[TIMOB-5331] iOS: Launching in landscape and then rotating to portrait causes popover button to disappear
GitHub Issue | n/a |
Type | Bug |
Priority | High |
Status | Closed |
Resolution | Fixed |
Resolution Date | 2011-10-21T17:30:56.000+0000 |
Affected Version/s | Release 1.7.4, Release 1.8.0 |
Fix Version/s | Sprint 2011-42, Release 1.7.4, Release 1.8.0 |
Components | iOS |
Labels | regression |
Reporter | Natalie Huynh |
Assignee | Blain Hamon |
Created | 2011-09-21T16:02:47.000+0000 |
Updated | 2014-06-19T12:46:31.000+0000 |
Steps to Reproduce
1. Launch KitchenSink iPad in landscape
2. Click on Open Main Tests
3. Rotate device to portrait
Actual Result:
Popover button is not displayed
Expected Result:
For the popover button to be displayed
Last working on 1.7.3
Last working in 1.7.2
Pull request 576 & 577.
Tested with 1.7.4.v20111021181815 with TiStudio on OSX Lion 10.7.2 iPad 2 with OS Version 4.3.5 Launching in landscape, clicking on open main tests, then rotating to portrait causes the popover button to be displayed in the top left corner as expected. Keeping open to confirm with 1.8 before closing
Tested with SDK: iPad 2 5.0 iPad 2 4.3.5