Issue Description
When no finger prints are enrolled on the device, we are navigating the user to "General Settings" screen of the device. After adding the finger prints to the device and coming back to our application, if user is trying to provide his finger print, module is returning the below error code when giving the wrong finger print :
INFO] : e :{"error":"Unable to recognize fingerprint","success":false}
when providing the valid finger print :
[INFO] : e :{"error":"Failed to encrypt the data with the generated key.","success":false}.
But when we kill the app and provide the valid finger print, it is working as expected.
e :{"message":"/XeCBxGVjSXleIYYz9IzJg==\n","success":true}
[~hknoechel] PFA the sample code.
[~hknoechel] They are using the Touch Id module with 2.2.0 version for Android.
master: ti.touchid-android-2.2.2:
Final PR : FR Passed. PR merged. Closing. Studio Ver: SDK Ver: 7.0.0.v20171108114616 OS Ver: 10.12.3 Xcode Ver: Xcode 8.3.3 Appc NPM: 4.2.10 Appc CLI: 6.3.0 Ti CLI Ver: 5.0.14 Alloy Ver: 1.10.7 Node Ver: 7.10.1 Java Ver: 1.8.0_101 Devices: ⇨ google Nexus 6P --- Android 8.0.0 TouchID module: 3.0.0