Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-2895] Add property for facebook ID / multiple URL schema

GitHub Issuen/a
Resolution Date2011-04-17T02:00:23.000+0000
Affected Version/sn/a
Fix Version/sRelease 1.6.0 M07
Labelsfacebook, ios, plist, release-1.6.0, url
ReporterStephen Tramer
AssigneeStephen Tramer


In order to get facebook to work properly, it requires that the app respond to the "fbAPPID" schema, where APPID is the app's ID on Facebook. There are two possible ways to handle this:

  1. Have a property to specify the facebook ID of the app (pretty easy; inflexible)
  2. Have a property to allow the app to respond to specific URI schemes (flexible; requires the user know something about the iOS fb module, though)


  1. Jeff Haynie 2011-04-15

    (from [4369ff816676049955be0acf6aa609166ff1a885]) [#2895 state:fixed-in-qa] Check for 'ti.facebook.appid' property on iOS and create a second URL schema if necessary. https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/commit/4369ff816676049955be0acf6aa609166ff1a885"> https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/commit/4369ff816676...

  2. Stephen Tramer 2011-04-15

    To test this:

    • Create two projects ('fb' and 'nofb')
    • In the 'fb' project, add the 'ti.facebook.appid' property () and set its value to the Titanium FB app ID
    • In both projects, copy the Kitchensink resources to the 'resources' directory
    • Run 'Mashups->Facebook->Login/Logout'

    -- In fb: Redirects you to the FB safari/app, and lets you log in. Returns you to the app, and you are now logged in.

    -- In nofb: Redirects you to the fb app (NOT to the nofb app). If you re-open the nofb app you will not be logged in.

  3. Thomas Huelbert 2011-04-15

    closing against [INFO] Titanium SDK version: 1.6.0 (02/03/11 09:22 a02f7db) 4GT ipod touch 4.1

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