[TIMOB-9868] iOS: Create method to setScrollIndicatorInsets
GitHub Issue | n/a |
Type | New Feature |
Priority | Low |
Status | Open |
Resolution | Unresolved |
Affected Version/s | Release 2.1.0 |
Fix Version/s | n/a |
Components | iOS |
Labels | api |
Reporter | Rafael Kellermann Streit |
Assignee | Unknown |
Created | 2012-07-02T05:40:30.000+0000 |
Updated | 2018-02-28T20:03:42.000+0000 |
When you want make a form in the iOS using TableView, you need to setContentInsets (bottom: 215) when TextField is focused, and than set the scrollIndicatorInsets too.
Today, you can't do it with Titanium.
My propose is: create a method to setScrollIndicatorInsets in the TableView of iOS.
In Android it's automatic.
Here is the PR: https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/pull/2500
PR rejected. Any fix for this issue, based on the description, should: * Have documentation * Contain an identical Android API (if possible) * Have a reliable test that demonstrates correct behavior * *AND* based on Android behavior ("automatic") perform the automatic adjustment manually where possible.
Let me be more specific: in iOS, you can set the contentInsets of a UITableView, but you can't set the scrollViewContentInsets. I put two pictures in ticket description, that shows how it works exactly when keyboard is opened, for example (look to scrollViewIndicator). I just can't modify ticket description anymore, here are the pictures: - (with modification) http://imageshack.us/f/818/screenshot20130305at102.png/ - (today) http://imageshack.us/f/23/screenshot20130305at102.png/