:58.412 15928 15928 D WearableService: callingUid 10018, callindPid: 15928
06-22 23:51:58.414 379 1961 I NuPlayer: setDataSourceAsync(URL suppressed)
06-22 23:51:58.446 379 7801 D ExtendedUtils: extended extractor not needed, return default
06-22 23:51:58.446 379 7800 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xb8a5fe40), (1, 0, 0)
06-22 23:51:58.446 379 1961 W AudioFlinger: acquireAudioSessionId() unknown client 7778 for session 159
06-22 23:51:58.446 379 1961 I NuPlayer: setDataSourceAsync(URL suppressed)
06-22 23:51:58.455 7778 7804 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
06-22 23:51:58.463 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual true
06-22 23:51:58.464 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual true
06-22 23:51:58.464 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:51:58.464 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:51:58.464 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:51:58.464 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:51:58.464 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:51:58.464 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:51:58.464 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:51:58.464 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:51:58.464 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:51:58.464 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:51:58.464 379 7803 D ExtendedUtils: extended extractor not needed, return default
06-22 23:51:58.465 379 7802 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xb8a82c08), (1, 0, 0)
06-22 23:51:58.467 379 1961 I CameraClient: Opening camera 0
06-22 23:51:58.468 379 1961 E QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::openCamera(hw_device_t**): E PROFILE_OPEN_CAMERA camera id 0
06-22 23:51:58.468 379 1961 I QCameraHalWatchdog: Starting Watchdog Thread...
06-22 23:51:58.468 379 1961 E mm-camera-intf: mm_camera_open: dev name = /dev/video1, cam_idx = 1
06-22 23:51:58.473 379 7805 D QCameraStateMachine: static void* qcamera::QCameraStateMachine::smEvtProcRoutine(void*): E
06-22 23:51:58.474 379 7806 D QCamera2HWI: static void* qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::defferedWorkRoutine(void*): start data proc
06-22 23:51:58.496 409 7808 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_start_session:671 session 1
06-22 23:51:58.498 409 7810 E mm-camera: isp_tintless_open: E: b6f34785
06-22 23:51:58.510 409 7814 E mm-camera: module_drsd_start_session:1189] E
06-22 23:51:58.510 409 7814 E mm-camera-img: module_imglib_create_msg_thread:231] E
06-22 23:51:58.510 409 7813 E mm-camera-img: module_imglib_create_msg_thread:231] E
06-22 23:51:58.511 409 7815 E mm-camera-img: module_imglib_create_msg_thread:231] E
06-22 23:51:58.512 409 7811 E mm-camera: is_module_start_session: Enter
06-22 23:51:58.512 409 7811 E mm-camera: is_module_start_session: Exit successful
06-22 23:51:58.512 409 7811 E mm-camera: is_module_get_port: Exit successful
06-22 23:51:58.514 409 7815 E mm-camera-img: module_imglib_create_msg_thread:253] X
06-22 23:51:58.515 409 7813 E mm-camera-img: module_imglib_create_msg_thread:253] X
06-22 23:51:58.515 409 7813 E hdr : Session id 0x1 started
06-22 23:51:58.515 409 7813 E mm-camera-img: module_imglib_create_msg_thread:231] E
06-22 23:51:58.515 409 7813 E mm-camera-img: module_imglib_create_msg_thread:253] X
06-22 23:51:58.515 409 7813 E mm-camera-img: module_imglib_create_msg_thread:231] E
06-22 23:51:58.515 409 7813 E mm-camera-img: module_imglib_create_msg_thread:253] X
06-22 23:51:58.515 409 7814 E mm-camera-img: module_imglib_create_msg_thread:253] X
06-22 23:51:58.515 409 7814 E mm-camera: module_drsd_start_session:1210] X rc = 0
06-22 23:51:58.522 7778 7804 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: QUALCOMM Build: 10/09/15, 6cbbf7d, I3193f6e94a
06-22 23:51:58.522 391 566 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:xo_therm_pu2:32000 mC
06-22 23:51:58.522 7778 7804 E linker : readlink('/proc/self/fd/35') failed: Permission denied [fd=35]
06-22 23:51:58.522 7778 7804 E linker : warning: unable to get realpath for the library "/vendor/lib/egl/eglsubAndroid.so". Will use given name.
06-22 23:51:58.524 7778 7804 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
06-22 23:51:58.530 409 7810 E mm-camera: isp_tintless_get_version: lib returned version 3.61 err=0
06-22 23:51:58.547 391 565 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:batt_therm:30700 mC
06-22 23:51:58.567 409 7812 E mm-camera: c2d_module_start_session:238, info: starting session 1
06-22 23:51:58.568 409 7830 E mm-camera: c2d_thread_func:41: c2d_thread entering the polling loop...
06-22 23:51:58.573 409 7812 E mm-camera: c2d_module_start_session:285, info: c2d_thread created.
06-22 23:51:58.580 7778 7795 I ContextFactory: Creating OpenGL ES 3.0 context
06-22 23:51:58.593 409 7812 E mm-camera: c2d_module_start_session:307, info: session 1 started.
06-22 23:51:58.593 409 7812 E mm-camera-img: module_imglib_create_msg_thread:231] E
06-22 23:51:58.593 409 7812 E mm-camera-img: module_imglib_create_msg_thread:253] X
06-22 23:51:58.618 409 7808 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_start_session:715 failed
06-22 23:51:58.618 409 7808 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_start_session:721 failed
06-22 23:51:58.620 379 1961 D QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::openCamera(): enable_4k2k is 0
06-22 23:51:58.640 1771 1867 I LaunchCheckinHandler: Displayed com.motorola.camera/.Camera,cp,ca,986
06-22 23:51:58.640 1771 1867 I LaunchCheckinHandler: Displayed test.camera/.TestcameraActivity,cp,ca,2713 (total)
06-22 23:51:58.640 1771 1867 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.motorola.camera/.Camera: +987ms (total +2s714ms)
06-22 23:51:58.650 379 1961 E qomx_image_core: OMX_Init:95] Complete 2
06-22 23:51:58.651 379 1961 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemory::alloc(int, int, int) : No memory pool available
06-22 23:51:58.653 379 1961 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 1048576 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.654 379 1961 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemory::alloc(int, int, int) : No memory pool available
06-22 23:51:58.654 379 1961 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 65544 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.654 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initBatchUpdate(void*):Initializing batch parameter set
06-22 23:51:58.656 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(): supported preview sizes: 1280x960,1280x720,960x720,864x480,768x432,720x480,640x480,320x240,176x144
06-22 23:51:58.656 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(): supported video sizes: 1280x720,864x480,720x480,640x480,352x288,320x240,176x144
06-22 23:51:58.656 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(): supported pic sizes: 3264x2448,3264x1836,2592x1944,2592x1456,1920x1080,1440x1080,1280x960,1280x720,640x480,352x288,320x240
06-22 23:51:58.656 379 1961 I QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(): supported live snapshot sizes: 3200x2400,2592x1944,2048x1536,1920x1080,1600x1200,1280x768,1280x720,1024x768,800x600,864x480,800x480,720x480,640x480,352x288,320x240,176x144
06-22 23:51:58.656 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(): supported fps ranges: (15000,15000),(15000,30000),(30000,30000)
06-22 23:51:58.656 379 1961 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setPreviewFpsRange(int, int): Setting preview fps range 15000,30000
06-22 23:51:58.657 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 1, paramType: 4, paramLength: 8, aligned_size_req: 24
06-22 23:51:58.657 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(): supported fps rates: 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30
06-22 23:51:58.657 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 2, paramType: 30, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.657 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 3, paramType: 28, paramLength: 60, aligned_size_req: 76
06-22 23:51:58.657 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 4, paramType: 20, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.657 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 5, paramType: 18, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.657 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 6, paramType: 19, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.657 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 7, paramType: 31, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.657 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 8, paramType: 21, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.657 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 9, paramType: 26, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.657 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 10, paramType: 2, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.657 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 11, paramType: 1, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.657 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 12, paramType: 7, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.657 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 13, paramType: 6, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.658 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 14, paramType: 10, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.658 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 15, paramType: 8, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.658 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 16, paramType: 22, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.658 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 17, paramType: 35, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.658 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 18, paramType: 27, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.658 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 19, paramType: 23, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.658 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setAEBracket(const char*), EXP_BRACKETING_OFF
06-22 23:51:58.658 379 1961 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::enableFlash(bool, bool):Wrong saved led mode
06-22 23:51:58.658 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 20, paramType: 37, paramLength: 16, aligned_size_req: 32
06-22 23:51:58.658 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(): Supported WNR:ON/OFF default:ON
06-22 23:51:58.658 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 21, paramType: 63, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.658 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initDefaultParameters(): Supported TINTLESS:ON/OFF default:ON
06-22 23:51:58.658 379 1961 E QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setResetRoi(const char*): Setting reset-roi value to off (0)
06-22 23:51:58.658 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setLA(const char*): Setting LA value on 1
06-22 23:51:58.658 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 22, paramType: 151, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.659 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 23, paramType: 152, paramLength: 1, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.659 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 24, paramType: 153, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.659 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 25, paramType: 24, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.659 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 26, paramType: 34, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.659 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 27, paramType: 9, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.659 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 28, paramType: 36, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.659 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 29, paramType: 42, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.659 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 30, paramType: 3, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.659 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 31, paramType: 5, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.659 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::commitSetBatch():waiting for commitSetBatch to complete
06-22 23:51:58.660 379 1961 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setNumOfSnapshot(): nBurstNum = 1, nExpnum = 1
06-22 23:51:58.662 379 1961 I Thermal-Lib: Thermal-Lib-Client: Registraion successful for camera with handle:9
06-22 23:51:58.662 379 1961 I Thermal-Lib: Thermal-Lib-Client: Registraion successful for camcorder with handle:10
06-22 23:51:58.662 379 1961 E MotISP_GPU: int MotISP_GPU::Init(int, int): GPU resolution: 1920x1080
06-22 23:51:58.662 379 1961 I QCameraHalWatchdog: Stopped Watchdog Thread...
06-22 23:51:58.663 379 1961 I Thermal-Lib: Thermal-Lib-Client: Registraion successful for camera with handle:11
06-22 23:51:58.663 379 1961 I Thermal-Lib: Thermal-Lib-Client: Registraion successful for camcorder with handle:12
06-22 23:51:58.665 379 7805 I QCamera2HWI: getParameters standard
06-22 23:51:58.667 379 7847 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: QUALCOMM Build: 10/09/15, 6cbbf7d, I3193f6e94a
06-22 23:51:58.691 7778 7799 W CameraMotExt: CameraMotExt Supported
06-22 23:51:58.696 379 7805 I QCamera2HWI: getParameters standard
06-22 23:51:58.711 379 1962 I QCameraHalWatchdog: Starting Watchdog Thread...
06-22 23:51:58.716 379 7805 I QCamera2HWI: updateParameters non-standard params: 1
06-22 23:51:58.716 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::commitSetBatch():waiting for commitSetBatch to complete
06-22 23:51:58.716 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setNumOfSnapshot(): nBurstNum = 1, nExpnum = 1
06-22 23:51:58.718 379 1962 I QCameraHalWatchdog: Stopped Watchdog Thread...
06-22 23:51:58.734 379 7805 I QCamera2HWI: getParameters all
06-22 23:51:58.765 7778 7799 D MotStorage: emulated
06-22 23:51:58.766 7778 7799 D MotStorage: self
06-22 23:51:58.808 379 1961 I QCameraHalWatchdog: Starting Watchdog Thread...
06-22 23:51:58.809 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::updateParameters(const char*, bool&): ZEROMOTION: onTouchDownSwLag = 133 ms, touchDuration = 0 ms
06-22 23:51:58.809 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::updateParameters(const char*, bool&): ZEROMOTION: mTouchUpFrameTime = 0, mTouchDownFrameTime = 0
06-22 23:51:58.809 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initBatchUpdate(void*):Initializing batch parameter set
06-22 23:51:58.809 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: updateFovParams: (3264x2448) is (65.099998/51.200001), (3264x1836) is (65.099998/39.500000)
06-22 23:51:58.809 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: Param m_bNoDisplayMode = 0
06-22 23:51:58.810 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 1, paramType: 43, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.810 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 2, paramType: 30, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.810 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 3, paramType: 10, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.810 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*):Batch parameter overwrite for param: 10
06-22 23:51:58.810 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 3, paramType: 10, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.810 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 4, paramType: 8, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.810 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 5, paramType: 64, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.810 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setLA(const char*): Setting LA value on 1
06-22 23:51:58.810 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 6, paramType: 151, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.810 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*):Batch parameter overwrite for param: 10
06-22 23:51:58.810 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 6, paramType: 10, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.811 379 7805 I QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setLiveSnapshotSize(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): live snapshot size 1920 x 1080
06-22 23:51:58.811 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 7, paramType: 132, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.811 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setAFBracket(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): AF Bracketing is not supported
06-22 23:51:58.811 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setChromaFlash(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): Chroma Flash is not supported
06-22 23:51:58.811 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setOptiZoom(const qcamera::QCameraParameters&): Opti Zoom is not supported
06-22 23:51:58.811 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::commitSetBatch():waiting for commitSetBatch to complete
06-22 23:51:58.811 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setNumOfSnapshot(): nBurstNum = 1, nExpnum = 1
06-22 23:51:58.811 379 1961 I QCameraHalWatchdog: Stopped Watchdog Thread...
06-22 23:51:58.812 379 7805 I QCamera2HWI: getParameters all
06-22 23:51:58.855 379 2908 I QCameraHalWatchdog: Starting Watchdog Thread...
06-22 23:51:58.856 379 2908 I QCameraHalWatchdog: Stopped Watchdog Thread...
06-22 23:51:58.856 379 2908 I QCameraHalWatchdog: Starting Watchdog Thread...
06-22 23:51:58.856 379 2908 E QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] static int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::start_preview(camera_device*): E PROFILE_START_PREVIEW
06-22 23:51:58.863 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemory::alloc(int, int, int) : No memory pool available
06-22 23:51:58.864 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 1036 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.864 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: uint8_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::getBufNumRequired(cam_stream_type_t): Allocating 14 buffers for streamtype 7
06-22 23:51:58.864 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: uint8_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::getBufNumRequired(cam_stream_type_t): Allocating 14 buffers for streamtype 7
06-22 23:51:58.866 409 7840 E mm-camera: mct_pipeline_add_stream_to_linked_streams: linked streams: 0x80
06-22 23:51:58.866 409 7840 E mm-camera: mct_stream_start_link: Starting meta stream linking: do nothing
06-22 23:51:58.866 379 7805 E mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_get_v4l2_fmt: Unknown fmt=78
06-22 23:51:58.866 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemory::alloc(int, int, int) : No memory pool available
06-22 23:51:58.866 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 1036 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.867 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: uint8_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::getBufNumRequired(cam_stream_type_t): Allocating 16 buffers for streamtype 1
06-22 23:51:58.867 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: uint8_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::getBufNumRequired(cam_stream_type_t): Allocating 16 buffers for streamtype 1
06-22 23:51:58.869 409 7840 E mm-camera: mct_pipeline_add_stream_to_linked_streams: linked streams: 0x82
06-22 23:51:58.869 409 7840 E mm-camera: mct_stream_start_link: Starting preview/postview stream linking
06-22 23:51:58.869 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_reserve:129 ide 10002 stream type 1 w*h 1280*720
06-22 23:51:58.869 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_hw_find_primary_cid:310 error cannot find primary sensor format
06-22 23:51:58.869 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_ext_link_func:198 ide 10002
06-22 23:51:58.870 409 7840 E mm-camera: module_video_denoiser_port_check_caps_reserve:320] invalid capabilities, cannot connect port 1
06-22 23:51:58.870 409 7840 E mm-camera: module_video_denoiser_port_check_caps_reserve:320] invalid capabilities, cannot connect port 1
06-22 23:51:58.870 409 7840 E mm-camera: module_video_denoiser_port_check_caps_reserve:320] invalid capabilities, cannot connect port 1
06-22 23:51:58.870 409 7840 E mm-camera: module_video_denoiser_port_check_caps_reserve:320] invalid capabilities, cannot connect port 1
06-22 23:51:58.870 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_util_find_matched_existing_src_port#171: X
06-22 23:51:58.873 409 7840 D MotISP_VNR: LiveLux created for camera 0
06-22 23:51:58.873 409 7840 E mm-camera: c2d_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x10002
06-22 23:51:58.874 409 7840 E mm-camera: c2d_port_check_caps_reserve:143, identity=0x10002, reserved
06-22 23:51:58.878 409 7840 E mm-camera: c2d_module_notify_add_stream:1161, info: success, identity=0x10002
06-22 23:51:58.878 409 7840 E mm-camera: c2d_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x10002
06-22 23:51:58.878 409 7840 E mm-camera: c2d_port_check_caps_reserve:143, identity=0x10002, reserved
06-22 23:51:58.890 409 7840 D SensorListener: void android::SensorListener::enableSensor(android::SensorListener::sensor_type_t): SensorEventQueue enableSensor(TYPE_DISPLAY_ROTATE)
06-22 23:51:58.891 1771 3060 D : activate, handle: 1598182242, enabled: 1, index 2
06-22 23:51:58.891 1771 3060 D : BstSensorExt: id=1598182242, en=1
06-22 23:51:58.891 1771 3060 D : enable ID_SORI, path /sys/class/srot_sensor/g_sensor/en_disp_rotation, fd 281
06-22 23:51:58.891 1771 2404 D : readEvents,event.type is 4,event value is 0,event code is 3
06-22 23:51:58.891 1771 2404 D : readEvents,event.type is 0,event value is 0,event code is 0
06-22 23:51:58.894 1771 3060 D : setDelay, handle: 1598182242 delay: 1000000
06-22 23:51:58.894 409 7857 D SensorListener: int android::sensor_events_listener(int, int, void*): SensorEventQueue TYPE_DISPLAY_ROTATE read(vector.x=1), orient=0
06-22 23:51:58.894 1771 1782 D : setDelay, handle: 1598182242 delay: 100000000
06-22 23:51:58.895 409 7840 E mm-camera: module_faceproc_client_create:1036] Face proc feature mask e 0
06-22 23:51:58.905 409 7840 E mm-camera: mct_pipeline_send_ctrl_events: Send Set Parm events
06-22 23:51:58.906 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_event_control_set_parm:2569 CAM_INTF_PARM_LED_MODE 1
06-22 23:51:58.906 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor:
06-22 23:51:58.906 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_util_set_la: vfe not started yet
06-22 23:51:58.907 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemory::alloc(int, int, int) : No memory pool available
06-22 23:51:58.908 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 1036 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.908 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: uint8_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::getBufNumRequired(cam_stream_type_t): Allocating 8 buffers for streamtype 3
06-22 23:51:58.909 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: uint8_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::getBufNumRequired(cam_stream_type_t): Allocating 8 buffers for streamtype 3
06-22 23:51:58.909 409 7840 E mm-camera: mct_pipeline_add_stream_to_linked_streams: linked streams: 0x8a
06-22 23:51:58.909 409 7840 E mm-camera: mct_stream_start_link: Starting snapshot stream linking
06-22 23:51:58.909 409 7840 E mm-camera: mct_stream_start_link: ZSL snapshot
06-22 23:51:58.909 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_caps_reserve:129 ide 10003 stream type 3 w*h 3264*1836
06-22 23:51:58.909 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_hw_find_primary_cid:310 error cannot find primary sensor format
06-22 23:51:58.909 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: port_sensor_ext_link_func:198 ide 10003
06-22 23:51:58.910 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::startPreview(): E
06-22 23:51:58.910 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 8, paramType: 33, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:58.910 409 7840 E mm-camera: mct_pipeline_send_ctrl_events: Send Set Parm events
06-22 23:51:58.910 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_event_control_set_parm:2569 CAM_INTF_PARM_LED_MODE 1
06-22 23:51:58.910 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor:
06-22 23:51:58.910 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_util_set_la: vfe not started yet
06-22 23:51:58.911 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::commitSetBatch():waiting for commitSetBatch to complete
06-22 23:51:58.911 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_assign_bundle_id:243 bundle_id=1536, num_streams=2
06-22 23:51:58.911 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_assign_bundle_id:246 bundle stream id 2
06-22 23:51:58.911 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_assign_bundle_id:246 bundle stream id 3
06-22 23:51:58.911 409 7840 E mm-camera: module_drsd_port_event_func:605] Invalid type for reprocess
06-22 23:51:58.911 409 7840 E mm-camera: module_faceproc_port_event_func:541] Invalid type for reprocess 10002 10002
06-22 23:51:58.911 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_assign_bundle_id:243 bundle_id=1536, num_streams=2
06-22 23:51:58.911 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_assign_bundle_id:246 bundle stream id 2
06-22 23:51:58.911 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_util_assign_bundle_id:246 bundle stream id 3
06-22 23:51:58.912 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:58.912 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 283712 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.912 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:58.913 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 283712 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.913 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:58.914 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 283712 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.914 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:58.915 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 283712 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.915 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:58.915 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 283712 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.915 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:58.917 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 283712 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.917 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:58.918 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 283712 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.918 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:58.919 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 283712 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.919 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:58.919 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 283712 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.920 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:58.920 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 283712 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.920 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:58.922 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 283712 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.922 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:58.923 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 283712 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.923 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:58.925 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 283712 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.925 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:58.925 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 283712 allocated
06-22 23:51:58.937 379 7805 E mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_request_buf: buf_num = 14, stream type = 7
06-22 23:51:58.937 379 7805 D mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf: Starting poll on stream 0xb8a9d7c0 type: 7
06-22 23:51:58.938 379 7805 D mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf: Started poll on stream 0xb8a9d7c0 type: 7
06-22 23:51:58.938 409 7840 E mm-camera: mct_pipeline_process_set: stream_type = 7
06-22 23:51:58.939 379 7805 E QCameraParameters: int qcamera::QCameraParameters::getPreviewHalPixelFormat() const: format 17
06-22 23:51:58.939 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: virtual int qcamera::QCameraGrallocMemory::allocate(int, int) : E
06-22 23:51:58.940 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: virtual int qcamera::QCameraGrallocMemory::allocate(int, int): usage = 1073872896, geometry: 0xb8a845c0, 1280, 720, 1280, 720, 17
06-22 23:51:58.943 1771 2404 D : readEvents,event.type is 4,event value is 0,event code is 3
06-22 23:51:58.943 1771 2404 D : readEvents,event.type is 0,event value is 0,event code is 0
06-22 23:51:58.943 409 7857 D SensorListener: int android::sensor_events_listener(int, int, void*): SensorEventQueue TYPE_DISPLAY_ROTATE read(vector.x=1), orient=0
06-22 23:51:59.095 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: virtual int qcamera::QCameraGrallocMemory::allocate(int, int) : X
06-22 23:51:59.112 379 7805 E mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_request_buf: buf_num = 16, stream type = 1
06-22 23:51:59.112 379 7805 D mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf: Starting poll on stream 0xb8a9d978 type: 1
06-22 23:51:59.113 379 7805 D mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf: Started poll on stream 0xb8a9d978 type: 1
06-22 23:51:59.121 409 7840 E mm-camera: mct_pipeline_process_set: stream_type = 1
06-22 23:51:59.121 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_stream_on:1512 ide 10002 SENSOR_START_STREAM
06-22 23:51:59.121 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:822 any bundle started 0
06-22 23:51:59.121 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:860 bundle_info->stream_on_count 1
06-22 23:51:59.121 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:862 bundle_info->bundle_config.num_of_streams 2
06-22 23:51:59.121 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:863 s_bundle->stream_on_count 0
06-22 23:51:59.121 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:864 is_bundle_started 0
06-22 23:51:59.121 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: modules_sensor_set_new_resolution:960 SENSOR_SET_RESOLUTION 3264*1836 mask a
06-22 23:51:59.121 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_set_resolution:1897 Enter
06-22 23:51:59.121 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_set_resolution:1921 Requested width 3264, height 1836
06-22 23:51:59.121 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_set_resolution:1923 Requested stream mask a hfr mode 0 Cur fps 30.000000
06-22 23:51:59.121 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:1683 Enter
06-22 23:51:59.121 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:1702 Height 1836 Width 3264
06-22 23:51:59.121 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:1719 req_asp_ratio 177 stream type a
06-22 23:51:59.121 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:1808 req_asp_ratio 177 sup_asp_ratio 133
06-22 23:51:59.121 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:1812 fabs 44
06-22 23:51:59.121 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:1822 pick res 0
06-22 23:51:59.121 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:1874 Exit
06-22 23:51:59.122 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_set_resolution:1932 Curr Res ID 8 New Res ID 0 New FPS 30.000000
06-22 23:51:59.128 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_set_resolution:2078 Exit
06-22 23:51:59.128 409 7840 E mm-camera: decide_isp_nums_camif: num_isp = 1
06-22 23:51:59.128 409 7840 E mm-camera: decide_isp_nums_camif: num_isp = 1
06-22 23:51:59.128 409 7840 E mm-camera: port_isp_module_event: E, identity = 0x10002, IFACE_SET_STREAM_CONFIG
06-22 23:51:59.128 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_sink_port_stream_config: E, session_id = 1, stream_id = 2, stream_type = 1
06-22 23:51:59.128 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_sink_port_stream_config: session_id = 1, stream_id = 2, is_split = 0
06-22 23:51:59.128 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_sink_port_stream_config: old vfe_id_mask = 0x0, new vfe_id_mask = 0x1
06-22 23:51:59.156 379 1028 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker
06-22 23:51:59.157 379 1028 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
06-22 23:51:59.184 409 7840 E mm-camera: port_isp_module_event: E, identity = 0x10003, IFACE_SET_STREAM_CONFIG
06-22 23:51:59.184 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_sink_port_stream_config: E, session_id = 1, stream_id = 3, stream_type = 3
06-22 23:51:59.184 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_sink_port_stream_config: session_id = 1, stream_id = 3, is_split = 0
06-22 23:51:59.184 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_sink_port_stream_config: old vfe_id_mask = 0x1, new vfe_id_mask = 0x1
06-22 23:51:59.184 409 7859 E mm-camera-CORE: af_get_params: Focus is not initialized yet
06-22 23:51:59.184 409 7859 E mm-camera-CORE: af_get_params: Focus is not initialized yet
06-22 23:51:59.188 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: chromatix_whitebalance_calibration:576 SNAPSHOT: Calibrating WB for libchromatix_imx179_snapshot.so
06-22 23:51:59.188 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: chromatix_whitebalance_calibration:663 Calibration Factor: r_over_g_calib_factor = 1.013589, b_over_g_calib_factor = 1.016287
06-22 23:51:59.197 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: chromatix_whitebalance_calibration:584 NONSNAPSHOT: Calibrating WB for libchromatix_imx179_preview.so
06-22 23:51:59.197 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: chromatix_whitebalance_calibration:663 Calibration Factor: r_over_g_calib_factor = 1.013589, b_over_g_calib_factor = 1.016287
06-22 23:51:59.201 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_tintless_config: tint_correction_strength updated to 4
06-22 23:51:59.201 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_tintless_update_chromatix_params: lib returned config err=0
06-22 23:51:59.201 409 7859 E mm-camera-CORE: af_get_params: Focus is not initialized yet
06-22 23:51:59.201 409 7859 E mm-camera-CORE: af_get_params: Focus is not initialized yet
06-22 23:51:59.201 409 7859 E mm-camera-CORE: mot_af_deinit: E
06-22 23:51:59.201 409 7840 E mm-camera: port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: E, identity = 0x10002, STREAMON
06-22 23:51:59.276 409 7840 E mm-camera: module_faceproc_port_event_func:493] STREAMON 0
06-22 23:51:59.276 409 7840 E mm-camera: module_faceproc_client_exec:820] 1280x720
06-22 23:51:59.276 409 7840 E mm-camera-img: faceproc_comp_eng_config:1472] ###min_face_size 70
06-22 23:51:59.300 409 7840 E mm-camera-img: Face Album FILE EXISTS
06-22 23:51:59.300 409 7840 E mm-camera: c2d_module_handle_streamon_event:1222, identity=0x10002, stream-on done
06-22 23:51:59.301 409 7840 E AEC_PORT: ddd exp 0.032935 iso 158
06-22 23:51:59.301 409 7840 E mm-camera: cpp_hw_params_update_wnr_params:3348 invalid trigger input 0.000000
06-22 23:51:59.301 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_streamon: E, session_id = 1, stream_id = 2, active_count = 0 flash=FALSE
06-22 23:51:59.301 409 7823 E mm-camera: isp_proc_streamon: E, session_id = 1, stream_id = 2, stream_type = 1
06-22 23:51:59.301 409 7823 E mm-camera: isp_util_get_user_streams: bundling use case - bundle mask = 0x3,streamon_bundle = 0x1, nop
06-22 23:51:59.301 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_streamon: X, session_id = 1, rc = 0
06-22 23:51:59.301 409 7840 E mm-camera: port_isp_send_streamon_done_event_downstream: ignore this streamon, hal_bundling_mask = 0x3, streamon_mask = 0x1
06-22 23:51:59.301 409 7840 E mm-camera: port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: X, identity = 0x10002, STREAMON, ret = 0
06-22 23:51:59.302 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:59.322 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 9089024 allocated
06-22 23:51:59.322 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:59.379 7778 7875 D MotStorage: emulated
06-22 23:51:59.379 7778 7875 D MotStorage: self
06-22 23:51:59.413 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 9089024 allocated
06-22 23:51:59.413 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:59.454 1771 2404 D : readEvents,event.type is 4,event value is -1,event code is 3
06-22 23:51:59.454 1771 2404 D : readEvents,event.type is 0,event value is 0,event code is 0
06-22 23:51:59.454 409 7857 D SensorListener: int android::sensor_events_listener(int, int, void*): SensorEventQueue TYPE_DISPLAY_ROTATE read(vector.x=-1), orient=0
06-22 23:51:59.519 1771 2408 V AlarmManager: sending alarm {eb13833 type 2 *walarm*:com.whatsapp.alarm.WEB_RENOTIFY}
06-22 23:51:59.590 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 9089024 allocated
06-22 23:51:59.590 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:59.596 1771 1771 V AlarmManager: done {eb13833, *walarm*:com.whatsapp.alarm.WEB_RENOTIFY} [76ms]
06-22 23:51:59.723 7778 7878 E linker : readlink('/proc/self/fd/44') failed: Permission denied [fd=44]
06-22 23:51:59.723 7778 7878 E linker : warning: unable to get realpath for the library "/system/lib/libjhead_jni.so". Will use given name.
06-22 23:51:59.742 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 9089024 allocated
06-22 23:51:59.742 379 7805 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:59.745 2501 2855 D MotoNetwCtrlr: onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.wifi.RSSI_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }
06-22 23:51:59.746 2501 2855 I MotoNetwCtrlr.MotoWifiSignalCtrlr: handleBroadcast: Entered: Intent=Intent { act=android.net.wifi.RSSI_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } Action=android.net.wifi.RSSI_CHANGED
06-22 23:51:59.837 379 7805 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 9089024 allocated
06-22 23:51:59.854 379 7805 D QCameraStream: int32_t qcamera::QCameraStream::getBufs(cam_frame_len_offset_t*, uint8_t*, uint8_t**, mm_camera_buf_def_t**, mm_camera_map_unmap_ops_tbl_t*): Still need to allocate 3 buffers
06-22 23:51:59.854 379 7805 E mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_request_buf: buf_num = 8, stream type = 3
06-22 23:51:59.854 379 7882 D QCameraStream: static void* qcamera::QCameraStream::BufAllocRoutine(void*): E
06-22 23:51:59.855 379 7805 D mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf: Starting poll on stream 0xb8a9db30 type: 3
06-22 23:51:59.855 379 7805 D mm-camera-intf: mm_stream_qbuf: Started poll on stream 0xb8a9db30 type: 3
06-22 23:51:59.857 1771 1781 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 5
06-22 23:51:59.859 409 7840 E mm-camera: mct_pipeline_process_set: stream_type = 3
06-22 23:51:59.859 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_stream_on:1512 ide 10003 SENSOR_START_STREAM
06-22 23:51:59.859 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:822 any bundle started 0
06-22 23:51:59.859 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:860 bundle_info->stream_on_count 2
06-22 23:51:59.859 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:862 bundle_info->bundle_config.num_of_streams 2
06-22 23:51:59.859 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:863 s_bundle->stream_on_count 0
06-22 23:51:59.859 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:864 is_bundle_started 0
06-22 23:51:59.859 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_is_ready_for_stream_on:872 stream_on_count=2, w=3264, h=1836, stream_mask=a
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: modules_sensor_set_new_resolution:960 SENSOR_SET_RESOLUTION 3264*1836 mask a
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_set_resolution:1897 Enter
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_set_resolution:1921 Requested width 3264, height 1836
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_set_resolution:1923 Requested stream mask a hfr mode 0 Cur fps 30.000000
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:1683 Enter
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:1702 Height 1836 Width 3264
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:1719 req_asp_ratio 177 stream type a
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:1808 req_asp_ratio 177 sup_asp_ratio 133
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:1812 fabs 44
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:1822 pick res 0
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_pick_resolution:1874 Exit
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: sensor_set_resolution:1932 Curr Res ID 0 New Res ID 0 New FPS 30.000000
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera: port_isp_module_event: E, identity = 0x10002, IFACE_SET_STREAM_CONFIG
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_sink_port_stream_config: E, session_id = 1, stream_id = 2, stream_type = 1
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_sink_port_stream_config: session_id = 1, stream_id = 2, is_split = 0
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_sink_port_stream_config: old vfe_id_mask = 0x1, new vfe_id_mask = 0x1
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera: port_isp_module_event: E, identity = 0x10003, IFACE_SET_STREAM_CONFIG
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_sink_port_stream_config: E, session_id = 1, stream_id = 3, stream_type = 3
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_sink_port_stream_config: session_id = 1, stream_id = 3, is_split = 0
06-22 23:51:59.860 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_sink_port_stream_config: old vfe_id_mask = 0x1, new vfe_id_mask = 0x1
06-22 23:51:59.861 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_tintless_config: same cfg as current
06-22 23:51:59.861 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_tintless_update_chromatix_params: lib returned config err=0
06-22 23:51:59.861 409 7840 E mm-camera: port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: E, identity = 0x10003, STREAMON
06-22 23:51:59.862 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_streamon: E, session_id = 1, stream_id = 3, active_count = 0 flash=FALSE
06-22 23:51:59.862 409 7823 E mm-camera: isp_proc_streamon: E, session_id = 1, stream_id = 3, stream_type = 3
06-22 23:51:59.875 409 7823 E mm-camera: isp_ch_util_sync_stream_cfg_to_channel: cannot find channel, Adding new channel for stream id 2
06-22 23:51:59.875 409 7823 E mm-camera: isp_add_meta_channel: no meta data, session_id = 1, stream_id = 2
06-22 23:51:59.875 409 7823 E mm-camera: isp_ch_util_sync_stream_cfg_to_channel: cannot find channel, Adding new channel for stream id 3
06-22 23:51:59.875 409 7823 E mm-camera: isp_add_meta_channel: no meta data, session_id = 1, stream_id = 3
06-22 23:51:59.876 409 7823 E mm-camera: isp_validate_buf_request: total 16 current buffer count 16 for stream 2
06-22 23:51:59.876 409 7823 E mm-camera: isp_validate_buf_request: total 8 current buffer count 5 for stream 3
06-22 23:51:59.877 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_fmt_to_pix_pattern: format 31
06-22 23:51:59.877 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_fmt_to_pix_pattern: format 31
06-22 23:51:59.878 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_axi_stream_set_skip_pattern: cannot find stream, session_id = 0, stream_id = 0
06-22 23:51:59.880 409 7823 I MotISP_VNR: setup:LiveLux dimensions: 1280x720
06-22 23:51:59.884 409 7884 E SchedPolicy: sched_setscheduler failed: tid 7884, errno=1
06-22 23:51:59.884 409 7885 E SchedPolicy: sched_setscheduler failed: tid 7885, errno=1
06-22 23:51:59.885 409 7823 E mm-camera: isp_hw_action: first start, hw thread for streamon/ack
06-22 23:51:59.885 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_thread_proc_cmd: start/stop, thread_data = 0xb8963bb0, action_code = 0
06-22 23:51:59.886 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_tintless_config: cfg: 10x13 mesh, 8x8 subgrid, subgrid sz 34x34
06-22 23:51:59.886 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_tintless_mesh_config: lib returned mesh config err=0
06-22 23:51:59.886 409 7887 E SchedPolicy: sched_setscheduler failed: tid 7887, errno=1
06-22 23:51:59.886 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_fmt_to_pix_pattern: format 31
06-22 23:51:59.886 409 7886 E SchedPolicy: sched_setscheduler failed: tid 7886, errno=1
06-22 23:51:59.886 409 7823 E mm-camera: isp_ch_util_streamon: session_id = 1, vfe_mask = 0x1, async streamon, rc = 0
06-22 23:51:59.886 409 7872 E mm-camera: color_xform_config_601_to_601 for stream Encoder
06-22 23:51:59.886 409 7823 E mm-camera: isp_hw_action: hw_thread for ack
06-22 23:51:59.886 409 7872 E mm-camera: color_xform_config_601_to_601 for stream Viewfinder
06-22 23:51:59.886 409 7872 E mm-camera: linearization_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
06-22 23:51:59.886 409 7872 E mm-camera: mesh_rolloff_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
06-22 23:51:59.886 409 7872 E mm-camera: wb_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
06-22 23:51:59.886 409 7872 E mm-camera: demosaic_set_params: param_id 7, is not supported in this module
06-22 23:51:59.886 409 7872 E mm-camera: demux_set_params: param_id 7, is not supported in this module
06-22 23:51:59.886 409 7872 E mm-camera: color_correct_set_effect: saturation level = 1.000000, asd_saturae_adjust = 1.000000
06-22 23:51:59.886 409 7872 E mm-camera: gamma_set_spl_effect: Best shot enabled, skip set effect
06-22 23:51:59.886 409 7872 E mm-camera: vfe_gamma_set_contrast: Warning Best shot enabled, ignore contast
06-22 23:51:59.887 409 7872 E mm-camera: mce_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
06-22 23:51:59.887 409 7872 E mm-camera: sce_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
06-22 23:51:59.887 409 7872 E mm-camera: la_hist_trigger_update: luma target from AEC = 0! use default LA curve
06-22 23:51:59.887 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_tintless_stat_config: pointer okay
06-22 23:51:59.887 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_tintless_config: cfg: camif 3264x2448, elem sz 102x102, elems 24x32
06-22 23:51:59.887 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_tintless_stat_config: lib returned config err=0
06-22 23:51:59.887 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_fmt_to_pix_pattern: format 31
06-22 23:51:59.889 409 7872 E mm-camera: stats_action_buf_config: cfg = 1, stats_mask = 0x7b8
06-22 23:51:59.889 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_validate_buf_request: total 4 current buffer count 4 for stream -2147418109
06-22 23:51:59.890 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_validate_buf_request: total 4 current buffer count 4 for stream -2147418108
06-22 23:51:59.890 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_validate_buf_request: total 4 current buffer count 4 for stream -2147418107
06-22 23:51:59.891 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_validate_buf_request: total 4 current buffer count 4 for stream -2147418105
06-22 23:51:59.892 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_validate_buf_request: total 4 current buffer count 4 for stream -2147418104
06-22 23:51:59.893 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_validate_buf_request: total 4 current buffer count 4 for stream -2147418103
06-22 23:51:59.893 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_validate_buf_request: total 4 current buffer count 4 for stream -2147418102
06-22 23:51:59.894 409 7872 E mm-camera: stats_action: stats mask = 0x7b8
06-22 23:51:59.897 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000100, is_subscribe = 1
06-22 23:51:59.898 409 7872 E mm-camera: isp_thread_proc_cmd: start/stop ack done, thread_data = 0xb8963bb0, action_code = 1, rc = 0
06-22 23:51:59.898 409 7823 E mm-camera: isp_ch_util_streamon: session_id = 1, sync ack done
06-22 23:51:59.898 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_streamon: X, session_id = 1, rc = 0
06-22 23:51:59.898 409 7840 E mm-camera: port_isp_send_streamon_done_event_downstream: notify stream done downstream
06-22 23:51:59.898 409 7840 E mm-camera: port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: X, identity = 0x10003, STREAMON, ret = 0
06-22 23:51:59.900 409 7840 E mm-camera: ispif_proc_streamon: ispif_hw_reset done
06-22 23:51:59.900 409 7840 E mm-camera: stream id 2, stream num_meta 0
06-22 23:51:59.900 409 7840 E mm-camera: ispif_streamon: session_id = 1, active_streams = 2
06-22 23:51:59.901 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_stream_on:1930 ide 10003 SENSOR_START_STREAM
06-22 23:51:59.901 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_stream_on: Sending start bus message
06-22 23:51:59.901 409 7840 E mm-camera: start_sof_check_thread: Starting SOF timeout thread
06-22 23:51:59.901 7778 7778 D MotStorage: emulated
06-22 23:51:59.901 7778 7778 D MotStorage: self
06-22 23:51:59.902 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setLA(const char*): Setting LA value on 1
06-22 23:51:59.902 379 7882 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:59.902 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*):Batch parameter overwrite for param: 151
06-22 23:51:59.902 7778 7778 D MotStorage: emulated
06-22 23:51:59.902 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 8, paramType: 151, paramLength: 4, aligned_size_req: 20
06-22 23:51:59.902 7778 7778 D MotStorage: self
06-22 23:51:59.902 409 7840 E mm-camera: mct_pipeline_send_ctrl_events: Send Set Parm events
06-22 23:51:59.902 7778 7778 D MotStorage: emulated
06-22 23:51:59.902 7778 7778 D MotStorage: self
06-22 23:51:59.902 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor: module_sensor_event_control_set_parm:2569 CAM_INTF_PARM_LED_MODE 1
06-22 23:51:59.902 409 7840 E mm-camera-sensor:
06-22 23:51:59.902 409 7872 E mm-camera: linearization_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
06-22 23:51:59.902 409 7872 E mm-camera: mesh_rolloff_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
06-22 23:51:59.902 409 7872 E mm-camera: wb_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
06-22 23:51:59.902 409 7872 E mm-camera: demosaic_set_params: param_id 7, is not supported in this module
06-22 23:51:59.902 409 7872 E mm-camera: demux_set_params: param_id 7, is not supported in this module
06-22 23:51:59.902 409 7872 E mm-camera: color_correct_set_effect: saturation level = 1.000000, asd_saturae_adjust = 1.000000
06-22 23:51:59.902 409 7872 E mm-camera: gamma_set_spl_effect: Best shot enabled, skip set effect
06-22 23:51:59.902 409 7872 E mm-camera: vfe_gamma_set_contrast: Warning Best shot enabled, ignore contast
06-22 23:51:59.902 409 7872 E mm-camera: mce_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
06-22 23:51:59.902 409 7872 E mm-camera: sce_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
06-22 23:51:59.903 409 7872 E mm-camera: linearization_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
06-22 23:51:59.903 409 7872 E mm-camera: mesh_rolloff_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
06-22 23:51:59.903 409 7872 E mm-camera: demosaic_set_params: param_id 9, is not supported in this module
06-22 23:51:59.903 409 7872 E mm-camera: demux_set_params: param_id 9, is not supported in this module
06-22 23:51:59.903 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::commitSetBatch():waiting for commitSetBatch to complete
06-22 23:51:59.904 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::startPreview(): X
06-22 23:51:59.904 379 2908 D QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] static int qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::start_preview(camera_device*): X
06-22 23:51:59.904 379 2908 I QCameraHalWatchdog: Stopped Watchdog Thread...
06-22 23:51:59.922 379 7882 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 9089024 allocated
06-22 23:51:59.922 379 7882 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:51:59.946 1771 3048 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.packageinstaller (pid 7211) has died
06-22 23:51:59.949 351 351 E lowmemorykiller: Error opening /proc/6860/oom_score_adj; errno=2
06-22 23:51:59.949 351 351 E lowmemorykiller: Error opening /proc/6845/oom_score_adj; errno=2
06-22 23:51:59.986 1771 5119 I ActivityManager: Process android.process.acore (pid 6845) has died
06-22 23:51:59.995 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): E CAM_AF_SCANNING
06-22 23:51:59.995 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): FOCUS_ACHIEVED_TIME : 592789
06-22 23:51:59.995 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): X
06-22 23:52:00.000 1771 2408 V AlarmManager: sending alarm {5e7da5 type 3 *alarm*:android.intent.action.TIME_TICK}
06-22 23:52:00.013 6680 6759 V ClClient: SEND(10) KeepAliveRequest_4{} UID:14af309d-6434-4c6c-aefa-e919f822a0f2
06-22 23:52:00.024 409 7872 E mm-camera: la_hist_trigger_update: luma target from AEC = 0! use default LA curve
06-22 23:52:00.031 1771 1782 I ActivityManager: Process br.com.bb.android (pid 6860) has died
06-22 23:52:00.034 1771 1782 E JavaBinder: !!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!! (parcel size = 76)
06-22 23:52:00.034 1771 2460 D WifiService: Client connection lost with reason: 4
06-22 23:52:00.035 3054 3054 I MemoryTrimmer: Trimming objects from memory, since app is in the background.
06-22 23:52:00.037 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): E CAM_AF_FOCUSED
06-22 23:52:00.037 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): ZEROMOTION: mLastFocusedFrameTime = 1466650320037
06-22 23:52:00.037 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): FOCUS_ACHIEVED_TIME : 592832
06-22 23:52:00.037 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: updateFocusDistances: setting KEY_FOCUS_DISTANCES as 0.142604,0.152069,0.162880
06-22 23:52:00.037 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): X
06-22 23:52:00.037 379 7848 D QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] static void* qcamera::QCameraCbNotifier::cbNotifyRoutine(void*) : PROFILE_SENDING_FOCUS_EVT_TO APP
06-22 23:52:00.055 379 7882 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 9089024 allocated
06-22 23:52:00.056 379 7882 E QCameraHWI_Mem: int qcamera::QCameraMemoryPool::allocateBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool, cam_stream_type_t) : Buffer not found!
06-22 23:52:00.061 379 7863 D QCamera2HWI: void qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::kpi_preview_stream_cb_routine(): CameraKpiTag: PREVIEW_START_TIME : 1151
06-22 23:52:00.065 409 7816 I MotISP_VNR: tune:LiveLux max CPU freq change detected: 0 -> 1190400
06-22 23:52:00.080 379 7882 D QCameraHWI_Mem: static int qcamera::QCameraMemory::allocOneBuffer(qcamera::QCameraMemory::QCameraMemInfo&, int, int, bool) : ION buffer 0x1 with size 9089024 allocated
06-22 23:52:00.087 379 7863 E MotISP_GPU: int MotISP_GPU::Init(int, int): GPU resolution: 1280x720
06-22 23:52:00.087 379 7863 E QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] static void qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::preview_stream_cb_routine(mm_camera_super_buf_t*, qcamera::QCameraStream*, void*) : PROFILE_FIRST_PREVIEW_FRAME
06-22 23:52:00.088 379 7898 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: QUALCOMM Build: 10/09/15, 6cbbf7d, I3193f6e94a
06-22 23:52:00.089 409 7840 E mm-camera: port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: E, identity = 0x10003, UPDATE_BUF_INFO
06-22 23:52:00.089 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_validate_buf_request: total 8 current buffer count 6 for stream 3
06-22 23:52:00.089 409 7840 E mm-camera: port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: X, identity = 0x10003, UPDATE_BUF_INFO, ret = 0
06-22 23:52:00.094 409 7840 E mm-camera: port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: E, identity = 0x10003, UPDATE_BUF_INFO
06-22 23:52:00.094 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_validate_buf_request: total 8 current buffer count 7 for stream 3
06-22 23:52:00.095 409 7840 E mm-camera: port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: X, identity = 0x10003, UPDATE_BUF_INFO, ret = 0
06-22 23:52:00.098 409 7840 E mm-camera: port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: E, identity = 0x10003, UPDATE_BUF_INFO
06-22 23:52:00.098 409 7840 E mm-camera: isp_validate_buf_request: total 8 current buffer count 8 for stream 3
06-22 23:52:00.098 409 7840 E mm-camera: port_isp_mct_ctrl_cmd: X, identity = 0x10003, UPDATE_BUF_INFO, ret = 0
06-22 23:52:00.102 379 7882 D QCameraStream: static void* qcamera::QCameraStream::BufAllocRoutine(void*): X
06-22 23:52:00.110 1771 4599 I WindowState: WIN DEATH: Window{2c265db u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.applications.InstalledAppDetails}
06-22 23:52:00.110 1771 3003 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 4
06-22 23:52:00.126 1771 3065 I ActivityManager: Process com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search (pid 7718) has died
06-22 23:52:00.128 351 351 E lowmemorykiller: Error opening /proc/7223/oom_score_adj; errno=2
06-22 23:52:00.156 1771 5130 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.defcontainer (pid 7223) has died
06-22 23:52:00.206 1771 3045 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.settings (pid 7179) has died
06-22 23:52:00.304 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): E CAM_AF_SCANNING
06-22 23:52:00.304 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): FOCUS_ACHIEVED_TIME : 593098
06-22 23:52:00.304 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): X
06-22 23:52:00.324 1771 2549 I ActivityManager: Start proc 7899:android.process.acore/u0a8 for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.ContactsProvider2
06-22 23:52:00.374 1771 1771 V AlarmManager: done {5e7da5, *alarm*:android.intent.action.TIME_TICK} [374ms]
06-22 23:52:00.382 379 7805 E QCameraParameters: [KPI Perf] int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setFaceDetection(bool): PROFILE_FACE_DETECTION_VALUE = 1 num_fd = 5
06-22 23:52:00.382 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::initBatchUpdate(void*):Initializing batch parameter set
06-22 23:52:00.382 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::AddSetParmEntryToBatch(void*, cam_intf_parm_type_t, uint32_t, void*): num_entry: 1, paramType: 32, paramLength: 8, aligned_size_req: 24
06-22 23:52:00.383 409 7840 E mm-camera: mct_pipeline_send_ctrl_events: Send Set Parm events
06-22 23:52:00.384 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::commitSetBatch():waiting for commitSetBatch to complete
06-22 23:52:00.384 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: int32_t qcamera::QCameraParameters::setFaceDetection(bool): FaceProcMask -> 1
06-22 23:52:00.546 7778 7792 D Checkin : publish the event [tag = MOT_CAMERA_STATS event name = CAMERA_READY]
06-22 23:52:00.571 7899 7899 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ContactsProvider/lib/arm
06-22 23:52:00.573 6680 6758 V ClClient: RECV(10) +0,5s KeepAliveResponse_5{hasEstablishedSession=true}
06-22 23:52:00.626 1771 5119 I ActivityManager: Process com.google.process.gapps (pid 6897) has died
06-22 23:52:00.746 2501 2855 D MotoNetwCtrlr: onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.wifi.RSSI_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }
06-22 23:52:00.746 2501 2855 I MotoNetwCtrlr.MotoWifiSignalCtrlr: handleBroadcast: Entered: Intent=Intent { act=android.net.wifi.RSSI_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } Action=android.net.wifi.RSSI_CHANGED
06-22 23:52:00.747 1771 2461 D ConnectivityService: updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] to 60
06-22 23:52:00.747 1771 2461 D ConnectivityService: rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
06-22 23:52:00.822 7899 7899 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/UserDictionaryProvider/lib/arm
06-22 23:52:00.918 7899 7914 I ContactLocale: AddressBook Labels [pt-BR]: [, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Α, Β, Γ, Δ, Ε, Ζ, Η, Θ, Ι, Κ, Λ, Μ, Ν, Ξ, Ο, Π, Ρ, Σ, Τ, Υ, Φ, Χ, Ψ, Ω, , А, Б, В, Г, Д, Ђ, Е, Є, Ж, З, И, І, Й, Ј, К, Л, Љ, М, Н, Њ, О, П, Р, С, Т, Ћ, У, Ф, Х, Ц, Ч, Џ, Ш, Щ, Ю, Я, , א, ב, ג, ד, ה, ו, ז, ח, ט, י, כ, ל, מ, נ, ס, ע, פ, צ, ק, ר, ש, ת, , ا, ب, ت, ث, ج, ح, خ, د, ذ, ر, ز, س, ش, ص, ض, ط, ظ, ع, غ, ف, ق, ك, ل, م, ن, ه, و, ي, , ก, ข, ฃ, ค, ฅ, ฆ, ง, จ, ฉ, ช, ซ, ฌ, ญ, ฎ, ฏ, ฐ, ฑ, ฒ, ณ, ด, ต, ถ, ท, ธ, น, บ, ป, ผ, ฝ, พ, ฟ, ภ, ม, ย, ร, ฤ, ล, ฦ, ว, ศ, ษ, ส, ห, ฬ, อ, ฮ, , ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅇ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅎ, , あ, か, さ, た, な, は, ま, や, ら, わ, #, ]
06-22 23:52:01.039 1771 1782 I AccountManagerService: getTypesVisibleToCaller: isPermitted? true
06-22 23:52:01.201 1771 2549 I ActivityManager: Process android.process.acore (pid 7899) has died
06-22 23:52:01.328 1771 1862 I ActivityManager: Start proc 7916:br.com.bb.android/u0a120 for broadcast br.com.bb.android/.widget.BadgeWidget
06-22 23:52:01.452 379 7932 D ExtendedUtils: extended extractor not needed, return default
06-22 23:52:01.452 379 7931 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xb8acb108), (1, 0, 0)
06-22 23:52:01.452 2501 7923 D MediaPlayer: setSubtitleAnchor in MediaPlayer
06-22 23:52:01.488 1771 3045 I MediaFocusControl: AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from android.media.AudioManager@9fc6e5f req=3flags=0x0
06-22 23:52:01.491 379 379 D NuPlayerDriver: start(0xb8acb108), state is 4, eos is 0
06-22 23:52:01.494 379 7931 I GenericSource: start
06-22 23:52:01.498 353 353 I SFPerfTracer: triggers: (rate: 4:977) (compose: 0:1) (post: 0:3) (render: 1:67) (1:40018 frames) (2:52447)
06-22 23:52:01.498 353 353 D SFPerfTracer: layers: (3:14) (FocusedStackFrame (0xb83606e0): 0:91)* (DimLayer (0xb83cfb68): 0:14)* (DimLayer (0xb83d2050): 0:2)* (StatusBar (0xb83b9ed8): 0:6928)* (com.android.phasebeam.PhaseBeamWallpaper (0xb83c4c00): 0:13706)* (DimLayer (0xb83777e8): 0:14)* (NavigationBar (0xb8373f18): 0:135) (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL (0xb83e8030): 0:133)- (Starting test.camera (0xb83bb890): 0:40)- (test.camera/test.camera.TestcameraActivity (0xb83e92f8): 0:19)- (test.camera/org.appcelerator.titanium.TiActivity (0xb83e8030): 0:21)- (com.motorola.camera/com.motorola.camera.Camera (0xb83e8030): 0:9) (SurfaceView (0xb83e92f8): 2:25)
06-22 23:52:01.615 379 7937 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(3f:google.vorbis.decoder, ConfigPriority(0x6f800002)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001)
06-22 23:52:01.615 379 7937 I ACodec : codec does not support config priority (err -2147483648)
06-22 23:52:01.616 379 7937 I MediaCodec: MediaCodec will operate in async mode
06-22 23:52:01.645 2501 2501 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
06-22 23:52:01.688 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): E CAM_AF_FOCUSED
06-22 23:52:01.688 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): ZEROMOTION: mLastFocusedFrameTime = 1466650321688
06-22 23:52:01.688 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): FOCUS_ACHIEVED_TIME : 594483
06-22 23:52:01.688 379 7805 D QCameraParameters: updateFocusDistances: setting KEY_FOCUS_DISTANCES as 0.200532,0.219922,0.243464
06-22 23:52:01.688 379 7805 D QCamera2HWI: int32_t qcamera::QCamera2HardwareInterface::processAutoFocusEvent(cam_auto_focus_data_t&): X
06-22 23:52:01.688 379 7848 D QCamera2HWI: [KPI Perf] static void* qcamera::QCameraCbNotifier::cbNotifyRoutine(void*) : PROFILE_SENDING_FOCUS_EVT_TO APP
06-22 23:52:01.736 379 1028 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=4194304
06-22 23:52:01.736 379 1028 D audio_hw_fm: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Inside
06-22 23:52:01.736 379 1028 V audio_hw_fm: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: enter
06-22 23:52:01.736 379 1028 V audio_hw_fm: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: exit
06-22 23:52:01.738 379 7931 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xb8acb108), (6, 0, 0)
06-22 23:52:01.747 379 1027 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_device(4: speaker-safe) in_snd_device(0: none)
06-22 23:52:01.747 379 1027 D msm8974_platform: platform_send_audio_calibration: sending audio calibration for snd_device(4) acdb_id(15)
06-22 23:52:01.747 379 1027 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0
06-22 23:52:01.747 379 1027 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
06-22 23:52:01.747 379 1027 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
06-22 23:52:01.747 379 1027 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
06-22 23:52:01.747 379 1027 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
06-22 23:52:01.748 379 1027 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
06-22 23:52:01.748 379 1027 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
06-22 23:52:01.748 379 1027 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
06-22 23:52:01.748 379 1027 D : Failed to fetch the lookup information of the device 0000000F
06-22 23:52:01.748 379 1027 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
06-22 23:52:01.748 379 1027 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(4: speaker-safe)
06-22 23:52:01.761 379 1027 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker
06-22 23:52:01.766 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual true
06-22 23:52:01.766 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual true
06-22 23:52:01.766 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:52:01.767 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:52:01.767 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:52:01.767 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:52:01.767 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:52:01.767 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:52:01.767 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:52:01.767 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:52:01.767 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:52:01.767 2501 2501 V QSTileView: setDual false
06-22 23:52:02.028 379 7936 I NuPlayerDecoder: [audio] saw output EOS
06-22 23:52:02.443 2901 2901 I DownloadManagerWrapper: onReceive() : Charging = true
06-22 23:52:02.502 2901 2901 I DownloadManagerWrapper: onReceive() : Charging = true
06-22 23:52:02.654 379 7931 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xb8acb108), (2, 0, 0)
06-22 23:52:02.654 1771 5120 I MediaFocusControl: AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from android.media.AudioManager@9fc6e5f
06-22 23:52:02.729 379 1028 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker
06-22 23:52:02.730 379 1028 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(4: speaker-safe)
06-22 23:52:02.732 353 353 I SFPerfTracer: trigger: frame rate (-29.115%) (42.531 fps) (23.512 ms) (6 drops) (33 frames)
06-22 23:52:02.732 353 353 I SFPerfTracer: triggers: (rate: 5:984) (compose: 0:1) (post: 0:4) (render: 1:74) (33:40059 frames) (34:52493)
06-22 23:52:02.732 353 353 D SFPerfTracer: layers: (4:10) (FocusedStackFrame (0xb83606e0): 0:91)* (DimLayer (0xb83cfb68): 0:14)* (DimLayer (0xb83d2050): 0:2)* (StatusBar (0xb83b9ed8): 30:6966) (com.android.phasebeam.PhaseBeamWallpaper (0xb83c4c00): 0:13706)* (DimLayer (0xb83777e8): 0:14)* (NavigationBar (0xb8373f18): 0:135) (com.motorola.camera/com.motorola.camera.Camera (0xb83e8030): 0:9) (SurfaceView (0xb83e92f8): 13:44)
06-22 23:52:03.503 7916 7916 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for br.com.bb.android.environment.environmentprovider
06-22 23:52:03.696 1771 3060 I ActivityManager: Process br.com.bb.android (pid 7916) has died
06-22 23:52:03.767 1771 2461 D ConnectivityService: updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] to 56
06-22 23:52:03.767 1771 2461 D ConnectivityService: rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102]
06-22 23:52:03.768 3054 3069 W art : Suspending all threads took: 9.082ms
File | Date | Size |
screenshot_20160622-165357.png | 2016-06-23T03:02:25.000+0000 | 76881 |
screenshot_20160622-165409.png | 2016-06-23T03:02:27.000+0000 | 86244 |
Seems to be working for the user for now on that specific device.
It starts to crash again =(