Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-8819] BlackBerry: Implement Titanium.UI.EmailDialog

GitHub Issuen/a
TypeNew Feature
Resolution Date2013-05-17T22:06:50.000+0000
Affected Version/sn/a
Fix Version/s2013 Sprint 10 BB, 2013 Sprint 10, Release 3.1.2, Release 3.2.0
Labelsblackberry, notable, qe-testadded
ReporterJosh Roesslein
AssigneePedro Enrique


Implement the EmailDialog which allows users to compose and send emails. For BlackBerry we will use the invocation API to open the email application on the device with pre-populated fields. This works similarly to Android and MobileWeb.

Acceptance Test

var win = Titanium.UI.createWindow({});

var btn = Ti.UI.createButton({
    title: 'open'


// Opens email composer with pre-filled fields.
btn.addEventListener('click', function(){
    var email = Ti.UI.createEmailDialog({
        toRecipients: ['email@domain.com', 'email@domain.com'],
        ccRecipients: ['email@domain.com'],
        bccRecipients: ['email@domain.com'],
        messageBody: 'This is the message body',
        subject: 'this is a title',
        html: true

**Note** This must be tested on device and the device needs to have at least one email account setup. If on simulator, it will not open the email dialog.


  1. Tatyana Petrenko 2012-05-24

    sz: coming later, there will only be an ability to launch an email app new-email with pre-populated input…
  2. Tatyana Petrenko 2012-09-12

    Not supported by Cascades directly. The only thing that can be done is launching an e-mail app and populating fields. This control should either be removed from Beta scope or implemented in a custom way.
  3. Josh Roesslein 2013-04-22

    Delaying this feature until we can workout issues with the Invocation for sending email.
  4. Pedro Enrique 2013-05-14

    Pull request with sample code and details on functionality: https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile_blackberry/pull/37
  5. Priya Agarwal 2013-10-25

    Verified fix with: Appcelerator Studio: SDK:3.2.0.v20131024120843 alloy: 1.2.2 acs: 1.0.7 npm: 1.3.2 titanium: 3.2.0 titanium-code-processor: 1.0.3 Device:Blackberry Z10(v 10.0) OS: OSX 10.9 Email Dialog working fine. Checked for email receive also.

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