Issue Description
App is closing after try to call the intent
Steps to Reproduce
Create a new alloy project with hyperloop and test services enabled
Import the content from this sample project
Here is a sample of the intent call:
var context = Ti.Android.currentActivity,
Activity = require(''),
Intent = require('android.content.Intent');
var myIntent = new Intent(context, RegistrationIntentService.class);
var activity = new Activity(Ti.Android.currentActivity);
[~rramirez] can you include more information. Like the crash log if any. And verify if your SDK in environment is correct. it's says 4.4.0. And more environment info please. crash on device or emulator?
I guess it's a duplicate of the general problem with opening intents. [~msamah], what was the ticket number again?
There is any crash log, the app only stop working and get closed
Intents at TIMOB-20490 [~hansknoechel]
This is a duplicate of TIMOB-23953 and will be fixed with Hyperloop 2.0.0 and Titanium 6.
Closing as duplicate.