[TIMOB-6432] MobileWeb: Parity for high-priority APIs
GitHub Issue | n/a |
Type | Bug |
Priority | High |
Status | Closed |
Resolution | Invalid |
Resolution Date | 2012-01-17T15:26:07.000+0000 |
Affected Version/s | n/a |
Fix Version/s | n/a |
Components | MobileWeb |
Labels | stage |
Reporter | Bryan Hughes |
Assignee | Chris Barber |
Created | 2011-12-02T11:25:33.000+0000 |
Updated | 2014-01-28T23:57:34.000+0000 |
We need to reach feature parity on certain high-priority APIs quickly. Some of these APIs work, some don't, and most we are unsure. Formal verification is necessary including both simulators and devices.
* getBool()
* getList()
* getString()
* removeProperty()
* setBool()
* setList()
* setString()
Note: Must persist values across page reloads
* "login" event
* authorize()
* request()
* logout()
Note: Must persist logged in state across page reloads
* createHTTPClient()
* "change" event
* networkType
* online
* openURL()
* canOpenURL()
* 2DMatrix
** Need to pull from bhughes timob-6017
* ActivityIndicator
* AlertDialog
* Animation
* Button
* ImageView
* Label
* Picker
* PickerColumn
* PickerRow
* ScrollableView
* ScrollView
* Slider
* Switch
* TabbedBar
* TableView
* TableViewRow
* TableViewSection
* TextArea
* TextField
* View
* WebView
** Known issue that we can't load sites with frame busters (i.e. stackoverflow.com)
* Window
Note: It is advised to tackle Ti.UI APIs last.
Found issues and fixed in Ti.App.Properties (TIMOB-6502) and Ti.Platform (TIMOB-6426). Ti.Network is mostly good, but need to verify "change" event. Ti.PickerColumn and Ti.PickerRow needs implementation. Ti.TextField has issues with (password) masks, clear button, and border style.
Marked this ticket as invalid because we've made individual tickets for each API that needs the full implementation.