Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-23905] iOS: Build fails when selecting iOS 9.0 and watchOS 2.0 using iOS SDK 9.3 or 9.2

GitHub Issuen/a
Affected Version/sRelease 6.0.0, Release 5.5.0, Release 5.5.1
Fix Version/sn/a
Labelscb-tooling, engReviewed, qe-5.5.0
ReporterEric Wieber


I receive the below error when trying to build for iOS 9.0 and WatchOS 2.0 sims using the iOS SDK 9.3 or 9.2. One example command is: appc run --platform ios --log-level trace --ios-version 9.3 --sim-version 9.0 --watch-device-id E5CE2E3B-84AB-453B-B3FE-0BDD4BBBCBE4 --launch-watch-app --device-id 5C5D053D-D4AE-451F-8573-2E4174315471 The error received is:
[ERROR] :  The following build commands failed:
[ERROR] :  	CompileSwift normal i386 /Users/Eric/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/ClassicWatch3/build/iphone/extensions/ClassicWatch3/ClassicWatch3 WatchKit Extension/NotificationController.swift
[ERROR] :  	CompileSwift normal i386 /Users/Eric/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/ClassicWatch3/build/iphone/extensions/ClassicWatch3/ClassicWatch3 WatchKit Extension/ExtensionDelegate.swift
[ERROR] :  	CompileSwift normal i386 /Users/Eric/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/ClassicWatch3/build/iphone/extensions/ClassicWatch3/ClassicWatch3 WatchKit Extension/InterfaceController.swift
[ERROR] :  	CompileSwiftSources normal i386 com.apple.xcode.tools.swift.compiler
[ERROR] :  (4 failures)
*Steps to reproduce issue* 1. Create a new project 2. Add a WatchOS app to your project 3. Build the project for simulators iOS 9.0/WatchOS 2.0 using the iOS SDK 9.3 (you can set this in the run configurations, if in Studio) *Expected Results* The app builds and runs without issue *Actual Results* The build fails with the above error *Notes* I have encountered this and received the below error in Studio, but the above error is shown in the CLI with the same command:
[TRACE] :  [ioslib] Waiting for Watch App to install...
[ERROR] :  Watch App installation failure: __96-[SPCompanionAppInstaller sendInstallationDataWithPath:dataType:name:info:installer:completion:]_block_invoke337, fileHandle == nil for com.appc.classic.watchkitapp, path: /Users/Eric/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/F1F70A5E-331E-4051-86BA-0B550180CFEF/data/Library/Caches/com.apple.companionappd/com.appc.classic.watchkitapp.zip
These are the sims/xcode version selected:
[TRACE] :  [ioslib] Selected iOS Simulator: iPhone 5
[TRACE] :  [ioslib]   UDID    = 5C5D053D-D4AE-451F-8573-2E4174315471
[TRACE] :  [ioslib]   iOS     = 9.0
[TRACE] :  [ioslib] Selected WatchOS Simulator: Apple Watch - 38mm
[TRACE] :  [ioslib]   UDID    = E5CE2E3B-84AB-453B-B3FE-0BDD4BBBCBE4
[TRACE] :  [ioslib]   WatchOS = 2.0
[TRACE] :  [ioslib] Autoselected Xcode: 7.3.1


  1. Chee Kiat Ng 2016-09-14

    [~jvennemann] is this because of the template created when you do *appc new -t applewatch* ?
  2. Jan Vennemann 2016-09-15

    Yes the template is created during project creation and targeted for Swift 3.0 since 5.5.0. So trying to later run the project with iOS SDK 9.3 and Xcode 7/Swift 2.3 will result in the described error. Maybe we can introduce a new option when running appc new -t applewatch which allows to choose either a Swift 2 or Swift 3 template? But this doesn't prevent the user from changing the iOS version later on. Another solution could be to improve the error handling and print a more user friendly message stating the the Swift code needs to be changed in order to run with older Swift versions.
  3. Chee Kiat Ng 2016-09-15

    we can do both solution. there's already a way to select the template on appc cli. I think our users are ok, as long as we explain. And yes lets have a more user friendly message.

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