Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-16224] ScrollView in mobileweb problems change textfield

GitHub Issuen/a
ResolutionWon't Fix
Resolution Date2017-06-26T22:07:31.000+0000
Affected Version/sn/a
Fix Version/sn/a
Labelsscrollview, web
ReporterMostafizur Rahman


Upon entering the form, click the textfield, the keyboard appears when climbing a black stripe on the bottom in android screen is all black, and where it was to scroll back to the start position and it removes part of the view and the page is cut. This is the link of the project access through ios or android device




  1. Motiur Rahman 2013-09-24

    Hi daniel marques, Could you share some app.js test case so that i can reproduce this issue. Thanks,
  2. daniel marques 2013-09-24

    OK, Sorry... index.xml index.tss "#navView": { height: 44, width: "100%", top: 0, left: 0, backgroundImage: 'lightbg.png'}, "Label": {font:{fontFamily: "DIN-BoldAlternate"}}, ".title": {height: "46dp", font: {fontSize: "18dp", fontWeight: "bold"}, color: "#FFF", textAlign: "center", shadowColor: "#000", shadowOffset: { x: "0dp", y: "1dp"}}, ".contentView": { layout:"vertical"}, ".fixedHeader": {height: 22, left:0, layout: "vertical", backgroundColor: "#f5f5f5"}, ".titleFixed": {font: {fontSize: 11, fontWeight: 'bold'}, left: 10, top: 6, color: "#8a8a8a"}, ".titleInner":{font: {fontSize: 18, fontWeight:'bold'}, color: "#115a98", left: 30, top: 30 }, ".subInner":{font: {fontSize: 12}, color: "#115a98", left: 30, top: 10, right: 50 } ".text":{font: {fontSize: 12}, color: "#666666"}, ".header": {left: 0, width: '100%', height: 100, layout:"horizontal"}, ".titleHeader": { left: 20, right: 10, top: 30, font: {fontWeight: "bold", fontSize: 18}, color: "#115a98"}, "ScrollView":{ backgroundColor:"transparent" }, ".labelFields": {font:{fontSize: 14}, color: "#c9c9c9", left: 5, top: 13}, ".textFields": {width: 180, top: 12, left: 25, borderWidth: 0, borderColor: "#FFF"}, ".textArea": { height: 100, borderWidth: 0, top: 5, left: 5, right: 5, borderColor: "#FFF"}, ".buttonFields":{left:10, bottom: 10, right: 10, height: 40, borderColor: "#FFF", font:{fontWeight: 'bold'}, borderRadius: 0, backgroundColor: "transparent", borderColor: "#2155bb", color:"white", backgroundImage: "back_button.png"}, ".labelMin": { font: {fontSize: 10, fontWeight: "normal"}}, ".pPrevisto": { backgroundGradient:{ type: "linear", startPoint: {x:0, y:"50%"}, endPoint: {x: "100%", y: "50%"}, colors: [ {color: '#125a95', offset: 0.0}, { color: '#4898dd', offset: 1.0 }], height: 10, left: 0 }}, ".pRealizado": { backgroundGradient:{ type: "linear", startPoint: {x:0, y:"50%"}, endPoint: {x: "100%", y: "50%"}, colors: [ {color: '#125a95', offset: 0.0}, { color: '#1c5bc4', offset: 1.0 }], height: 10, left: 0 }} thanks!
  3. Tony Lukasavage 2014-01-17

    [~danieldms] This seems like a Mobileweb platform issue as opposed to an Alloy one. Can you please make a much more small, concise test app? The app should be as small as possible and still exhibit your issue. The current chunk of code you have sent is too much and makes it very difficult troubleshoot the root of the issue.
  4. Lee Morris 2017-06-26

    Resolving as "Won't Fix" as MobileWeb has been deprecated.
  5. Eric Merriman 2018-04-04

    Closing as will not fix.

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