After upgrading to Appcelerator version 7.5.0 this issue has been observed.
When a user receives a push notification, rather than the number going up by 1 on their app icon badge, it is going up by 9-11.
This is occurring only in Android 8 and above devices.
1. Trigger push notification
2. Monitor badge count x push
Just FYI- Looks like in Appcelerator documentation |
It says that badge count will not appear on app icon, but it's not the case for Android 8 and above because user can go to settings and enable the app icon badge count. (screenshot attached).
Here is the json payload we are putting in arrow db for push notification.
"alert": "This is for badge testing count24",
"title": "Hello world1",
"vibrate": true,
"icon": "notification",
"badge": "+1",
"sound": "default"
Looks like for Android we need something similar to below code: Ti.UI.iOS.setAppBadge(0);