Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-25040] iOS: Xcode created provisioning profiles not working with 6.1.0

GitHub Issuen/a
ResolutionNeeds more info
Resolution Date2019-08-05T17:10:32.000+0000
Affected Version/sRelease 6.1.0
Fix Version/sn/a
LabelsTitanium, TitaniumStudio, profile, provisioning, xcode8.3
AssigneeVijay Singh


I have an App in the Appstore, which I recently created a watch for and I am not able to use the provisioning profiles for the Watch that were created in Xcode. I called Apple and they said they wouldn't delete or change the App IDs and Provisioning profiles that were Automatically created in Xcode. What is the solution to this problem? Is there a workaround?


  1. Sharif AbuDarda 2017-06-15

    Hello, Please explain your issue a little more. Where did you create the provisioning profile is it through apple developer portal or through Xcode. Also, what are you trying to achieve with Appcelerator platform?
  2. mikezal1 2017-06-16

    I created my app with Appcelerator, the provisioning in developer portal and uploaded it to the store last years. A few weeks ago I decided I wanted to add a Watchkit app/extension. In the process of creating it, I selected "Automatically manage signing" in Xcode. Since creating the provisioning profile in Xcode, I cannot run the watch and iPhone for the device. Although, in the *Configure Provisioning Profiles* section of the tiapp.xml I can see the provisioning profiles created by Xcode. They have it listed with * iOS Team Provisioning Profile: xxx.xxx.xxxx.watchkitapp*., instead of the name you would add in the developer portal. I get an error stating {quote}[ERROR] : iOS extension "c2tri" target "c2tri WatchKit App" has invalid provisioning profile UUID in tiapp.xml. [ERROR] : Unable to find a valid provisioning profile matching the UUID "xxxxx". {quote} When I tried to add a new App ID in the developer portal with Identifier extension *.watchkitapp * or watchkitapp.watchkitextension. I am getting error {quote}There were errors in the data supplied. Please correct and re-submit. An App ID with Identifier *xxx.xxx.xxxx.watchkitapp* is not available. Please enter a different string. {quote} I want to attach the watch to my app so I can test it on my phone and upload it to the store. I cannot see the Xcode generated App Id/profile in the developer portal to delete it, and I cannot use the Id/profile that was generated in Xcode in the Appcelerator studio. What else do you need to know?
  3. Sharif AbuDarda 2017-06-23

    Hello, To my understanding, Can you clear these questions? Can you use the same provisioning profile registered with the device, that was used to test your original app, was created in the developer portal? What about the original provisioning profile you created for your original app testing on device? I believe you created a new provisioning profile with Xcode now? Thanks.
  4. mikezal1 2017-06-24

    App - Provisioning profile created in the developer portal - It works fine on the device and there are no problems watchkitapp - Provisioning profile created in Xcode- It does not work on the device with Appcelerator watchkitapp.watchkitextension - Provisioning profile created in Xcode- It does not work on the device with Appcelerator
  5. Sharif AbuDarda 2017-07-19

    Hello, Is same issue happening with SDK 6.1.1.GA?
  6. mikezal1 2017-07-24

    Yes, it is still happening.
  7. Alan Hutton 2019-07-01

    [~vijaysingh] Can you take a quick look at this?
  8. Vijay Singh 2019-07-01

    [~mikezal1] 1. Can you please check discussion [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28816339/watchkit-extension-no-matching-provisioning-profiles-found), if you are missing anything while creating provisioning profile and setting app id? 2. Can you try with latest SDK 8.0.1.GA or 8.0.2.GA. Thanks!

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