The coordinates provided in touch events are inconsistent with our other platforms.
In particular:
- The local point (evt.x) is the absolute position. It should be relative to the containing view.
- I cannot tell what the global point is in reference to. It seems miscalculated, but that is only an observation.
The following creates a vertical scroll view with a series of boxes in it. Drag one of the boxes to the right, and it will move faster than your finger as the global point is miscalculated. There are several console logs to illuminate the disparity in the platforms.
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
backgroundColor: '#fff'
var scroll = Ti.UI.createScrollView({
scrollType: 'vertical',
contentHeight: 3010,
canCancelEvents: false,
bottom: 60
var width = 150, height = 90;
for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
draggable: true,
text: 'Drag Me Horizontally ' + (i + 1), textAlign: 'center',
color: '#000',
top: i * 100 + 10,
width: width, height: height,
left: 0,
backgroundColor: '#eee'
scroll.addEventListener('touchstart', curry('Touch Start'));
scroll.addEventListener('touchmove', curry('Touch Move'));
scroll.addEventListener('touchcancel', curry('Touch Cancel'));
scroll.addEventListener('touchend', curry('Touch End'));
function curry(eventName) {
return function (evt) {
if (evt.source && evt.source.draggable) {
var global = evt.source.convertPointToView({ x: evt.x, y: evt.y }, scroll);
console.log(eventName + ' evt.x: ' + evt.x);
console.log(eventName + ' global.x: ' + global.x);
evt.source.left = global.x - width / 2;
Note that you can workaround the defect in the demo by replacing global.x with evt.x in the evt.source.left assignment. That doesn't really address the core issue, though, which is the disparity between MW and iOS+Android.
Pull Request: Note: convertPointToView worked just was just being fed false information. The global point itself wasn't miscalculated, it just didn't start with the correct info.
Verified the issue on the environment below & found it to be working as expected. The local point (evt.x) is not the absolute position now its relative to the containing view. Dragging the box to the right does not move it faster than your finger. Titanium Studio : SDK version : 2.1.0.v20120626104306 Chrome : 19.0.1084.56