Quick question for the iOS team...
An enterprise customer sent in pull request 85 on Titanium Mobile a while ago
This makes it so the "scroll" event of a table view fires after the user has stopped dragging the table.
But taking this as is would break existing code -- the event would fire more than anticipated, and it would operate inconsistently with Android (right now, they work the same).
So... my idea is we add a flag to let the user trigger this behavior. Something like "fireScrollOnlyWhenDragging". This defaults to false, but can be set to true on a particular table view.
That would let us...
if (scrollView.isDragging || !fireScrollOnlyWhenDragging) { ... }
Resulting in a happy client and a consistent cross platform experience.
I duplicated [TIMOB-3436](http://appc.me/TIMOB-3436) here.
Going to reject the pull request (messy, breaks parity with Android, etc.) and reschedule for 1.8.0 as per RLS.
Changed fix-version after merge to 1_7_X
Whoops, wrong ticket
Test app. BEHAVIOR BEFORE FIX: - Scroll events are not fired any more as soon as finger is lifted and dragging ends BEHAVIOR AFTER FIX: - Scroll events are fired as long as the tableview content is scrolling, including AFTER dragging ends
Closing ticket as fixed.