Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-17011] Map API throws error on windows platform

GitHub Issuen/a
ResolutionWon't Fix
Resolution Date2016-08-24T20:16:00.000+0000
Affected Version/sRelease 3.2.1
Fix Version/sn/a
ComponentsWindows Hybrid
ReporterSapan Varshney
AssigneeChris Barber


Problem Description

Map API throws undefined error on windows platform

Steps to reproduce:

1. Create an application using titanium/appcelerator studio having the deployment target as mobileweb (classic project) 2. Copy paste the code in classic Project in app.js {Code} var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor : 'white', }); var mapview = Titanium.Map.createView({ mapType : Titanium.Map.STANDARD_TYPE, region : { latitude : 37.390749, longitude : -122.081651, latitudeDelta : 0.01, longitudeDelta : 0.01 }, animate : true, regionFit : true, userLocation : true, //annotations:[mountainView] }); win.add(mapview); win.open(); {Code} 3. Changed the SDK version in tiapp.xml to the Hybrid SDK 4. Open the command prompt and move to the project directory 5. Build for device using the command - titanium build -p mobileweb -T wp8 -C xe --wp8-publisher-guid

Actual Result:

Code breaks throwing the undefined error h4 Expected Result: Window with map view should be loaded




  1. Ritu Agrawal 2014-05-15

    [~rtlechuga] FYI
  2. Sapan Varshney 2014-05-21

    Hi Mauro, We are using the Hybrid SDK 3.2.1.v20140404120127 for deploying on to the windows device. Is there any Hybrid SDK available for 3.2.3 as well? When I tried getting the help for build command using normal 3.2.3.GA SDK, I didn't see any option for building the project for windows platform. Does SDK 3.2.3.GA supports building for windows platform? Thanks Sapan
  3. Chris Barber 2016-08-24

    Windows Hybrid is dead.
  4. Lee Morris 2017-03-20

    Closing ticket as Windows Hybrid is no longer supported.

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