[TIMOB-2467] Android: Facebook - publish stream/status invokes blank log in window when user is logged in
GitHub Issue | n/a |
Type | Bug |
Priority | Medium |
Status | Closed |
Resolution | Cannot Reproduce |
Resolution Date | 2011-07-11T13:04:52.000+0000 |
Affected Version/s | Release 1.5.0 |
Fix Version/s | Sprint 2011-22 |
Components | Android |
Labels | android, facebook, regression |
Reporter | Thomas Huelbert |
Assignee | Natalie Huynh |
Created | 2011-04-15T03:20:32.000+0000 |
Updated | 2011-07-11T13:04:59.000+0000 |
Titanium SDK version: 1.5.0 (11/29/10 08:10 faa27c7). G2 (2.2) some G1 (1.6) some droid 1 (2.2) and a bit of sim (2.1)
1.Mashups > Facebook > Publish Stream (be logged in, or
log in on this screen)
2.tap either status or stream
results: blank log in window is invoked (dismissing dialog invokes "null" alert)
What do the "some"s and "a bit" mean? That it doesn't happen consistently?
I don't have any problem with this on a HTC Desire with 2.2.
sorry that was a copy paste error (the config listed). Here's the notes from our email yesterday about the behavior I see now
1.The log in screen tells me I am logged out
2.I tap log in
results: it appears as if the log in screen is launched 2X (2x instances of activity indicators appear and dismiss)
3.I enter data and tap log in
results: dialog asking if I want the browser to remember my password is invoked. I tap "not now"
results: the log in page disappears, and is replaced by a blank one
I reliably see 2 instances of activity indicators when I tap the "connect with facebook button".
Back to you Bill, hope that appropriate.
Adding behavior I am seeing to make its its fixed when this is closed. When the log in window is invoked (see the double activity indicators), tapping into the text entry field will either:
-not invoke keyboard -invoke keyboard but will not show chars until the keyboard is dismissed.
As this only happens when the "double log in windows" are invoked, not logging a new bug. Be sure this is gone when closing.
Missed in scrub for 1.5.0 to be moved to TBS
It's a pretty old ticket, and I haven't been able to reproduce today on HTC Desire (Android 2.2) or Android 2.1 emulator. I never see this double activity indicator described here. Maybe it's magically fixed since November? :)
Tested with 1.7.2.v20110711111041 with Droid 2.2.1 and Nexus S 2.3.4, tested login and logout and login again. Not seeing the blank login or the double indicator
Need to remove a label