When *'largeTitleEnabled'* property is set to true for iOS 11, the animation which takes place between the *backButtonTitle* of next window & the title of current window (hidden window) is not smooth.
Large title of previous window flickers when animation happens back to previous window. It goes this way:
1- Window A has *largeTitleEnabled : true*
2- Window B has *largeTitleEnabled : false*
3- Open Window B from Window A, title transition animation goes smooth here.
4- Now close Window B & notice the flickering in *title of Window A*
But this flickering doesn't happens in inbuilt apps like Settings, etc.
Please see attached video to see the difference in title & backbutton transition between 2 windows in *inbuilt Settings* app & *Titanium Samples* app.
Here's the sample code for this:
var winA = Ti.UI.createWindow({
backgroundColor : '#444',
largeTitleEnabled : true,
title : "Window A"
var winB = Ti.UI.createWindow({
backgroundColor : '#444',
largeTitleEnabled : false, // even leaving this property to its default value cause mis-behaviour in title transition, try this code by deleting this line as well, it will mis-behave
title : "Window B"
var button = Ti.UI.createButton({
title : ' Open Window A ',
backgroundColor : "#0ba",
color : '#fff'
var navWindow = Ti.UI.iOS.createNavigationWindow({
window : winA
button.addEventListener('click', function () {
Hello, Please provide a sample code/app which generates the issue, for us to test. Thanks.
Hi, I have added the sample code, it's the basic boilerplate code for navigationWindow system which can easily reproduce the error.
Hello, I can see the issue in animation when large title in window is enabled. Moving to TIMOB. Thanks.