Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-4483] Add iPad specific resource folder for universal binary support

GitHub Issuen/a
TypeNew Feature
Resolution Date2011-06-30T14:16:51.000+0000
Affected Version/sRelease 1.7.1
Fix Version/sSprint 2011-26
ReporterAlan Leard
AssigneeBlain Hamon


Users would like to have an iPad specific resource folder just like the android and iphone folders to store iPad specific resources when creating a universal binary project.


  1. Stephen Tramer 2011-06-24

    OK'd by Android team. They support android/X subdirectories, where X is a device resolution (and is pre-determined by Google). However, after a discussion with Don, we should force a new directory structure for platform-specific resources. We cannot have a strictly Resources/ipad directory - then common data between iphone and ipad could not be combined (no clue which from what directory is appropriate) without duplication. Therefore, we should have: Resources/platform/ios - Common resources for iOS devices Resources/platform/ios/iphone - iPhone/iPod-specific resources Resources/platform/ios/ipad - iPad-specific resources
  2. Blain Hamon 2011-06-30

    After working on this for a while and trying to interpret this, came up with at least four mutually exclusive interpretations of what needs to be implemented. Need a test case of the file structure expected from the project, and the file structure expected in the built app, AND what js should call to access the various files.
  3. Blain Hamon 2011-06-30

    In talking with Don, it turns out that, beyond the 'android' folder, the naming/folder conventions are done by the OS. However, on iOS, folders are not used to fix namespace conflicts. Instead, the file has a specific naming convention. See http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/LoadingResources/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/10000051i-CH1-SW1 and http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/LoadingResources/ImageSoundResources/ImageSoundResources.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/10000051i-CH7-SW17 We honor this for images. That is, in the iPhone folder, you can specify: * foo.gif will work in all cases, but can be overridden * foo@2x~iphone.gif will override on retina display ipods and iphones * foo@2x.gif will also override on retina display ipods and iphones * foo~iphone.gif will override on any display ipods and iphones * foo~ipad.gif will override on ipads This is only for graphics, but no folder is necessary for this.
  4. Blain Hamon 2011-06-30

    See comments: In short, there already exists an Apple-provided naming convention to keep images iPad-only or iPhone-only when fetching them at runtime.
  5. Ben Bahrenburg 2011-06-30

    Will the same convention work with js files?
  6. Lee Morris 2017-03-21

    Closing ticket as invalid.

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