Steps to reproduce
*sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/*
1. *appc new --classic*
2. enter project
3. *appc new -t applewatch*
4. *appc run -p ios -I 10.0 --launch-watch-app -l trace*
5. change content in app.js
6. Repeat 4.
Expected result
app builds and runs normally
Actual result
[ERROR] xcodebuild: error: Unable to find a destination matching the provided destination specifier:
[ERROR] { platform:iOS Simulator, id:507666A6-38FF-4972-9D8B-C11D9D20AD19, OS:10.0 }
[ERROR] Ineligible destinations for the "SGTestW" scheme:
[ERROR] { platform:iOS, id:dvtdevice-DVTiPhonePlaceholder-iphoneos:placeholder, name:Generic iOS Device }
[ERROR] { platform:iOS Simulator, id:dvtdevice-DVTiOSDeviceSimulatorPlaceholder-iphonesimulator:placeholder, name:Generic iOS Simulator Device }
Not sure if it matters but I did notice that it's removing build files for watchapp here: It unmarks the following product files:
However, the thing is, the watchKit apps are not in
but actually inDebug-watchsimulator
. This has always been the same in iOS 9.3 and Titanium 5.4.X. So we having been rebuilding the watchkit project for every build. Not sure if it's by design. [~cbarber] fyi.It's the same for non-watch applications. Just noticed it in hyperloop-examples with iOS 10 today. After running the build again, the error seem to be gone. Strange behavior.
Master PR: 6_0_X PR: This PR fixes a number of Xcode 8 and WatchOS related issues: * Team id is now required in the tiapp.xml when building an app with a watch extension and Xcode 8. * Added build configuration settings for swift files in watch apps ** Namely set the "SWIFT_VERSION" to "2.2", if it's not already set... all new Watch extension projects will have this set to "3.0" * Removed old watchos2 template in favor of existing watchos2-objc template. * Set default min iOS SDK version to 8.0 if not explicitly set in the tiapp.xml and compiling using Xcode 8. * Removed old maintainers from package.jsons. The bad news is I was not able to reproduce the original issue in this ticket. Differential builds work just fine. The problem with the destination is due to a problem with selecting an iOS Simulator. I believe this to be machine/install specific issue where one of the simulators is mucked up.
I'll move Chris's PR to another ticket and resolving this one as not reproducible.
PRs moved to TIMOB-23774. 5_5_X PR:
Closing ticket with reference to the above comments.