Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-16490] statusBar Problems when used together with barImage on Ti SDK 3.2.1.GA + iOS 7

GitHub Issuen/a
Resolution Date2014-02-21T23:41:57.000+0000
Affected Version/sn/a
Fix Version/s2014 Sprint 04, 2014 Sprint 04 API, Release 3.2.2, Release 3.3.0
Labels3.2.1, barimage, ios7, module_navbar, qe-3.2.2, qe-testadded, regression, statusbar
ReporterYgor Lemos
AssigneeVishal Duggal


When using Ti 3.2.1.GA the statusbar remains black on the top of the window, the exact same code with Ti 3.2.0.GA produces a transparent statusBar over the top of the NavBar image (barImage). Tried with UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance set to true and to false... no effect whatsoever. statusBarStyle also seems to have no effect. It seems 3.2.1.GA broken something with barImage and statusbar. Smells like regression. Screenshots attached.


Ti SDK 3.2.0.GA WITH barImage.png2014-02-14T00:21:56.000+000060488
Ti SDK 3.2.1.GA WITH barImage.png2014-02-14T00:21:56.000+000052499
Ti SDK 3.2.1.GA WITHOUT barImage.png2014-02-14T00:21:56.000+000039880


  1. Ritu Agrawal 2014-02-14

    Can you please attach a simple runnable test case to help us troubleshoot the issue?
  2. Jonathan 2014-02-19

    We have the same error (statusbar remains black on the top of the window when using NavBar image) with Ti SDK 3.2.1.GA
  3. Eduardo Gomez 2014-02-19

    iOS 7 transition guide: "If you create a background image for a navigation bar that uses the UIBarPositionTopAttached bar position for a navigation bar within a navigation controller make sure the image includes the status bar area. Specifically, create a background image that has a height of 64 points." https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/TransitionGuide/Bars.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40013174-CH8-SW2 If your app uses a custom image as the background of the bar, you need to provide a taller image so that it extends up behind the status bar. The height of navigation bar is changed from 44 points (88 pixels) to 64 points (128 pixels).
  4. Ygor Lemos 2014-02-20

    Hi, My image already follows the new standard and was working fine with Titanium 3.2.0.GA this seems to be a regression regarding the statusBar and the NavBar on iOS 7 as the exact same code and image breaks on 3.2.1.GA
  5. Ritu Agrawal 2014-02-20

    Please provide a simple runnable test along with image so that we can diagnose this issue further.
  6. Dave Hudson 2014-02-20

    Just wanted to confirm this is also an issue for me on 3.2.1.GA and I am using an image 128px in height. Was fine in 3.2.0.GA.
  7. David He 2014-02-20

    No idea why new release always coincides with regression issues.... Titanium Developers would rather be careful.
  8. Arnaud Besnier 2014-02-21

    Same problem here. We cannot release our new iOS app with this regression. This is quite urgent
  9. Ritu Agrawal 2014-02-21

    [~arnaud_besnier] Could you please attach the test case so that we can investigate further and try to reproduce the issue.
  10. Vishal Duggal 2014-02-21

    Regression caused by fix for TIMOB-16338
  11. Vishal Duggal 2014-02-21

    Pull pending master - https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/pull/5365 3_2_X - https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/pull/5366
  12. Wilson Luu 2014-02-24

    Closing ticket as fixed. Using the provided sample code, verified the status bar is transparent on top of the barImage (on iOS 7 devices). Also, verified the status bar is not transparent on an iOS 6 device (expected behavior). Tested on: Appcelerator Studio, build: SDK build: 3.2.2.v20140221161255, 3.3.0.v20140224114904 CLI: 3.2.1 Alloy: 1.3.1 Xcode: 5.0.2, 5.1 beta 5 Devices: iphone 4s (6.0.1), iphone 4 (7.0.6), iphone 5 (7.1)

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