Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-9841] iOS: Allow to hide Network Activity Indicator

GitHub Issuen/a
TypeNew Feature
Resolution Date2013-07-15T11:10:30.000+0000
Affected Version/sRelease 2.1.0
Fix Version/sSprint 2012-15 Core, Release 2.1.2, Release 3.0.0
Labelscore, module_app_properties, qe-testadded
ReporterDavide Cassenti
AssigneeMax Stepanov


Feature description

When using HTTPClient, there should be an option that allows to hide the Network Activity Indicator (spinning wheel on the bar). With that flag enabled, the user should be unaware that any network activity is occurring. This can be done natively by setting setNewtorkActivityIndicatorVisible: NO

Customer ticket



  1. Stephen Tramer 2012-07-13

    I don't believe we should offer this feature. Users should always be aware of when network activity is occurring. Apple's Human Interface Guidelines have very strict rules about displaying the network activity indicator: bq. Display the network activity indicator to provide feedback when your application accesses the network for more than a couple of seconds. If the operation finishes sooner than that, you don’t have to show the network activity indicator, because the indicator would be likely to disappear before users notice its presence. https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/MobileHIG/UIElementGuidelines/UIElementGuidelines.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006556-CH13-SW1 Note that Apple's guideline of "more than a few seconds" is nebulous. On a radio device an access which would normally take "a few seconds" may be substantially longer due to signal. We should always display the activity indicator.
  2. Max Stepanov 2012-07-26

    Test case:
       var win = Titanium.UI.createWindow();
       setInterval(function() {
       	var xhr = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient();
       	xhr.onload = function() {
       		Ti.API.info("XHR loaded.");
       }, 500);
       Ti.App.disableNetworkActivityIndicator = true;
  3. Max Stepanov 2012-07-26

    PR pending https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/pull/2646
  4. Vishal Duggal 2012-07-30

    https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/pull/2646 merged into master
  5. Evgenii Tcarev 2012-08-14

    Verified fixed with: Titanium Studio, build: SDK version: 2.2.0.v20120813184911 Devices: iPad3 4G (5.1.1) iPhone4 (4.3.5)
  6. Vishal Duggal 2012-08-15

    Reopening to edit fixVersion
  7. Vishal Duggal 2012-08-15

    PR https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/pull/2752 merged into 2_1_X
  8. Priya Agarwal 2013-07-15

    Reopening just to updated label.
  9. Priya Agarwal 2013-07-15

    Updated label and Verified with: Titanium Studio: Titanium SDK: 3.1.2.v20130710144553 acs:1.0.3 alloy:1.1.3 npm:1.2.14 titanium:3.1.1 titanium-code-processor:1.0.1 OS: OSX 10.8 Device:iPhone simulator(v 6.0), iPhone4 (v 5.1) Xcode: 4.5.1 iOS: Allow to hide Network Activity Indicator

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