[TIMOB-2717] reshowing popover causes child TableViews to blank out.
GitHub Issue | n/a |
Type | Bug |
Priority | Medium |
Status | Closed |
Resolution | Fixed |
Resolution Date | 2011-06-09T10:40:39.000+0000 |
Affected Version/s | n/a |
Fix Version/s | Sprint 2011-23 |
Components | iOS |
Labels | n/a |
Reporter | dbachelder |
Assignee | Reggie Seagraves |
Created | 2011-04-15T03:27:43.000+0000 |
Updated | 2011-06-27T17:41:45.000+0000 |
The following code shows the issue.. click the button twice and you should see the problem on the iPad simulator. Ti SDK 1.5.1
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({title:'test'});
var b = Ti.UI.createButton({title:'button', width:100, height:100});
var pop = Ti.UI.iPad.createPopover({width:300, height:200,arrowDirection:Ti.UI.iPad.POPOVER_ARROW_DIRECTION_LEFT});
pop.add(Ti.UI.createTableView({data:[{title:'a'}, {title:'b'}, {title:'c'}]}));
b.addEventListener('click', function() {
This is still happening as of 1.7 (Jun 6 2011 15:48 r64155ee4)
Sample Code:
Helpdesk Ticket
http://support.appcelerator.com/tickets/APP-231259/homepageFixed by checkins in linked Jira issues.
Fixed with build r57d536ed in simulator, iPad 3.2.2 and iPad 2 4.3.3.