[TIMOB-727] Fix focus/blur events for windows and text fields
GitHub Issue | n/a |
Type | Bug |
Priority | Medium |
Status | Closed |
Resolution | Fixed |
Resolution Date | 2011-04-17T01:54:03.000+0000 |
Affected Version/s | n/a |
Fix Version/s | Release 1.3.0 |
Components | Android |
Labels | android, defect |
Reporter | Marshall Culpepper |
Assignee | Marshall Culpepper |
Created | 2011-04-15T02:35:14.000+0000 |
Updated | 2011-04-17T01:54:03.000+0000 |
- Window events test
- Controls - Text fields
AFAICT this works like it should for Android, marking as resolved
Tested on: android emu, 1.4.X (2 Nov), 1.5.X (6 Nov), ubuntu
It is extremely difficult to pinpoint, but in some cases the window focus event still does not fire. Run this app.js for example:
Confusingly, the focus event in https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/blob/master/demos/KitchenSink/Resources/examples/window_events.js#L250"> window_events.js fires correctly.
btw, Marshall, I'm conscious about whether it's bad etiquette to reopen such an old, closed ticket. My reason for adding here was because the issue is not conclusive. If you want me to open a fresh one, just let me know as I would be happy to do so.
I dont think the issue is resolved. If you open a window in ANDROID, the FOCUS event fires. But if that win opens another window, then returns to the first window, the focus does not re-fire on ANDROID. It does re-fire on iPHONE. I wrote a demo app to demonstrate my point, but I dont know how to send it it. Its a compressed file at the moment. This demo app does not run from app.js.
I posted the note here: http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/79371/focus-event-not-firing-when-returning-to-the-window"> http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/79371/focus-event-not-fi...
and I tried to put the demo code up here: https://gist.github.com/675571">https://gist.github.com/675571
my point, I dont belive that the focus event is resolved for ANDROID.
Your usecase code is far too complicated, containing too much superfluous functionality, to be useful here. Paste a new simple version to your thread on the appcel website, and I will look at it for you.