Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-16006] iOS: Black bar overwrites the status bar

GitHub Issuen/a
Resolution Date2013-12-17T21:53:03.000+0000
Affected Version/sRelease 3.2.0
Fix Version/s2013 Sprint 26, 2013 Sprint 26 API, Release 3.2.0
Labelsmodule_window, qe-testadded, regression, supportTeam
ReporterMeenakshi Pathak
AssigneeSabil Rahim


update (12/17/2013)

This issue is not Alloy-specific. The same issue occurs with the following test case:
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
	backgroundColor: "#fff",
	top: 20,
	statusBarStyle: Titanium.UI.iPhone.StatusBar.LIGHT_CONTENT
	width: Ti.UI.FILL,
	height: 44,
	top: 0,
	backgroundColor: 'orange'


original description

With 3.2.0 CI build, black bar overwrites the status bar. However, the status bar is seen correct with 3.1.3.GA SDK version. Please find the following attachments to see the difference between 3.2.0 CI build and 3.1.3.GA SDK version. *Steps To Reproduce* : 1. Create the default Alloy project in Titanium Studio. 2. Run it on iOS7 using 3.2.0 CI build and see the status bar. *NOTE* : Tested with Classic Titanium also but didn't get the issue there.




  1. Tony Lukasavage 2013-12-17

    [~mpathak] I'm resolving this as "cannot reproduce" for the following reasnos * Following your instructions I can't reproduce the issue * Your instructions are clearly inaccurate as the screenshots you're showing do not look like the Alloy default app, which is supposed to be a single "Hello world" label and has no black or orange bar in it. * It appears as though the screenshots are a result of something additional you've added to the app. Without that information I can't even begin to debug since I can't reproduce the issue. I will re-open if proper details that allow me to reproduce the error are provided.
  2. Moshe Marciano 2013-12-17

    Tony, You are right, it is not a default Alloy project. It is Alloy project that contains window with a view as a bar. index.tss:
       "Window": {
       	backgroundColor: "#fff",
       	top: 20,
       	statusBarStyle: Titanium.UI.iPhone.StatusBar.LIGHT_CONTENT
       	width: Ti.UI.FILL,
       	height: 44,
       	top: 0,
       	backgroundColor: 'orange'
    full demo project link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4Z5_G3GoBd9eEFLMDFSMjlWaWM/edit?usp=sharing
  3. Tony Lukasavage 2013-12-17

    It seems really unlikely that this issue is Alloy-specific. Are you sure you tested this actual test case in a traditional Titanium example? If so, where is that test app?
  4. Tony Lukasavage 2013-12-17

    As I expected, this issue is not specific to Alloy, despite the report in the description. Here is the given test case done in traditional Titanium development, causing the same exact issue.
       var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
       	backgroundColor: "#fff",
       	top: 20,
       	statusBarStyle: Titanium.UI.iPhone.StatusBar.LIGHT_CONTENT
       	width: Ti.UI.FILL,
       	height: 44,
       	top: 0,
       	backgroundColor: 'orange'
    Moving to TIMOB
  5. Sabil Rahim 2013-12-17

    master PR : https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/pull/5134 3_2_X PR : https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/pull/5135
  6. Meenakshi Pathak 2013-12-18

    My mistake.Issue is not reproducible with the default project but when we specify the above properties to the window.
  7. Paras Mishra 2013-12-18

    Issue is not reproducible, tested with default test app by Tony Closing the issue. Verified using the environment: Device : iPhone 5 , iOS version : 7.0.4 SDK: 3.2.0.v20131217190633 CLI version : 3.2.0-cr3 OS : MAC OSX 10.9 Alloy: 1.3.0-cr ACS: 1.0.10 npm:1.3.2 Appcelerator Studio, build: titanium-code-processor: 1.1.0-cr2 XCode : 5.0.2
  8. Moshe Marciano 2014-01-12

    Is this really fixed ? from our initial testing with 3.2.0.GA it is the same. Tony only said that this is not an Alloy specific issue, but it is still a Titanium issue... and an urgent one
  9. Ingo Muschenetz 2014-01-14

    [~moshebox@gmail.com] If it is still reproducible for you, is it using the same sample you posted above?
  10. Moshe Marciano 2014-01-14

    it does, you can find more details in the support ticket (http://support.appcelerator.com/tickets/APP-676129/tickets) and in the full sample we posted (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4Z5_G3GoBd9eEFLMDFSMjlWaWM/edit?usp=sharing). We also mentioned the workaround we found by adding:
            fullscreen: false,
            top: 20
  11. Sabil Rahim 2014-01-15

    [~moshebox@gmail.com] did you try building your app with 3.2.0.GA? I just tried your app posted in the above comment with 3.2.0.GA and was working fine. Here is the [screenshot](http://imgur.com/7PvHagY). Please do let us know if you continue to run into the same issue.

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