Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-23868] iOS: Possible memory leak on TiUIViewProxy when use-jscore-framework is true

GitHub Issuen/a
Resolution Date2017-06-17T13:19:19.000+0000
Affected Version/sRelease 5.4.0
Fix Version/sn/a
ReporterDirlei Dionísio
AssigneeHans Knöchel


After releasing all the references to Ti.UI.View objects, Instruments shows TiUIView objects moving from Persistent to Transient correctly. But it shows TiUIViewProxy objects keeping at Persistent column. As far as I know it could be due to a memory leak. When I set *use-jscore-framework* to false, all TiUIViewProxy goes to Transient as expected. *app.js*
var w = Ti.UI.createWindow({  

var s = Ti.UI.createScrollView({
	top: 30,
	bottom: 0,
	layout: 'vertical'  

var a,
	i, l,
	SIZE = 500;

var b1 = Ti.UI.createButton({
	height: 45,
	width: '50%',
	color: 'blue',
b1.addEventListener('click', function () {
	console.log('#creating ' + SIZE + ' views...');
	a = [];
	a.length = SIZE;

	for (i=0, l=SIZE; i<l; i++) {
		a[i] = Ti.UI.createView({width: 1, height: 1, backgroundColor: 'green'});

var b2 = Ti.UI.createButton({
	height: 45,
	width: '50%',
	color: 'red',
b2.addEventListener('click', function () {
	console.log('#releasing ' + SIZE + ' views...');
	for (i=SIZE-1; i>=0; i--) {
	a = null;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ti:app xmlns:ti="http://ti.appcelerator.org">
    <copyright>2016 by dirlei</copyright>
    <property name="ti.ui.defaultunit" type="string">dp</property>
    <property name="run-on-main-thread" type="bool">false</property>
    	<!-- true === leak / false === no leak -->
    <android xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
			<application android:debuggable="true"/>
        <target device="android">true</target>
        <target device="iphone">true</target>
        <target device="windows">false</target>
    <property name="appc-app-id" type="string">MY_APPC_ID</property>




  1. Dirlei Dionísio 2016-09-06

    [link Instruments video](https://www.dropbox.com/s/clenkvm635jxur3/instruments.m4v?dl=0)
  2. Nuno Costa 2016-10-03

    The issue that I found is, when I passed big payload to the detail window for example, and that detail window is ScrollableView. The UI is blocked for a few secs (min 3 sec) so after the details window is open.
  3. Michael Gangolf 2017-05-10

    In 6.0.4.GA I see this too: TiUIView is release but the TiUIViewProxy add up and are not moved to Transient
  4. Brenton House 2017-06-07

    [~hansknoechel] -- Any chance this might get fixed in a patch release before 6.2.0? Because we are updating more apps to use Hyperloop, the workaround of setting use-jscore-framework to false will no longer work for us.
  5. Hans Knöchel 2017-06-11

    I've spend some time on this issue and tracked it down to the createProxy:forName: method which returns an auto-released object (\[\[\[resultClass alloc] _initWithPageContext:context args:args] autorelease]). It stays in the Persistent column but deallocates after about 1:40 minutes - which makes sense to me because it's an autoreleased object that is garbage-collected after a while not being used. So unless there is a reproducible case where the app actually crashes after some usage time, I cannot see something we should change at this point, although I still want to dig into this a bit more.
  6. Brenton House 2017-06-12

    Thanks [~hansknoechel]! Is there a recommended way of cleaning up controllers/views when using popToRootWindow? https://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/api/Titanium.UI.iOS.NavigationWindow-method-popToRootWindow I can use the close event as a workaround with the iOS native back button but popToRootWindow seems to only fire the close event for the most recently opened window.
  7. Hans Knöchel 2017-06-12

    Not sure how it's related (it may if you use the specific method, not then it would probably leak with jscore/no-jscore). Regardless of that, from what I tested during implementing the popToRootWindow method was that it was cleaned up properly, but there is a good chance that the proxies are still internally registered, which could be solved by looping through the child-controllers and nuke them down manually - which would also fire the close event of all windows. I see that we could do a ticket about that, but for now, I'd rather want to ensure we have no leak here and fix it otherwise. Can you see that the memory gets deallocated after a few minutes as well or does it stay?
  8. Brenton House 2017-06-12

    The popToRootWindow was just part of the test case I was using. When I remove that as part of the test, everything seems to reset back to original values after a min or so. When the popToRootWindow is used, everything but the controls on the intermediate windows (between root and the last window open) are cleaned up. I will create a separate test case for popToRootWindow and see if it needs further looking into. Thanks for your help!!
  9. Hans Knöchel 2017-06-12

    Ok, will investigate that one in a separate one (feel free to raise one, I'd create it tomorrow otherwise). [~michael], how about your test-case, did it (auto-)release it or did it stay in the persistent-state?
  10. Hans Knöchel 2017-06-17

    Removing 6.1.1 milestone for now, based on the above findings. For the popToRootWindow method, I have created TIMOB-24843 to take a look into. Both changes described there are related and can be implemented together. I scheduled that one for 6.2.0 for now, but it will likely move up to 6.1.1 or 6.1.2 depending on the ticket-load.
  11. Eric Merriman 2018-08-06

    Closing as invalid. If incorrect, please reopen.

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