Unable to subscribe to push notifications on latest Ti SDK 6.3.0.GA. We have tested the issue in the following environment:
Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 6.3.0
Axway Appcelerator Studio, build:,
Titanium SDK 6.3.0
Xcode Version: Version 9.1
iOS SDK 11
*Steps to reproduce the issue:*
1- Create new certificate
2- Create new provisioning profile
3- Delete old provisioning profiles from Apple developer and my mac
4- Download and install the new profile and certificate
5- Clean the project
6- Delete the build forlder
7- Uninstall and reinstall the app
8- Run the app using the new certificate and profile (in development)
9- Accept permission to allow notifications in the app
Just create a new application and follow all the configuration for push notification on above working environment.
*Test Code:*
*Test Results:*
We have got an infinity loop like below
[INFO] : Device Token: {"success":true,"code":0,"source":{},"type":"remote","deviceToken":"94xxxxxxxxxxxce52"}
[INFO] : Device Token: {"success":true,"code":0,"source":{},"type":"remote","deviceToken":"94xxxxxxxxxxxce52"}
[INFO] : Device Token: {"success":true,"code":0,"source":{},"type":"remote","deviceToken":"94xxxxxxxxxxxce52"}
[INFO] : Device Token: {"success":true,"code":0,"source":{},"type":"remote","deviceToken":"94xxxxxxxxxxxce52"}
[INFO] : Device Token: {"success":true,"code":0,"source":{},"type":"remote","deviceToken":"94xxxxxxxxxxxce52"}
[INFO] : Device Token: {"success":true,"code":0,"source":{},"type":"remote","deviceToken":"94xxxxxxxxxxxce52"}
*Expected Result:*
The device is subscribed for the push notification.
I just simplified the test-case to only the core-components used to receive the device-token and it returns the device-token properly:
So it looks like a circular loop issue you are having with your code. Please go through the code again and ensure the method to receive the device-token is not called more than once. Thanks!