Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-10422] iOS: Update Facebook API to 3.1

GitHub Issuen/a
TypeNew Feature
Resolution Date2013-02-08T18:37:53.000+0000
Affected Version/sRelease 3.0.0
Fix Version/sRelease 3.1.0, 2013 Sprint 03 API, 2013 Sprint 03
LabelsKitchenSink, api, ios, qe-testadded
ReporterBlain Hamon
AssigneeBlain Hamon


Facebook recently updated their API for iOS to 3.0. This is an opportunity to form an umbrella of improvements that this change provides. Possible subtasks to include are:

Update API for each OS, providing minimal or no new API

3.0 offered some new features, including a few views.

It should be noted that the Facebook feature in iOS 6 are built in and we get them for free. It should also be noted that Android has no such views; rather, it has yet to have a 3.0, beta or otherwise. Another task that would have good timing with 3.0 is to move Facebook into its own independent module. Perhaps Facebook3 shows up in the marketplace first.


  1. Ygor Lemos 2012-08-31

    It's good to keep in mind here that iOS6 Final will be out in about 12 days, so we could start this module already thinking towards the new Social Framework, so we can get no only native Facebook iOS integration but also Twitter and Weibo, providing Ti users a free, native way to login and post using those social networks. Ref: https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/#documentation/Social/Reference/SLRequest_Class/Reference/Reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012234 It's good to remember that more than 50% of iOS users tends to update their software in a regular basis, so we can expect to have more than 150 million users worldwide running iOS 6 in one month from now. I think it worth the shot. For pre-iOS6 and Android, I think we should go with plain FB SDK and update it to 3.0 in order to leverage new opengraph stuff.
  2. Wienke 2012-09-01

  3. Moshe Marciano 2012-09-01

    +1 for immediate Facebook 3 API and iOS 6 support!
  4. Moshe Marciano 2012-09-25

    starting today Facebook announced SDK 3.1 with iOS 6 support...... https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2012/09/25/facebook-sdk-for-ios-and-the-ios-6-facebook-integration/
  5. Matt Berg 2012-10-23

    +1. One of the main features I am looking forward to is Facebook install tracking on 3.1. The function they specifically reference is: [FBSettings publishInstall:appId];
  6. Moshe Marciano 2012-10-24

    new Facebook API 3.0 for Android as well! same feature set as iOS. needed for parity. http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2012/10/18/facebook-sdk-3-0-beta-for-android/
  7. Ygor Lemos 2012-10-24

    Yeah, actually we may need to go with FB API 3.1 for iOS and 3.0 for Android, this doesn't break parity since they are the latest versions for both platforms and iOS has some extra stuff on the API (for the native integration). Facebook Apps Dev Admin Interface already started bitching about using an old API with my Titanium made apps.
  8. Matt Berg 2012-10-24

    Saw that Ygor, funny how they also have the Learn More and Download Now urls switched, so clicking Learn More downloads the SDK. I wonder if that was on purpose haha. Having the ability to publishInstall for both iPhone and Android would be awesome. I spoke with their Ad Team and I think their option for targeting Cost Per Install might actually make their ads useful.
  9. Blain Hamon 2012-10-25

    The story so far: The first step is to determine the feasibility of moving Facebook to its own module (In hopes that other modules follow suit for improved compile time and modularity.)

    There is an area in the Ti_mobile repo (support/module/packaged) for module zips to be included with an SDK

    The Ti.cloudpush targets only Android. This means our Ti.Facebook can be iOS-only and not negatively impact Android and MW.

    Ti.Cloudpush's repository is separate. This could be either good or bad, depending.

    Would Ti.Facebook's spinoff have any implications for developers and for internal testing? Do we need to update KS and the like to make this link? (Investigate what CLI and the like do)

    The other issue is a question of added functionality

    The minimal requirement for 'updating' is to move the new Facebook .m and .h files in, ensure method names haven't changed too much, and only expose what already was exposed. No new views, no new methods, no opengraph, no new functionality. This was the primary intent of this ticket, in terms of short term.

    _However_, it sounds like there's a call to expose this added functionality. This adds to the complexity significantly, because now there's issues of parity, design, and understanding all the added features.

    So, what would be useful, from a community standpoint? "Add All the Things" doesn't help, but in terms of priority? The other option is to get this out the door with the minimal requirement, make sure the module is open source, and let community improve it through pulls directly.
  10. Moshe Marciano 2012-10-25

    From my point of view and needs, only upgrading to the new version isn't sufficient. I would say that adding support for iOS6 FB integration & SSO is important, facebook own built in views is important, specially the one that allows you to pick a friend from a list. The the most important issue (!) is session extend (since now it is only valid for 24 hours!) https://developers.facebook.com/docs/tutorials/legacy-ios-sdk-tutorial/#extend_token https://developers.facebook.com/docs/mobile/android/build/#extend_token the rest can be prioritised lower, at least for me..
  11. Timan Rebel 2012-10-25

    I second that Session Extend is most important, followed by iOS6 integration. SSO works with the current setup and should (must) also be ported.
  12. Blain Hamon 2012-10-25

    I've looked in the FB SDK source, and they give us iOS6 integration for free (IE, when we request permissions, it checks to see if we're already logged in via iOS 6) so that will be in. I did have a previous abortive attempt to extend the session with 2.1.X, but the problem is that, in the specs, it says that the session is extended to 90 days, and in the code it does an extension right after login, making testing without a time machine unfeasible. Revoking an app's rights before that 90 days for testing didn't work either, because you can't extend after revoking. I will implement the extend if needed on foregrounding and major time pass so you get it for free. It's probably not likely that the new views will make it into 3.0.0. That'd require parity talks with Android and it's very close to shiptime. Tell ya what: I'll dupe-make a ticket to address views so that there's still something to track and push for, while being able to get the iOS 6 and session extension in 3.0.0.
  13. Matt Berg 2012-10-25

    Sounds great Blain. Did you happen to see how difficult it would be to add the "publishInstall" method from FBSettings.m?
  14. Ygor Lemos 2012-10-25

    @Blain Awesome man! Great strategy for 3.0.0 / 3.1.x
  15. Blain Hamon 2012-10-26

    Okay, I've got a rough prototype working, and it's got something called shouldAutoPublishInstall which is on by default. That is, you get publishInstall for free. Is that sufficient, or do you want to be able to manually turn off publishInstall? The other thing is that because of how Facebook works, forceDialog (for having the login dialog as a webview) being true will override iOS6's signon. Otherwise, iOS6's integration will be used when possible. One possible side effect, and I'll see if this is an important impact or not, is that this might require Ti 3.0 to require iOS 6SDK for building (it's backwards compatible, but requires the iOS 6 libs for weak linking to them).
  16. Matt Berg 2012-10-26

    @Blain - shouldAutoPublishInstall turned on by default works for perfect for me.
  17. Blain Hamon 2012-11-06

    Just an update. The files are integrated in, even as an external module, force dialog is re-enabled and works. The problem is when you try to request, through the same channels, to use iOS 6, things break down. It suddenly claims using 'publish_stream' is invalid. With it disabled, it's generating hwaes errors. So two steps forward, one step back.
  18. Moshe Marciano 2012-12-14

    can we get an update on that please ? it's been over a month since the last one. is this part of the new Ti SDK 3 ? is this for android too ? facebook just took the new Android SDK 3 out of beta http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2012/12/13/facebook-sdk-3-0-for-android-and-native-login/
  19. Matt Berg 2012-12-18

    I noticed this is marked for 3.1.0 which says it is due 12/30. Do you think that is still possible? I'm itching to use the Facebook Ads "cost per install" target and need the "publishInstall" method available for that.
  20. Moshe Marciano 2012-12-18

    we badly need session extending, it is been available from facebook from months and our app loses session and requires the user to re-authenticate with facebook manually every few hours, this is really a deal-breaker for most app users.. we need it in version 3.0
  21. aleksi 2012-12-22

    is there any estimation about delivery new FB api?
  22. Tel Tel 2012-12-25

    any ETA? we need to use Facebook Ads "cost per install" and session extending is a must
  23. Matt Berg 2012-12-28

    So not going to make it in the 12/30 release?
  24. Daniel Guy 2013-01-11

    Also looking to see an update on this
  25. Tommy Leung 2013-01-23

    Any updates?
  26. Marten Nelson 2013-01-31

    For us, the latest FB SDK with native login on iOS6 is critical as it lowers the barrier for user registration.
  27. Max Stepanov 2013-01-31

    PR https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/pull/3783 modules PR https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_modules/pull/65
  28. Moshe Marciano 2013-01-31

    guys, is there a parallel Android ticket for this? it has the same issues and same new Facebook SDK
  29. Vishal Duggal 2013-01-31

  30. Moshe Marciano 2013-01-31

    @Vishai thanks, is Facebook update for Android also planned for 3.1? BTW, when is 3.1 planned to? I could never figure out how to see the expected release date here.
  31. Ingo Muschenetz 2013-01-31

    @Moshe. 3.1 is tentatively planned for mid-April.
  32. Vishal Duggal 2013-01-31

    @Moshe. Android update is also planned for 3.1
  33. Moshe Marciano 2013-01-31

    @Ingo @Vishai thanks
  34. Blain Hamon 2013-02-08

    @marten With regards to iOS 6, please read [the updated documentation](https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/blob/master/apidoc/Titanium/Facebook/Facebook.yml) on what you'll need to do. Basically, for iOS 6 support, there's quite a few changes you have to make (Request read-only permissions for logging in, reauthorize to write permissions when posting, associate your Facebook App ID with your app bundle on FB's servers). Reauthorization is going to be a new function in 3.1, so you can't do it just yet, but just a heads up. Also, with 3.1, you will have to ask for the module by name (IE, in your tiapp.xml, add it as a module) And yes, the new module detects if iOS 6 will reject your auth request due to readwrite permissions, and if that would happen, we fall back to using the old authentications provided by FB 3.1 and log why it did so. The new module also automatically attempts a session extend on login and whenever the app has been dormant for a while.
  35. Vishal Duggal 2013-02-08

    Module has been accepted. CR and FR passed.
  36. Tel Tel 2013-02-10

    great news! can we use facebook ad campaign that measures installs via their ads with Ti-3.1?
  37. Olga Romero 2013-03-21

    Tested and confirmed that module has been accepted. Titanium Studio, build: Titanium SDK, build: 3.1.0.v20130320123256 KitchenSink master branch Devices: Nexus4 Android version 4.2 iPhone5 iOS 6.1.3
  38. Ygor Lemos 2013-03-21

    Is there a ticket for FB API 3.2 ??? Facebook is already on 3.2.1 as noticed on their website, the advantages are: Better Mobile Analytics Enhanced Error Handling Improved Web Dialog Support API Improvements (including modifications on how tokens are handled). https://developers.facebook.com/ios/features/whats-new-ios-sdk-3.2/ Do you think it will be easy to update just the sdk or do we need massive changes on Ti side / mapping new stuff?
  39. Tel Tel 2013-03-21

    Facebook's publishinstall feature will be available or not? I would love to pay ads to facebook for installs...
  40. Wienke 2013-03-27

    If I would like to test this. How can I require the new Facebook module?
  41. Wienke 2013-03-27

    If I would like to test this. How can I require the new Facebook module?
  42. Ygor Lemos 2013-04-19

    Hey guys, yesterday Facebook announced several new features (some which require just updating the SDK). Do you guys have a new ticket for FB API 3.5 or should I open it? Faster Login Dialog and Native Sharing with Graph Objects is a must for any developer really serious about FB integration... take a look: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2013/04/18/next-evolution-of-facebook-platform-for-mobile/
  43. Ygor Lemos 2013-04-20

    also, I think Appcelerator definitively must be listed as a oficial Facebook Integration Partner (as Corona, Kinvey, Parse, Phonegap, etc...) already are. The Titanium community is much larger than the community of those frameworks and we surely deserve some Facebook love. Only Appcelerator can make this happen, so, check this also too: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-technology-partners/

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