[TIMOB-842] iOS: create table view options API
GitHub Issue | n/a |
Type | New Feature |
Priority | Low |
Status | Closed |
Resolution | Invalid |
Resolution Date | 2017-06-02T23:38:26.000+0000 |
Affected Version/s | Release 1.5.0 |
Fix Version/s | n/a |
Components | iOS |
Labels | n/a |
Reporter | Nolan Wright |
Assignee | Ingo Muschenetz |
Created | 2011-04-15T02:37:39.000+0000 |
Updated | 2017-06-02T23:38:26.000+0000 |
This is similar to what we had in 0.8.x.
Maybe we could add a new style like:
style: Titanium.UI.iPhone.TableViewStyle.GROUPED_OPTIONS_SINGLE
style: Titanium.UI.iPhone.TableViewStyle.GROUPED_OPTIONS_MULTIPLE
in order to enable single and multi-select
the click event would have to include an array of the selected items -
Do we really need this? Probably not.
It's a common iOS functionality. It would be nice it it was included. I tried implementing this manually and it was quite difficult. Hope you decide to include it.
Bug Scrub: Valid. No Test Case exists. Tested On: Mac OSX Lion TiMob Version: 1.7.2 TiStud Version: 1.0.2 Devices used: iPhone 4.3.4 Note: Required properties does not exist in current APIs
No Valid case, so closing.