Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-25122] Windows: Mocha test Titanium.UI.Layout centerXPrecedence test failure

GitHub Issuen/a
ResolutionNeeds more info
Resolution Date2019-05-08T01:46:51.000+0000
Affected Version/sRelease 8.0.0
Fix Version/sn/a
LabelsengSchedule, failure-reviewed
ReporterEric Merriman
AssigneeKota Iguchi


Titanium.UI.Layout centerXPrecedence please investigate the failure. Please use https://github.com/ewanharris/titanium-mobile-mocha-suite/tree/TIMOB-24816 to find the related test You can use https://github.com/ewanharris/mocha-test to quickly debug (most) mocha tests)


  1. Ewan Harris 2017-09-01

    Error "error":{"name":"AssertionError","actual":150,"expected":100,"operator":"to equal","message":"expected 150 to equal 100","generatedMessage":true,"stack":"/should.js:1411:20\n/your-test.js:39:37","showDiff":true} From https://github.com/ewanharris/titanium-mobile-mocha-suite/blob/4b75b3f057ad8771bc0d0f2ebf249096462a9207/Resources/ti.ui.layout.test.js#L651
  2. Ewan Harris 2019-04-23

    Still valid, on windows desktop now errors with AssertionError: expected 58 to equal 100
  3. Kota Iguchi 2019-05-01

    Hmm I was not able to reproduce this on my end. I [pushed these tests on Jenkins](https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile_windows/pull/1387) too and Jenkins passes them. See centerXPrecedence result in the [test log](https://jenkins.appcelerator.org/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/titanium-sdk/pipelines/titanium_mobile_windows/branches/PR-1387/runs/1/nodes/144/steps/194/log/?start=0).
  4. Kota Iguchi 2019-05-08

    I would resolve this as "Need more info" for now as I was not able to reproduce this locally as well as on Jenkins. Test Code:
       var view = Ti.UI.createView({
           height: 200,
           width: 200,
           backgroundColor: 'yellow'
           viewChild = Ti.UI.createView({
               backgroundColor: 'red',
               center: {
                   x: 100,
               right: 50
       var win = Ti.UI.createWindow();
       viewChild.addEventListener('postlayout', function () {
           console.log(viewChild.size.width + ' should eql 100');
  5. Abir Mukherjee 2019-05-09

    [~kiguchi], same comment as in TIMOB-25123, is the issue no longer reproducible in Jenkins?
  6. Kota Iguchi 2019-05-09

    [~amukherjee] Right. Jenkins no longer fails the test.
  7. Kota Iguchi 2019-05-13

    [Center precedence layout tests are enabled now](https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium-mobile-mocha-suite/pull/157) and [Jenkins passes them all](https://jenkins.appcelerator.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/titanium-sdk%2Ftitanium_mobile_windows/detail/master/77/pipeline).
  8. Samir Mohammed 2019-05-20

    Closing ticket as tests are running fine on Jenkins.

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