Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-24444] iOS: Using dist-certificates to create adhoc-builds fails with unclear error

GitHub Issuen/a
Resolution Date2017-03-17T15:43:29.000+0000
Affected Version/sRelease 6.0.2
Fix Version/sRelease 6.0.3
Labelsios, merge-6.0.3
ReporterMichael Landeck
AssigneeChris Barber


After updating to 6.0.2 i am getting errors creating an ipa for adhoc distribution. with 6.0.1 :
 Invoking xcodebuild
[INFO] :   Packaging for Ad Hoc distribution
[INFO] :   Packaging complete
[INFO] :   Package location: /Users/ml/Desktop/cl/cl.ipa
[INFO] :   Finished building the application in 13s 703ms 

after switching to 6.0.2
 Packaging for Ad Hoc distribution
[ERROR] :  Failed to export archive to ipa
[ERROR] :  2017-03-01 15:44:09.151 xcodebuild[30483:4087946] [MT] IDEDistribution: -[IDEDistributionLogging _createLoggingBundleAtPath:]: Created bundle at path '/var/folders/ph/v2ph7nsn7332jd1bbjyshz400000gn/T/icl_2017-03-01_15-44-09.150.xcdistributionlogs'.
[ERROR] :  1.2.840.113635.100.1.61
[ERROR] :  2017-03-01 15:44:09.301 xcodebuild[30483:4087946] [MT] IDEDistribution: -[IDEDistributionProvisioning _itemToSigningInfoMap:]: Can't find any applicable signing identities for items: (
[ERROR] :      "<IDEDistributionItem: 0x7ffa81265720 'de.cl.iviz' '<DVTFilePath:0x7ffa817912b0:'/Users/ml/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/icl/build/iphone/cl.xcarchive/Products/Applications/cl.app'>'>"
[ERROR] :  )
[ERROR] :  Errors={
[ERROR] :      "<DVTSigningCertificate: 0x7ffa811a8f20; name='iPhone Distribution: Cl GmbH', hash='6673A610C0D9551176898AE81AC423289F048C30', serialNumber='6B93B38E75152721', certificateKind='1.2.840.113635., issueDate='2016-08-29 11:30:28 +0000''>" =     {
[ERROR] :          "<IDEDistributionItem: 0x7ffa81265720 'de.cl.iviz' '<DVTFilePath:0x7ffa817912b0:'/Users/ml/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/cl/build/iphone/iviz_cl.xcarchive/Products/Applications/cl.app'>'>" = "Error Domain=IDECodesignResolverErrorDomain Code=10 \"No matching provisioning profiles found\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=No valid 'ad-hoc' profiles were found., NSLocalizedDescription=No matching provisioning profiles found, IDECodesignResolverError_ResolutionInputsKey=<IDECodesignResolutionInputs: 0x7ffa81236140; portalTeamID='95C6RZ2672', usingTeamBasedSigning='NO', bundleIdentifier='de.cl.iviz', targetName='(null)', provisioningProfilePurpose='2', requiresProvisioningProfile='YES', provisioningProfilePlatform='iOS', certificateKind='1.2.840.113635.', requiredEntitlements='{\n    \"application-identifier\" = \"95C6RZ2672.de.cl.iviz\";\n    \"get-task-allow\" = 0;\n    \"keychain-access-groups\" =     (\n        \"95C6RZ2672.de.cl.iviz\"\n    );\n}', requiredCodesignableDevices='(null)', requiredFeatures='(null)'>\n}";
[ERROR] :      };
[ERROR] :  }
[ERROR] :  2017-03-01 15:44:09.301 xcodebuild[30483:4087946] [MT] IDEDistribution: Step failed: <IDEDistributionSigningAssetsStep: 0x7ffa817a02b0>: Error Domain=IDEDistributionErrorDomain Code=3 "(null)" UserInfo={IDEDistributionErrorSigningIdentityToItemToUnderlyingErrorKey={
[ERROR] :      "<DVTSigningCertificate: 0x7ffa811a8f20; name='iPhone Distribution: Cl GmbH', hash='6673A610C0D9551176898AE81AC423289F048C30', serialNumber='6B93B38E75152721', certificateKind='1.2.840.113635., issueDate='2016-08-29 11:30:28 +0000''>" =     {
[ERROR] :          "<IDEDistributionItem: 0x7ffa81265720 'de.cl.iviz' '<DVTFilePath:0x7ffa817912b0:'/Users/ml/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/cl/build/iphone/cl.xcarchive/Products/Applications/cl.app'>'>" = "Error Domain=IDECodesignResolverErrorDomain Code=10 \"No matching provisioning profiles found\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=No valid 'ad-hoc' profiles were found., NSLocalizedDescription=No matching provisioning profiles found, IDECodesignResolverError_ResolutionInputsKey=<IDECodesignResolutionInputs: 0x7ffa81236140; portalTeamID='95C6RZ2672', usingTeamBasedSigning='NO', bundleIdentifier='de.cl.iviz', targetName='(null)', provisioningProfilePurpose='2', requiresProvisioningProfile='YES', provisioningProfilePlatform='iOS', certificateKind='1.2.840.113635.', requiredEntitlements='{\n    \"application-identifier\" = \"95C6RZ2672.de.cl.iviz\";\n    \"get-task-allow\" = 0;\n    \"keychain-access-groups\" =     (\n        \"95C6RZ2672.de.cl.iviz\"\n    );\n}', requiredCodesignableDevices='(null)', requiredFeatures='(null)'>\n}";
[ERROR] :      };
[ERROR] :  }}


  1. Sharif AbuDarda 2017-03-01

    Hello, Please let us know if this is happening when running through CLI? Also, attach the log of "app ti info" as a text file in here. Thanks.
  2. Hans Knöchel 2017-03-01

    Hy there, would you be able to test with Xcode 8.2? We are trying to align the latest SDK's with the latest Xcode versions and there have been changes made regarding that in 6.0.2. But anyway, it should work with Xcode 8.1 as well. Thanks in advance!
  3. Victor Vazquez Montero 2017-03-01

    Hey everyone, I have another user running into the same issue on 6.0.2 with Xcode version 8.2


    Operating System Name = Mac OS X Version = 10.11.6 Architecture = 64bit CPUs = 8 Memory = 17179869184 Node.js Node.js Version = 4.6.0 npm Version = 2.15.9 Titanium CLI CLI Version = 5.0.11 Titanium SDK SDK Version = 6.0.2.GA SDK Path = /Users/rkdondap/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/6.0.2.GA Target Platform = iphone Command


       [INFO] : Invoking xcodebuild
       [INFO] : Packaging for Ad Hoc distribution
       [ERROR] : Failed to export archive to ipa
       [ERROR] : 2017-03-01 13:32:12.202 xcodebuild[8997:51444] [MT] IDEDistribution: -[IDEDistributionLogging _createLoggingBundleAtPath:]: Created bundle at path '/var/folders/47/bhssszps5lv69v077f0vkf18hxf377/T/LV Dev2_2017-03-01_13-32-12.202.xcdistributionlogs'.
       [ERROR] : 2017-03-01 13:32:12.394 xcodebuild[8997:51444] [MT] IDEDistribution: -[IDEDistributionProvisioning _itemToSigningInfoMap:]: Can't find any applicable signing identities for items: (
       [ERROR] : "<IDEDistributionItem: 0x7f979f9b3e90 'dev2.lv.sba' '<DVTFilePath:0x7f979faf3190:'/Users/rkdondap/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/LV_iOS10/build/iphone/LV Dev2.xcarchive/Products/Applications/LV Dev2.app'>'>"
       [ERROR] : )
       [ERROR] : Errors={
       [ERROR] : "<DVTSigningCertificate: 0x7f979f8b1c80; name='iPhone Distribution: United States XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', hash='BFC81552DA336E13ED6AC29C8034DA9F906CC0F7', serialNumber='BD4B85A30AAAF3D', certificateKind='1.2.840.113635., issueDate='2015-10-20 18:16:00 +0000''>" = {
       [ERROR] : "<IDEDistributionItem: 0x7f979f9b3e90 'dev2.lv.sba' '<DVTFilePath:0x7f979faf3190:'/Users/rkdondap/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/LV_iOS10/build/iphone/LV Dev2.xcarchive/Products/Applications/LV Dev2.app'>'>" = "Error Domain=IDECodesignResolverErrorDomain Code=10 \"No matching provisioning profiles found\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=No valid 'ad-hoc' profiles were found., NSLocalizedDescription=No matching provisioning profiles found, IDECodesignResolverError_ResolutionInputsKey=<IDECodesignResolutionInputs: 0x7f979fb342f0; portalTeamID='LEK528YB7P', usingTeamBasedSigning='NO', bundleIdentifier='dev2.lv.sba', targetName='(null)', provisioningProfilePurpose='2', requiresProvisioningProfile='YES', provisioningProfilePlatform='iOS', certificateKind='1.2.840.113635.', requiredEntitlements='{\n \"application-identifier\" = \"LEK528YB7P.dev2.lv.sba\";\n \"get-task-allow\" = 0;\n \"keychain-access-groups\" = (\n \"LEK528YB7P.dev2.lv.sba\"\n );\n}', requiredCodesignableDevices='(null)', requiredFeatures='(null)'>\n}";
       [ERROR] : };
       [ERROR] : }
       [ERROR] : 2017-03-01 13:32:12.395 xcodebuild[8997:51444] [MT] IDEDistribution: Step failed: <IDEDistributionSigningAssetsStep: 0x7f979ae23cd0>: Error Domain=IDEDistributionErrorDomain Code=3 "(null)" UserInfo={IDEDistributionErrorSigningIdentityToItemToUnderlyingErrorKey={
       [ERROR] : "<DVTSigningCertificate: 0x7f979f8b1c80; name='iPhone Distribution: United States XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', hash='BFC81552DA336E13ED6AC29C8034DA9F906CC0F7', serialNumber='BD4B85A30AAAF3D', certificateKind='1.2.840.113635., issueDate='2015-10-20 18:16:00 +0000''>" = {
       [ERROR] : "<IDEDistributionItem: 0x7f979f9b3e90 'dev2.lv.sba' '<DVTFilePath:0x7f979faf3190:'/Users/rkdondap/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/LV_iOS10/build/iphone/LV Dev2.xcarchive/Products/Applications/LV Dev2.app'>'>" = "Error Domain=IDECodesignResolverErrorDomain Code=10 \"No matching provisioning profiles found\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=No valid 'ad-hoc' profiles were found., NSLocalizedDescription=No matching provisioning profiles found, IDECodesignResolverError_ResolutionInputsKey=<IDECodesignResolutionInputs: 0x7f979fb342f0; portalTeamID='LEK528YB7P', usingTeamBasedSigning='NO', bundleIdentifier='dev2.lv.sba', targetName='(null)', provisioningProfilePurpose='2', requiresProvisioningProfile='YES', provisioningProfilePlatform='iOS', certificateKind='1.2.840.113635.', requiredEntitlements='{\n \"application-identifier\" = \"LEK528YB7P.dev2.lv.sba\";\n \"get-task-allow\" = 0;\n \"keychain-access-groups\" = (\n \"LEK528YB7P.dev2.lv.sba\"\n );\n}', requiredCodesignableDevices='(null)', requiredFeatures='(null)'>\n}";
       [ERROR] : };
       [ERROR] : }}
       [ERROR] : error: exportArchive: The operation couldn’t be completed. (IDEDistributionErrorDomain error 3.)
       [ERROR] : 
       [ERROR] : Error Domain=IDEDistributionErrorDomain Code=3 "(null)" UserInfo={IDEDistributionErrorSigningIdentityToItemToUnderlyingErrorKey={
       [ERROR] : "<DVTSigningCertificate: 0x7f979f8b1c80; name='iPhone Distribution: United States XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', hash='BFC81552DA336E13ED6AC29C8034DA9F906CC0F7', serialNumber='BD4B85A30AAAF3D', certificateKind='1.2.840.113635., issueDate='2015-10-20 18:16:00 +0000''>" = {
       [ERROR] : "<IDEDistributionItem: 0x7f979f9b3e90 'dev2.lv.sba' '<DVTFilePath:0x7f979faf3190:'/Users/rkdondap/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/LV_iOS10/build/iphone/LV Dev2.xcarchive/Products/Applications/LV Dev2.app'>'>" = "Error Domain=IDECodesignResolverErrorDomain Code=10 \"No matching provisioning profiles found\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=No valid 'ad-hoc' profiles were found., NSLocalizedDescription=No matching provisioning profiles found, IDECodesignResolverError_ResolutionInputsKey=<IDECodesignResolutionInputs: 0x7f979fb342f0; portalTeamID='LEK528YB7P', usingTeamBasedSigning='NO', bundleIdentifier='dev2.lv.sba', targetName='(null)', provisioningProfilePurpose='2', requiresProvisioningProfile='YES', provisioningProfilePlatform='iOS', certificateKind='1.2.840.113635.', requiredEntitlements='{\n \"application-identifier\" = \"LEK528YB7P.dev2.lv.sba\";\n \"get-task-allow\" = 0;\n \"keychain-access-groups\" = (\n \"LEK528YB7P.dev2.lv.sba\"\n );\n}', requiredCodesignableDevices='(null)', requiredFeatures='(null)'>\n}";
       [ERROR] : };
       [ERROR] : }}
       [INFO] : Finished building the application in 45s 113ms
  4. Chris Barber 2017-03-01

    In Titanium SDK 6.0.1.GA we changed App Store builds to use xcodebuild archive to create the xcarchive. Then in 6.0.2.GA we did the same thing for Ad Hoc (i.e. dist-adhoc) builds. When you do an Ad Hoc build, xcodebuild archive creates the xcarchive, then we export it using xcodebuild -exportArchive .... Turns out that when you do this, xcodebuild is super picky about the provisioning profile you select. I ran into your exact same error when trying to use an App Store distribution provisioning profile to do an Ad Hoc build. You need to make sure you are using an Ad Hoc distribution provisioning profile.
  5. Eric Merriman 2017-03-01

    We are able to reproduce this only from Studio. Investigating a fix at the moment. Edit - We are able to reproduce this on one system so far. continuing investigation.
  6. Abir Mukherjee 2017-03-02

    Eric, my earlier report to you about being able to reproduce this issue is actually a different problem. xcodebuild is also picky on the version of Ruby, and the installed version I had (2.2.2) was the cause of the error I saw. I agree with others that for this ticket, the issue is likely the selection of the provisioning profile.
  7. Michael Landeck 2017-03-03

    My appc info: Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 6.1.0 Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Operating System Name = Mac OS X Version = 10.12.3 Architecture = 64bit # CPUs = 4 Memory = 16.0GB Node.js Node.js Version = 6.10.0 npm Version = 3.10.10 Appcelerator CLI Installer = 4.2.8 Core Package = 6.1.0 Titanium CLI CLI Version = 5.0.11 node-appc Version = 0.2.39 Titanium SDKs 6.0.2.GA Version = 6.0.2 Install Location = /Users/ml/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/6.0.2.GA Platforms = iphone, android, mobileweb git Hash = 3c5806f git Timestamp = 2/24/2017 19:26 node-appc Version = 0.2.39 6.0.1.GA Version = 6.0.1 Install Location = /Users/ml/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/6.0.1.GA Platforms = iphone, android, mobileweb git Hash = 265db0d git Timestamp = 12/20/2016 00:55 node-appc Version = 0.2.39 5.5.1.GA Version = 5.5.1 Install Location = /Users/ml/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.5.1.GA Platforms = android, mobileweb, iphone git Hash = b18727f git Timestamp = 09/27/16 05:38 node-appc Version = 0.2.36 3.5.1.GA Version = 3.5.1 Install Location = /Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA Platforms = iphone, mobileweb, android, blackberry git Hash = 96875c9 git Timestamp = 03/05/15 10:08 node-appc Version = 0.2.24 3.5.0.GA Version = 3.5.0 Install Location = /Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.0.GA Platforms = iphone, mobileweb, android, blackberry git Hash = 0014f83 git Timestamp = 01/12/15 15:33 node-appc Version = 0.2.17 3.4.1.GA Version = 3.4.1 Install Location = /Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.4.1.GA Platforms = iphone, mobileweb, android, blackberry git Hash = 5982e8f git Timestamp = 11/13/14 13:33 node-appc Version = 0.2.17 3.4.0.GA Version = 3.4.0 Install Location = /Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.4.0.GA Platforms = iphone, mobileweb, android, blackberry git Hash = b54c467 git Timestamp = 09/25/14 16:41 node-appc Version = 0.2.17 Mac OS X Command Line Tools = installed Intel® Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager (HAXM) Installed = yes Memory Limit = 2 GB Java Development Kit Version = 1.8.0_60 Java Home = /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_60.jdk/Contents/Home Genymotion Path = not found Genymotion Executable = not found Genymotion Player = not found Home = not found VirtualBox Executable = not found Version = unknown Android SDK Android Executable = not found ADB Executable = not found SDK Path = not found Android NDK NDK Path = not found NDK Version = not found Android Platforms None Android Add-Ons None Android Emulators None Genymotion Emulators None Connected Android Devices None Xcode 8.1 (build 8B62) - Xcode default Install Location = /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer iOS SDKs = 10.1 iOS Simulators = 10.1 Watch SDKs = 3.1 Watch Simulators = 3.1 Supported by TiSDK 6.0.2.GA = yes EULA Accepted = yes Teams = none iOS Keychains login.keychain-db = /Users/ml/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db Microsoft_Intermediate_Certificates = /Users/ml/Library/Keychains/Microsoft_Intermediate_Certificates PrivateEncryptedDatak = /Users/ml/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AIR/ELS/ZinioReader4.9310D8F796442B71068C511E15D70529A702D19D.1/PrivateEncryptedDatak System.keychain = /Library/Keychains/System.keychain iOS Development Certificates /Users/ml/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db Michael Landeck (M36K66SKVB) Not valid before = 5/20/2016 10:02 AM Not valid after = 5/20/2017 10:02 AM mlandeck@icon-is.de (YTX87RUAVP) Not valid before = 8/22/2016 4:59 PM Not valid after = 8/22/2017 4:59 PM iOS Distribution Certificates /Users/ml/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db Artdeco cosmetic GmbH Not valid before = 7/17/2014 7:48 AM Not valid after = 7/16/2017 7:48 AM Clarins GmbH Not valid before = 8/29/2016 1:30 PM Not valid after = 8/29/2019 1:30 PM Dennerle GmbH Not valid before = 11/2/2016 8:35 AM Not valid after = 11/2/2019 8:35 AM Dennerle GmbH Not valid before = 11/2/2016 9:16 AM Not valid after = 11/2/2019 9:16 AM Karwendel-Werke Huber GmbH & Co. KG Not valid before = 4/5/2016 8:57 AM Not valid after = 4/5/2019 8:57 AM Mack & Schühle AG Not valid before = 5/2/2016 10:01 AM Not valid after = 5/2/2019 10:01 AM Mack & Sch�hle AG Not valid before = 5/7/2015 2:32 PM Not valid after = 5/6/2018 2:32 PM Rotkappchen Peter Julich GmbH & Co. KG Not valid before = 1/12/2016 3:39 PM Not valid after = 1/11/2019 3:39 PM Spax International GmbH & Co.KG Not valid before = 1/4/2016 10:50 AM Not valid after = 1/3/2019 10:50 AM /Users/ml/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AIR/ELS/ZinioReader4.9310D8F796442B71068C511E15D70529A702D19D.1/PrivateEncryptedDatak Mack & Sch�hle AG Not valid before = 5/7/2015 2:32 PM Not valid after = 5/6/2018 2:32 PM /Library/Keychains/System.keychain Dennerle GmbH Not valid before = 11/2/2016 9:16 AM Not valid after = 11/2/2019 9:16 AM Apple WWDR Certificate Apple WWDR = installed Development iOS Provisioning Profiles iOSDevCert2016 UUID = cc9b4bea-8fb2-49ba-a7d3-c0a06d7b8e8c App Prefix = 95C6RZ2672 App Id = de.clarins.iviz Date Created = 5/20/2016 10:20 AM Date Expired = 5/20/2017 10:20 AM Managed = No Distribution iOS Provisioning Profiles Artdeco2DistributionProfile2016-21.7.2017 UUID = 58acea8c-15bb-4ea1-ad8f-57dafcd3d6e0 App Prefix = PK5A23X2GD App Id = de.artdeco.iviz2 Date Created = 7/22/2016 4:03 PM Date Expired = 7/16/2017 7:48 AM Managed = No ArtdecoDistributionProfile2016-21.6.2017 UUID = 27b0f34a-22ff-4101-9178-847d0b1e88fe App Prefix = PK5A23X2GD App Id = de.artdeco.iviz Date Created = 6/21/2016 11:30 AM Date Expired = 6/21/2017 11:30 AM Managed = No iviz_Karwendel_Profile_2016 UUID = a76b3df3-0c21-4c43-b7ea-389bdfe496a8 App Prefix = 2E3753GFX8 App Id = com.exquisa.iviz Date Created = 4/5/2016 9:08 AM Date Expired = 4/5/2017 9:08 AM Managed = No ivizDennerleDistibutionProfile2016 UUID = 9fda25a3-4bc5-4ee0-98e2-4d29f1bb4c7c App Prefix = 6QNV23GU84 App Id = iviz.dennerle.com Date Created = 11/2/2016 9:27 AM Date Expired = 11/2/2017 9:27 AM Managed = No iVizRKProvisioningProfile2016 UUID = a044731a-040f-4fd4-bf91-7e038e5df237 App Prefix = 2K367TMG29 App Id = com.rotkaeppchen.iviz Date Created = 9/1/2016 10:46 AM Date Expired = 9/1/2017 10:46 AM Managed = No MuSEnterprisePovisioningProfile2016 UUID = 9c0bcd43-10b8-4f32-aff7-b06cd96dd599 App Prefix = 7UZD74E4EN App Id = de.mack-schuehle.iviz Date Created = 5/2/2016 10:15 AM Date Expired = 5/2/2017 10:15 AM Managed = No Spax_Enterprise_Provisioning_Profile_2017 UUID = 45ada4e3-3c3d-4433-9977-b9526effd8bb App Prefix = L87V69CWEC App Id = com.spax.iviz Date Created = 12/23/2016 10:56 AM Date Expired = 12/23/2017 10:56 AM Managed = No Spax_Enterprise_Provisioning_Profile_2017_iVizDocs UUID = 56c7f39e-cb22-491a-af83-c0c3dfc490e0 App Prefix = L87V69CWEC App Id = com.spax.ivizdocs Date Created = 12/23/2016 1:42 PM Date Expired = 12/23/2017 1:42 PM Managed = No VissMobile2_DistrProfile_2017 UUID = b540ee27-7ac4-4d78-9f25-fd00f72c08d7 App Prefix = 95C6RZ2672 App Id = de.clarins.iviz Date Created = 8/29/2016 1:44 PM Date Expired = 8/29/2017 1:44 PM Managed = No WeinweltEnterprisePovisioningProfile2016 UUID = 92185289-1ff6-415f-8769-65bbfc7cd6e5 App Prefix = 7UZD74E4EN App Id = de.weinwelt.iviz Date Created = 8/25/2016 12:11 PM Date Expired = 8/25/2017 12:11 PM Managed = No Ad Hoc iOS Provisioning Profiles None iOS Simulators 10.1 iPad Air 2 (ipad) UDID = B636A855-91F1-48C9-A80C-E0362FDC939A Supports Watch Apps = no WatchOS Simulators None Connected iOS Devices iPad von Michael Landeck UDID = d88459759e9b2d9034ab3ab906ae121f6a41f45e Type = iPad (#3b3b3c) iOS Version = 10.2.1 CPU Architecture = arm64 Android Issues  ! Unable to locate an Android NDK. Without the NDK, you will not be able to build native Android Titanium modules. If you have already downloaded and installed the Android NDK, you can tell Titanium where the Android NDK is located by running 'titanium config android.ndkPath /path/to/android-ndk', otherwise you can install it by running 'titanium setup android' or manually downloading from http://appcelerator.com/android-ndk.   ✕ Unable to locate an Android SDK. If you have already downloaded and installed the Android SDK, you can tell Titanium where the Android SDK is located by running 'titanium config android.sdkPath /path/to/android-sdk', otherwise you can install it by running 'titanium setup android' or manually downloading from http://appcelerator.com/android-sdk.  iOS Issues  ! Unable to find any valid iOS adhoc provisioning profiles. This will prevent you from packaging apps for adhoc distribution. You will need to log in to http://appcelerator.com/ios-dist-certs with your Apple Developer account, then create, download, and install a profile. 
  8. Hans Knöchel 2017-03-03

    Hey Michael, thanks for the info! Looking at the output, it's even more clear that you are trying to use a Distribution certificate for an Ad-Hoc build, which will cause an issue with the (official) build tool we now use. We used an internal library before that have been removed from Xcode in 8.3 (currently in Beta). By using the official one, we a) align to the native Xcode behavior and b) make the distribution process more future-proof. To resolve the issue: Just generate an Ad-Hoc certificate in the iOS Developer Center and use that one instead. We had the exact same issue when testing the 6.0.2 change internally and noticed that using the correct certificate type resolved it. Anyway, we are already planning a 6.0.3 version that will take this ticket to improve the error message presented to the developer. The current error already includes the message that's shown to the Xcode users, so we will extract it and present it to the console. Look here: {quote} Error Domain=IDECodesignResolverErrorDomain Code=10 \"No matching provisioning profiles found\" NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=No valid 'ad-hoc' profiles were found. NSLocalizedDescription=No matching provisioning profiles found {quote} I hope that helps. Please let us know if it works out for you, thx!
  9. Michael Landeck 2017-03-06

    Hello Hans, thanks for your reply! Right now i don't use Ad Hoc Profiles, instead i am using Inhouse Profiles for our customers. Should i generate new Inhouse Profiles as well? Thank you
  10. Hans Knöchel 2017-03-07

    Hey Michael, genau (:P)! Basically, generate new Ad-Hoc profiles in the iOS Developer Console by selecting "Ad Hoc" instead of "Distribution" right [here](https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/profile/production/create) (log-in first). Then select the App-ID and you should be ready to go. Read more about Ad-Hoc profiles [here](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/TestingYouriOSApp/TestingYouriOSApp.html). [~emerriman] Should the improved error message go into 6.0.3 or 6.1.0? All other 6.0.3 tickets are In Review, so if we don't find the time to parse the error message for the more descriptive message, we should not block the release with this one.
  11. Michael Landeck 2017-03-08

    Hey Hans, sorry, this doesn't work for me. I don't need an Ad-Hoc Profile for testing. I have a valid Enterprise certificate for Inhouse Distribution, which works fine with 6.0.1 and earlier (since 1.8.1 !) I recreated it, but the error is still the same. Thank you
  12. Hans Knöchel 2017-03-08

    It worked for previous versions because those used the old Xcode library that was removed in Xcode 8.3, not by us. For testing, you would just use a device provisioning profile, for ad-hoc builds an adhoc-profile. For enterprise profiles, I'm not sure how there are handled, I think there was an issue to distinguish between those and production ones. **EDIT**: People are having same issues in the native world when using an Enterprise Dist one for Adhoc-builds: https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/issues/7866
  13. Chris Barber 2017-03-09

    Improved error output when exporting an Ad Hoc build fails. Now it says:
        [ERROR] Failed to export archive to ipa
        [ERROR] The selected provisioning profile "Chris Barber Testapp3 - 9a0798fa-4677-4b0b-84fd-ba79afb18d87" appears to be a Distribution provisioning profile and not an Ad Hoc provisioning profile.
        [ERROR] Please ensure you are using a valid Ad Hoc provisioning that is linked to the signing identity, then try again.
    Titanium SDK master PR: https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/pull/8873 Titanium SDK 6_0_X PR: https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/pull/8874
  14. Thomas Neerup 2017-03-09

    Hi Chriss.. This is all good, but how do we create an inhouse/enterprise distribution? with a valid Enterprise certificate/provisioning profile ? Thanks
  15. Chris Barber 2017-03-10

    [~thomas.neerup@eg.dk] You apparently need an Enterprise Apple developer account. I don't have access to an enterprise account anymore and I'm actively trying to get access to one.
  16. Ben Bahrenburg 2017-03-11

    [~cbarber] in master the issue seems to be that it is using the a profile that is not the one selected. For example through Studio, I select the "test 1" profile, but for some reason it uses the default "XC Ad Hoc: *" profile. This worked off master back on Jan 27th 2017. Please note the same version of Xcode 8.3 was used for both the Jan 27 2017 testing and downloading from master on March 10th 2017. Looks like the primary issue is it is not taking my Enterprise cert instead taking the Ad Hoc. In native this is all driven by the certificate selected. Could this be different in the Ti approach, i.e. we need to indicate "in house" vs "ad hoc"?
  17. Thomas Neerup 2017-03-11

    Chris Barber I already got an Enterprise Apple developer account, but I fail to se how I can create an inhouse/enterprise distribution. From Studio the Package->Ad hoc/Enterprise results in the above Ad hoc error, but I use my Enterprise Account. Is there some other way I should do this ?
  18. Ben Bahrenburg 2017-03-11

    Found a work around. You can create using the ad hoc one that Ti generates then Resign using your Enterprise certificate. Isn't the best from a productivity point of view but will get you back up and running. This tool makes it pretty easy https://github.com/maciekish/iReSign
  19. Chris Barber 2017-03-13

    [~ben.bahrenburg@gmail.com] I'm not sure about building from Studio, but if you build from the CLI, the provisioning profile you select is the one that is used throughout the build. We don't treat certs any different. We simply validate the cert exists, then inject it into the Xcode project. If you have time, it would be cool to jump on a hangout and you can show me what you mean by the build taking an ad hoc cert over an enterprise one. Let me know if you're interested. :) [~thomas.neerup@eg.dk] Titanium does not create certs or provisioning profiles. You need to do this manually on Apple's developer website, then install them on your computer. Once installed, then Studio/Titanium will present them for selection.
  20. Eric Merriman 2017-03-13

    [~ben.bahrenburg@gmail.com] Studio has the concept of "run configurations" I wonder if the setting for the profile in the run configuration is accurate. Also wondering if this occurs via CLI. We are going to get an enterprise account and see if we can work this out. Also will create a new ticket related to enterprise provisioning and link it to this one.
  21. Eric Merriman 2017-03-14

    Hello all, Initial reports on this seemed to indicate that they were related the previous method we used to build, meaning it was less stringent than the Apple recommended method we started using for 6.0.2. In these cases distribution provisions could be specified for the adhoc builds, and the system would allow it. Since the new method does not allow that, it was a simple case of providing an ad-hoc provision and the build would complete. Now it seems like the bulk of users reporting this issue may be using enterprise developer accounts, and so far, only reporting failures through studio builds. This ticket is to improve the error reporting, and I have created a new ticket for what we think is occurring; adhoc builds fail with enterprise adhoc provisions. The new ticket is TIMOB-24483 and is linked to this ticket. Any information relating to build failures should go there so we can track the effort of fixing the build system.
  22. Abir Mukherjee 2017-03-17

    Closing this ticket as it was replaced with TIMOB-24483

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